To States with approved plans, grants are made each quarter for expenditures under the plan for assistance, services, training and administration. The determination as to the amount of a grant to be made to a State is based upon documents submitted by the State agency containing information required under the Act and such other pertinent facts as may be found necessary. (a) Form and manner of submittal. (1) Time and place: The estimates for public assistance grants for each quarterly period must be forwarded to the regional office 45 days prior to the period of the estimate. They include a certification of State funds available and a justification statement in support of the estimates. A statement of quarterly expenditures and any necessary supporting schedules must be forwarded to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social and Rehabilitation Service, Attention: Finance Division, Washington, D.C. 20201, not later than 30 days after the end of the quarter. (2) Description of forms: "State Agency Expenditure Projection-Quarterly Projection by Program" represents the State agency's estimate of the total amount and the Federal share of expenditures for assistance, services, training, and administration to be made during the quarter for each of the public assistance programs under the Act. From these estimates the State and Federal shares of the total expenditures are computed. The State's computed share of total estimated expenditures is the amount of State and local funds necessary for the quarter. The Federal share is the basis for the funds to be advanced for the quarter. The State agency must also certify, on this form or otherwise, the amount of State funds (exclusive of any balance of advances received from the Federal Government) actually on hand and available for expenditure; this certification must be signed by the executive officer of the State agency submitting the estimate or a person officially desig nated by him, or by a fiscal officer of the State if required by State law or regulation. (A form "Certificate of Availability of State Funds for Assistance and Administration during Quarter" is available for submitting this information, but its use is optional.) If the amount of State funds (or State and local funds if localities participate in the program), shown as available for expenditures is not sufficient to cover the State's proportionate share of the amount estimated to be expended, the certification must contain a statement showing the source from which the amount of the deficiency is expected to be derived and the time when this amount is expected to be made available. (3) The State agency must also submit a quarterly statement of expenditures for each of the public assistance programs under the Act. This is an accounting statement of the disposition of the Federal funds granted for past periods and provides the basis for making the adjustments necessary when the State's estimate for any prior quarter was greater or less than the amount the State actually expended in that quarter. The statement of expenditures also shows the share of the Federal Government in any recoupment, from whatever source, of expenditures claimed in any prior period, and also in expenditures not properly subject to Federal financial participation which are acknowledged by the State agency or have been revealed in the course of an audit. (b) Reveiw. The State's estimates are analyzed by the regional office staff and are forwarded with recommendations as required to the central office. The central office reviews the State's estimate, other relevant information, and any adjustments to be made for prior periods, and computes the grant. (c) Grant award. The grant award computation form shows, by program, the amount of the estimate for the ensuing quarter, and the amounts by which the estimate is reduced or increased because of over- or under-estimate for the prior quarter and for other adjustments. This form is transmitted to the State agency to draw the amount of the grant award, as needed, to meet the Federal share of disbursements. The draw is through a commercial bank and the Federal Reserve system against a continuing letter of credit certified to the Secretary of the Treasury in favor of the State payee. A copy of the grant award notice is sent to the State Central Information Reception Agency in accord with section 201 of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968. (d) Letter of credit payment system. The letter of credit system for payment of advances of Federal funds was established pursuant to Treasury Department regulations (Circular No. 1075), published in the FEDERAL REGISTER On July 11, 1967 (32 F.R. 10201). The HEW "Instructions to Recipient Organizations for Use of Letter of Credit" was transmitted to all grantees by memorandum from the Assistant Secretary-Comptroller January 15, 1968. on § 201.6 Withholding of payment; reduction of Federal financial participation in the costs of social services and training. (a) When withheld. Further payments to a State are withheld in whole or in part if the Administrator, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency administering or supervising the administration of an approved plan, finds: (1) That the plan no longer complies with the provisions of section 2, 402, 1002, 1402, 1602, or 1902 of the Act; or (2) That in the administration of the plan there is failure to comply substantially with any such provision. A question of noncompliance of a State plan may arise from an unapprovable change in the approved State plan, the failure of the State to change its approved plan to conform to a new Federal requirement for approval of State plans, or the failure of the State in practice to comply with a Federal requirement, whether or not its State plan has been amended to conform to such requirement. (c) Information discussions. Hearings with respect to matters under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section are generally not called, however, until after reasonable effort has been made by the Service to resolve the questions involved by conference and discussion with State officials. Formal notification of the date and place of hearing does not foreclose further negotiations with State officials. (d) Conduct of hearings. For hearing procedures, see Part 213 of this chapter. (e) Notification of withholding. If the Administrator makes a finding of noncompliance with respect to a matter under paragraph (a) of this section, the State agency is notified that further payments will not be made to the State (or, in his discretion, that payments will be limited to categories under or parts of the plan not affected by such failure), until the Administrator is satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply. Until he is so satisfied, no further payments will be made to the State (or will be limited to categories under or parts of the plan not affected by such failure). (f) Notification of reduction in the rate of Federal financial participation. If the Administrator makes a finding of noncompliance