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In addition to the activities specified in the first sentence of this paragraph, such funds may be used for projects designed to demonstrate, test, and evaluate the effectiveness of any such activities, whether or not assisted under this section.

(3) (A) Financial assistance under this subsection may be made available only upon application to the Commissioner. Applications under this subsection shall be submitted at such time, in such form, and containing such information as the Secretary shall prescribe by regulation and shall be approved only if it

(i) provides that the activities and services for which assistance is sought will be administered by, or under the supervision of, the applicant;

(ii) describes a program for carrying out one or more of the purposes set forth in the first sentence of paragraph (2) which holds promise of making a substantial contribution toward attaining the purposes of this section:

(iii) sets forth such policies and procedures as will insure adequate evaluation of the activities intended to be carried out under the application.

(iv) sets forth policies and procedures which assure that Federal funds made available under this Act for any fiscal year will be so used as to supplement and, to the extent practical, increase the level of funds that would, in the absence of such Federal funds, be made available by the applicant for the purposes described in section 3, and in no case supplant such funds.

(v) provides for such fiscal control and fund accounting procedures as may be necessary to assure proper disbursement of and accounting for Federal funds paid to the applicant under this title; and

(vi) provides for making an annual report and such other reports, in such form and containing such information, as the Commissioner may reasonably require and for keeping such records, and for affording such access thereto as the Commissioner may find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports.

(B) Applications from local educational agencies for financial assistance under this Act may be approved by the Commissioner only if the State educational agency has been notified of the application and been given the opportunity to offer recommendations.

(C) Amendments of applications shall, except as the Secretary may otherwise provide by or pursuant to regulation, be subject to approval in the same manner as original applications.

(4) Federal assistance to any program or project under this section, other than those involving curriculum de

velopment, dissemination of curricular materials, and evaluation, shall not exceed 80 percentum of the cost of such program for the first fiscal year of its operation, including costs of administration, unless the Commissioner determines, pursuant to regulations adopted and promulgated by the Secretary establishing objective criteria for such determinations, that assistance in excess of such percentages is required in furtherance of the purposes of this section. The Federal share for the second year shall not exceed 60 per centum, and for the third year 40 per centum. Non-Federal contributions may be in cash or kind, fairly evaluated, including but not limited to plant, equipment, and services.

(c) (1) There is hereby established an Advisory Council on Environmental Education consisting of twenty-one members appointed by the Secretary. The Secretary shall appoint one member as Chairman. The Council shall consist of persons appointed from the public and private sector with due regard to their fitness, knowledge, and experience in matters of, but not limited to, academic, scientific, medical, legal, resource conservation and production, urban and regional planning, and information media activities as they relate to our society and affect our environment, and shall give due consideration to geographical representation in the appointment of such members: Provided, however, That the Council shall consist of not less than three ecologists and three students. (2) The Council shall

(A) advise the Commissioner and the office concerning the administration of, preparation of general regulations for, and operation of programs assisted under this section;

(B) make recommendations to the office with respect to the allocation of funds appropriated pursuant to subsection (d) among the purposes set forth in paragraph (2) of subsection (b) and the criteria to be used in approving applications, which criteria shall insure an appropriate geographical distribution of approved programs and projects throughout the Nation;

(C) develop criteria for the review of applications and their disposition; and

(D) evaluate programs and projects assisted under this section and disseminate the results thereof.


SEC. 4. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, in cooperation with the heads of other agencies with relevant jurisdiction, shall, insofar as practicable upon request, render technical assistance to local educational agencies, public and private nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, agencies of local, State,

and Federal governments and other agencies deemed by the Secretary to play a role in preserving and enhancing environmental quality and maintaining ecological balance. The technical assistance shall be designed to enable the recipient agency to carry on education programs which are related to environmental quality and ecological balance.


SEC. 5. (a) In addition to the grants authorized under section 3, the Commissioner, from the sums appropriated, shall have the authority to make grants, in sums not to exceed $10,000 annually, to nonprofit organizations such as citizen groups, volunteer organizations working in the environmental field, and other public and private nonprofit agencies, institutions, or organizations for conducting courses, workshops, seminars, symposiums, institutes, and conferences, especially for adults and community groups (other than the group funded).

(b) Priority shall be given to those proposals demonstrating innovative approaches to environmental education.

(c) For the purposes of this section, the Commissioner shall require evidence that the interested organization or group shall have been in existence one year prior to the submission of a proposal for Federal funds and that it shall submit an annual report on Federal funds expended.

(d) Proposals submitted by organizations and groups under this section shall be limited to the essential information required to evaluate them, unless the organization or group shall volunteer additional information.


SEC. 6. In administering the provisions of this Act, the Commissioner is authorized to utilize the services and facilities of any agency of the Federal Government and of any other public or private agency or institution in accordance with appropriate agreements, and to pay for such services either in advance or by way of reimbursement, as may be agreed upon. The Commissioner shall publish annually a list and description of projects supported under this Act and shall distribute such list and description to interested educational institutions, citizens' groups, conservation organizations, and other organizations and individuals involved in enhancing enhancing environmental quality and maintaining ecological balance.


SEC. 7. There is authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, $15,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, and $25,000,000

for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

Approved October 30, 1970.

Legislative History

House Report No. 91-1362 (Committee on Education and Labor). Senate Report No. 91-1164 (Committee on Labor and Public Welfare). Congressional Record, Vol. 116 (1970):

Aug. 3. considered and passed House.

Sept. 21, considered and passed Senate, amended.

Oct. 13, House concurred in Senate amendments with an amendment;
Senate concurred in House amendment.

9. Excerpt from Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

An Act to mobilize the human and financial resources of the Nation to combat poverty in the United States. (78 Stat. 508)

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Economic Opportunity Act of 1964".





SEC. 101. The purpose of this part is to prepare for the responsibilities of citizenship and to increase the employability of young men and young women aged sixteen through twenty-one by providing them in rural and urban residential centers with education, vocational training, useful work experience, including work directed toward the conservation of natural resources, and other appropriate activities.


SEC. 102. In order to carry out the purposes of this part, there is hereby established within the Office of Economic Opportunity (hereinafter referred to as the "Office"), established by title VI, a Job Corps (hereinafter referred to as the "Corps").


SEC. 103. The Director of the Office (hereinafter referred to as the "Director") is authorized to

(a) enter into agreements with any Federal, State, or local agency or private organization for the establishment and operation, in rural and urban areas, of conservation camps and training centers and for the provision of such facilities and services as in his judgment are needed to carry out the purposes of this part, including but not limited to agreements with agencies charged with the responsibility of conserving, developing, and managing the public natural resources of the Nation and of developing, managing, and protecting public recreational areas, whereby the enrollees of the Corps may be utilized by such agencies in carrying out, under the immediate supervision of such agencies, programs planned and designed by such agencies to fulfill such responsibility, and including agreements for a botanical survey program

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