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Potential gains from intertemporal efficiency. We next turn to the issue of timing (Case 1b). When given the choice, each model shifts some emission reductions into the future. That is, it chooses to emit more in the early years with payback coming later on (see Figure 6a). This behavior can best be understood in terms of an optimal allocation problem. A constraint on cumulative emissions defines a carbon budget. That is, it specifies a total amount of carbon to be emitted over a fixed period of time. For Case 1b, each OECD region's carbon budget is defined as the sum of its permissible emissions between 2000 and 2050 (as specified in Case 1). The issue is how best to allocate the carbon budget over this period.

There are several factors that argue for using more of the available budget in the early years.31 Deferring emission reductions provides valuable time to reoptimize the capital stock. Energy producing and energy using investments are typically longlived (e.g., power plants, houses, transport). They were put into place with a particular set of expectations about the future. Abrupt changes are apt to be expensive. This is particularly the case when it comes to premature retirement of existing plant and equipment. Time is needed for the capital stock to adapt.

The optimal timing of emission reductions is also influenced by the prospects for new supply and conservation technologies. There has been substantial progress in lowering the costs of carbon-free substitutes (e.g., solar, biomass, energy efficiency) in the past. With a sustained commitment to R&D, there should be further cost reductions in the coming decades. It would make sense to draw more heavily on the carbon budget in the early years when the marginal costs of emissions abatement are highest. With cheaper alternatives in the future, there will be less need for reliance on carbon-intensive fossil fuels.

Finally, with the economy yielding a positive return on capital, future reductions can be made with a smaller commitment of today's resources. For example, suppose that the net real return on capital is 5% per year and it costs $100 to remove a ton of carbon-regardless of the year in which the reduction is made. If we were to remove a ton today, it would cost $100. Alternatively, a we could invest $31 today to have the resources to remove a ton in 2020.

Before leaving the timing issue, several additional caveats are in order. First, it should be noted that the two emission paths of Figure 6 result in different levels of atmospheric concentrations (prior to 2050). They may therefore differ in terms of environmental impacts. Given that the concentration paths lie so close together, however, the differential impacts on temperature and sea level are likely to be negligible.32

Second, the above considerations (capital stock turn over, R&D and discounting) argue for shifting some emission reductions into the future. They cannot, however, be used as an excuse for deferring these reductions indefinitely. The carbon budget is finite. There is an upper limit on the amount to be emitted between now and 2050 which continued deferral would soon exceed. The issue is one of optimal timing.

Finally, note that the amount of deferral depends on the size of the carbon budget. In this instance, there is insufficient flexibility to defer emission_reductions altogether in the early years. The optimal emissions path lies between Case 1 and business as usual.


Returning to Figure 4, we see that the most efficient strategy is one which combines international cooperation with flexible timing (Case 1c).33 In this instance, costs are reduced by more than 80%. Figure 7 provides some insight into why the savings are sc large. It shows OECD GOP losses averaged across the four models. In Case 1, GOP losses grow to 2.4% over the next quarter century-roughly $400 billion in today's economy. In Case 1b, GOP losses grow more slowly. Although annual losses exceed those of Case 1 toward the end of the time horizon, they are considerably lower early on. As a result, cumulative losses are smaller. If OECD countries are able to take advantage of low-cost emission reduction options elsewhere in the world, losses can be held to under 1% of GOP.

The costs of less stringent carbon constraints. One way to reduce costs would be to design more cost-effective strategies. A second way would be to make the constraint less stringent. We now consider two additional variants on Case 1. In Case 2, we delay the date by which OECD countries must achieve the 20% reduction by 10 years. In Case 3, we put off the 20% reduction altogether. That is, OECD countries continue to hold emissions at 1990 levels.

From Figure 8, note that a substantial fraction of the costs of a 20% reduction would be incurred simply by extending the existing target. That is, much of the costs result from reducing emissions from the business-as-usual path to 1990 levels. Between 40% and 70% of the costs are associated with the decision to stabilize emissions at 1990 levels.

