Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
agree allocated Angwenyi answer Applause asked the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General Baringo North beg to reply beg to support Bifwoli Bomas of Kenya CKRC College TTC Constitution of Kenya constitutional review process contractor delegates dispensaries districts Division Bell ensure fact firm give going Government Gumo Ijara District illicit brews insecurity international warrant issue Justice Mbito Kagwima Kariuki Kembi-Gitura Kenya Review Kenyans Keroche Kibabii TTC Kibera Kilonzo Kirwa Kisii Town Kituyi Konchella Laisamis licence Loud consultations Maathai matter Members million Minister aware Ministerial Statement Ministry Motion Muiruri Muite Mwancha Nakuru Nakuru District National Constitutional Conference NSSF Obwocha Odoyo Office Parliament Poghisio point of order police President Private Notice problem Prof Question by Private Report represent request Sasura Saw millers seek a Ministerial Select Committee Somaia STABEX funds suspense account Tarus Temporary Deputy Speaker Tett Waithaka Wako Wanjala