Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Abdikadir amended by inserting amendment proposed appearing in paragraph apply asked the Minister Assistant Minister beg to move beg to reply Bill be amended Clause 41 clause be read clause proposed clause read Cohesion and Constitutional Cohesion and Integration Commission Secretary Committee complaint compliance notice Constitutional Affairs contravention court discrimination Education employment enterprise ethnic group Ethuro following New Clause Government Gwassi House immediately after Clause inserted in place inserting immediately inserting the following inserting the words issue Karua Kenya Kshs1 million Madam Minister maize Members of Parliament Michuki Minister for Justice Minister for Medical Ministry Mungatana Mututho Nairobi National Assembly National Cohesion Ndambuki Odhiambo Ojode Pan-African Parliament Parliamentary person point of order put and agreed pyrethrum read a Second referred registration require Section Somalia Temporary Deputy Chairman Temporary Deputy Speaker thereof be inserted thereof the following tonnes tsetse fly unlawful word ethnic