Figure 9 compares OECD GOP losses for the three cases. In Case 1, annual losses rise to 2.4% of GOP by 2020. Postponing the 20% cut by 10 years results in lower

GOP losses during the initial two decades of the next century. But losses are similar thereafter. For Case 3, GOP losses are lower for the entire period. On average, lowering the target cuts GOP losses by nearly one-half.


Estimating mitigation costs is a daunting task. It is difficult enough to envisage the evolution of the energy-economic system over the next decade. Projections involving a half century or more must be treated with considerable caution. Nevertheless, we believe that exercises like the present one contain useful information. The value, however, lies not in the specific numbers, but in the insights for policy making. With this in mind, we attempt to summarize what we have learned.

Implementing an AOSIS-type proposal may require substantial CO2 reductions for OECD countries. With a growing emissions baseline, more and more carbon must be removed from the energy system to maintain an absolute target. Such reductions could be quite costly-perhaps, as much as several percent of GOP to OECD countries.

Because of trade effects, the non-OECD countries likely will incur costs even when emissions reductions are confined to the OECD. Restrictions on carbon emissions lead to lower demand for oil, which results in lower revenue for oil-exporting countries. In addition, an economic slowdown in the OECD countries affects the full range of developing country exports, and thus their growth. For many oil-importing developing countries, these broader trade effects outweigh the gain from lower world oil prices.

One way to reduce mitigation costs would be to design cost-effective constraints. Indeed, the present analysis suggests that the potential gains from international cooperation (interregional efficiency) and flexible timing (intertemporal efficiency) are huge. Taken together, they can reduce costs by more than 80 percent. The key is to allow emission reductions to take place both where and when it is cheapest to do so.

A second way to reduce mitigation costs would be to adopt less stringent constraints. For example, rather than a 20 percent cutback, the OECD could agree to hold emissions at 1990 levels. The analysis suggests that the reduction in overall mitigation costs would be between 30 and 60 percent. The savings, however, must be weighed against the impacts of the incremental emissions through larger changes in climate.

The following steps could substantially reduce the costs of implementing a carbon constraint under the Berlin Mandate: 1) allow developed countries to purchase lowcost abatement options in developing countries, 2) allow time for the economic turn over of existing plant and equipment, 3) invest in the development of economically attractive substitutes for carbon-intensive fuels, and 4) ensure that cost-effective options are adopted to the greatest extent possible.

Our results are consistent with other studies which suggest that carbon emissions will continue to grow in the absence of policy intervention. Proposals which focus exclusively on developed countries may slow the growth in global emissions, but they will not stabilize them at anywhere near present levels. Nor will they stabilize atmospheric concentrations, the ultimate goal of the Framework Convention. To do so, would eventually require developing country participation.

The present paper identifies enormous savings from international cooperation and flexible timing. Realizing this potential, however, may be another matter. For example, how do we divide up the savings from international cooperation? Or, how do we ensure that parties maintain a credible path toward fulfilling commitments? Considerable ingenuity will be required, but given the stakes, even partial success is likely to be well worth the effort.

Fortunately, some of the necessary concepts are already being tested. For example, efforts to incorporate international cooperation can build upon the experience gained from national and international joint implementation initiatives. With regard to flexible timing, a limit might be placed on a country's cumulative emissions. Subject to this constraint, the country could lay out its own projected emissions time path and prepare a formal plan that builds on existing experience with National Action Plans under the Framework Convention. Periodic reviews could then track adherence to the commitment. Technology development efforts, with suitable performance milestones, also could be an integral part of both the path definition and review processes.

Negotiators must consider a myriad of competing ideas and interests inherent in shaping a global policy. One of their greatest challenges will be to meet the injunction of Article 3 of the Framework Convention: "policies and measures to deal with climate change should be cost-effective so as to ensure global benefits at the lowest

possible costs." Our success in confronting the challenge of climate change may depend directly on their success in doing so.

