Medicare-medicaid Administrative and Reimbursement Reform Act: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, First Session, on S. 1470 ...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977 - 638 pages |
From inside the book
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Page 4
... Social Security Act is amended by striking 5 out " The " and inserting " Subject to subsection ( aa ) , the " . 6 ( 2 ) Section 1861 ( v ) of the Act is also amended by 7 adding at the end the following paragraph : 3 1 " ( 8 ) For ...
... Social Security Act is amended by striking 5 out " The " and inserting " Subject to subsection ( aa ) , the " . 6 ( 2 ) Section 1861 ( v ) of the Act is also amended by 7 adding at the end the following paragraph : 3 1 " ( 8 ) For ...
Page 13
... Social Security Act- 17 18 1920 222 21 22 ( 1 ) shall apply for informational purposes for services furnished by a hospital before October 1 , 1979 , and ( 2 ) shall be effective for fiscal years beginning with fiscal year 1981 . ( e ) ...
... Social Security Act- 17 18 1920 222 21 22 ( 1 ) shall apply for informational purposes for services furnished by a hospital before October 1 , 1979 , and ( 2 ) shall be effective for fiscal years beginning with fiscal year 1981 . ( e ) ...
Page 15
... Act unless he finds that unusual , justifiable and non- 8 recurring circumstances led to the failure to comply . 9 ( f ) ( 1 ) Section 1866 ( a ) ( 1 ) of the Social Security 10 Act is amended by inserting " , and " in place of the ...
... Act unless he finds that unusual , justifiable and non- 8 recurring circumstances led to the failure to comply . 9 ( f ) ( 1 ) Section 1866 ( a ) ( 1 ) of the Social Security 10 Act is amended by inserting " , and " in place of the ...
Page 16
... Social Security Act is amended by adding at the end the following new 12 section : 13 " PAYMENTS TO PROMOTE CLOSING AND CONVERSION OF 14 15 UNDERUTILIZED FACILITIES " SEC . 1132. ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ) Before the end of the third 16 full ...
... Social Security Act is amended by adding at the end the following new 12 section : 13 " PAYMENTS TO PROMOTE CLOSING AND CONVERSION OF 14 15 UNDERUTILIZED FACILITIES " SEC . 1132. ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ) Before the end of the third 16 full ...
Page 25
... Social Security Act is 5 amended to read : 6 " ( g ) For purposes of this section , a ' capital expenditure ' 7 is one which , under generally accepted accounting principles , 8 is not properly chargeable as an expense of operation and ...
... Social Security Act is 5 amended to read : 6 " ( g ) For purposes of this section , a ' capital expenditure ' 7 is one which , under generally accepted accounting principles , 8 is not properly chargeable as an expense of operation and ...
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agency allow amended American American Hospital Association anesthesia anesthesiologists appropriate areas average basis beds believe benefits bill Blue Cross budget capital expenditures Chairman charge clinical Committee concern Congress cost containment determining effective eligibility employees established facilities Federal fiscal health care costs Health Care Financing health insurance health planning health services Hospital Association hospital costs implementation incentives increase industry inpatient institutions laboratory legislation limit long-term Medicaid programs Medicare and Medicaid ment million nurse anesthetists nursing homes outpatient participating pathologists pathology patients payment percent performed physi physicians pital practice problems procedures proposed psychiatric psychotherapy radiologists radiology reasonable cost recommend regulations reim relative value scales relative value schedules result revenues routine operating costs Secretary CALIFANO Senator DOLE Senator TALMADGE ServiceMaster skilled nursing Social Security Act Social Security Administration staff statement Subcommittee tion utilization wage