The larger question, of course, is what constitutes an appropriate set of emission constraints. This requires consideration of both benefits and costs. The present analysis has been confined to the cost side of the ledger. That is, we examine the costs of reducing CO2 emissions. Policy makers will also want to know what they are buying, in terms of reducing the undesirable consequences of global warming. Such an analysis is beyond the scope of the present effort.

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11 For the text of the Berlin Mandate, see United Nations Climate Change Bulletin, Issue 7, 2nd Quarter 1995, published by the interim secretariat for the UN Climate Change, Convention, Geneva. For the text of the Framework Convention, see Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for A Framework Convention on Climate Change, Fifth Session, Second Part, New York, 30 April-9 May 1992.

12 See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Report of Working Group In, Chapter 1, forthcoming, Cambridge University Press.

13 The four models comprise the Subgroup on the Regional Distribution of Costs and Benefits of Climate Change Policy Proposals. The Subgroup is open to models participating in Stanford University's Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) Study on “Integrated Assessment of Climate Change."

14 See Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for A Framework Convention on Climate Change, Fifth Session, Second Part, New York, 30 April-9 May 1992.

15 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Report of Working Group III, Chapter 9, forthcoming, Cambridge University Press.

16 See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Climate Change 1994, Cambridge University Press, 1994. Also see, Wigley, T., Richels, R. and Edmonds, J. "Economic and Environmental Choices in the Stabilization of Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations,” Nature, Vol. 379,18 January, 1996.

17 See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Report of Working Group III, Chapters 9 & 10, forthcoming, Cambridge University Press.

18 See Peck, S. and Teisberg, T. "International CO2 Emissions Targets and Timetables: Analysis Using CETA-M", Working Paper, 1995.

19 See Z. Yang, et. al, "The MIT Emissions Projection and Policy Assessment (EPPA) Model", Draft report, MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, February 1996.

20 See Manne, A. and Richels, R. "The Berlin Mandate: the Costs of Meeting Post2000 Targets and Timetables", Stanford University, Stanford, CA, forthcoming in Energy Policy, 1995.

21 See Edmonds et al.

22 See Hogan, W. and Jorgenson, D. "Productivity Trends and the Costs of Reducing CO2 Emissions" Energy Journal 12 No. 1, 1991.

23 For a detailed model comparison, see EMF-14.

24 These projections are intended as examples of how emissions might evolve under existing policies. They should not be interpreted as each analysis team's "best guess" of future emissions.

25 See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Climate Change 1994, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

26 See Manne, A. and Richels, R. "The Costs of Stabilizing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Probabilistic Analysis based on Expert Judgments," The Energy Journal 15(1), 1994.

27 The AOSIS proposal calls for Annex 1 countries to reduce emissions by 20% by


28 See notes 15 and 16.

29 There is some trade in emission rights within the OECD, however. This is the consequence of aggregating single countries into larger regions.

30 With an international market in carbon emission rights, global abatement costs are independent of the burden sharing scheme. This allows us to separate the difficult issues of efficiency and equity. For the theoretical considerations underlying this proposition, see Manne, A. "Greenhouse Gas Abatement toward Pareto Optimality in Integrated Assessments", in Education in a Research University, edited by Kenneth J. Arrow, Richard W. Cottle, B. Curtis Eaves and Ingram Olkin, Stanford University Press, Stanford CA, 1996.

31 For a more detailed discussion of the timing issue, see Wigley et al, note 16. 32 For the analysis, we use the carbon cycle model of Wigley. See Wigley, T.M. "Balancing the Carbon Budget: the Implications for Projections of Future Carbon Dioxide Concentration Changes," Tellus, 45B, 1993.

33 EPPA is a recursive rather than an intertemporal optimization model. Several alternative emission paths were explored for Cases 1b and 1c. The results reported here are for the lowest-cost of the paths tested, and the results are not strictly comparable with those from the other models.

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