with respect to a matter under paragraph (b) of this section, the State agency is notified that further payments will be made to the State at the rate of 50 per centum of the costs of services and training, until the Administrator is satisfied that there will no longer be any failure to comply. § 201.7 Judicial review. Any State dissatisfied with a final determination of the Secretary pursuant to § 201.4 or § 201.6(a) may, within 60 days after it has been notified of such (b) When the rate of Federal finan-determination, file with the U.S. Court cial participation is reduced. Under title I, X, XIV, or XVI of the Act, Federal financial participation in the costs of social services and training approved at the rate of 75 per centum is reduced to 50 per centum if the Administrator, after reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing to the State agency, finds: (1) That the plan provision under such title for prescribed services no longer complies with the Federal requirements with respect to such prescribed services; or (2) That in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with such plan provision. of Appeals for the circuit in which such State is located a petition for review of such determination. After a copy of the petition is transmitted by the clerk of the court to the Secretary, the Secretary thereupon shall file in the court the record of proceedings upon which such determination was based as provided in section 2112 of title 28, United States Code. The court is bound by the Secretary's findings of fact, if supported by substantial evidence. The court has jurisdiction to affirm the Secretary's decision, or set it aside in whole or in part, or, for good cause, to remand the case for additional evidence. If the case is remanded, the Secretary may thereupon make new or modified findings of fact, and may modify his previous determination. The Secretary shall certify to the court the transcript and record of the further proceedings. The judgment of the court is subject to review by the Supreme Court of the United States upon certiorari or certification as provided in 28 U.S.C. 1254. Subpart B-Review and Audits § 201.10 Review of State and local administration. (a) In order to provide a basis for determining that State agencies are adhering to Federal requirements and to the substantive legal and administrative provisions of their approved plans, the Service conducts a review of State and local public assistance administration. This review includes analysis of procedures and policies of State and local agencies and examination of case records of individual recipients. (b) Each State agency is required to carry out a continuing quality control program primarily covering determination of eligibility in statistically selected samples of individual cases. The Service conducts a continuing observation of these State systems. (c) Adherence to other Federal requirements set forth in the pertinent titles of the Act and the regulations in this title is evaluated through review of selected case records and aspects of agency operations. § 201.11 Personnel merit system review. A personnel merit system review is carried out by the Office of State Merit Systems of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration of the Department. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the effectiveness of the State merit system relating to the public assistance programs and to determine whether there is compliance with Federal requirements in the administration of the merit system plan. See Part 70 of this title. § 201.12 Public assistance audits. (a) Annually, or at such frequencies as are considered necessary and appropriate, the operations of the State agency are audited by representatives of the Audit Agency of the Department. Such audits are made to determine whether the State agency is being operated in a manner that (1) Encourages prudent use of program funds, and (2) Provides a reasonable degree of assurance that funds are being properly expended, and for the purposes for which appropriated and provided for under the related Act and State plan, including State laws and regulations. (b) Reports of these audits are released by the Audit Agency simultaneously to program officials of the Department, and to the cognizant State officials. These audit reports relate the opinion of the Audit Agency on the practices reviewed and the allowability of costs audited at the State agency. Final determinations as to actions required on all matters reported are made by cognizant officials of the Department. §201.13 Action on audit and review findings. (a) If the audit results in no excерtions, the State agency is advised by letter of this result. The general course for the disposition of proposed exceptions resulting from audits involves the submittal of details of these exceptions to the State agency which then has an opportunity to concur in the proposed exceptions or to assemble and submit additional facts for purposes of clearance. Provision is made for the State agency to appeal proposed audit exceptions in which it has not concurred and which have not been deleted on the basis of clearance material. After consideration of a State agency's appeal by the Administrator, the Service advises the State agency of any expenditures in which the Federal Government may not participate and requests it to include the amount as adjustments in a subsequent statement of expenditures. Expenditures in which it is found the Federal Government may not participate and which are not properly adjusted through the State's claim will be deducted from subsequent grants made to the State agency. (b) If the Federal or State reviews reveal serious problems with respect to compliance with any Federal requirement, the State agency is required to correct its practice so that there will be no recurrence of the problem in the future. PART 202- [RESERVED] PART 203-[RESERVED] PART 204-GENERAL ADMINISTRA- A State plan under title I, IV-A, IV-B, X, XIV, XVI, or XIX of the Social Security Act, section 5 or 15 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, title I of the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act, title III of the Older Americans Act, or title I of the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1968, must be submitted to the State Governor for his review and comments, and the State plan must provide that the Governor will be given opportunity to review State plan amendments and long-range program planning projections or other periodic reports thereon. This requirement does not apply to periodic statistical or budget and other fiscal reports. Under this requirement, the Office of the Governor will be afforded a specified period in which to review the material. Any comments made will be transmitted to the Social and Rehabilitation Service with the documents. (Secs. 7, 101 et seq., 131, 139, 401, 1102, 68 Stat. 658, 79 Stat. 218-226; 82 Stat. 466, 84 Stat. 1323, 82 Stat. 471, 49 Stat. 647; 29 U.S.C. 37, 42 U.S.C. 3001 et seq., 3841, 2677b, 3881, 1302) [36 F.R. 3860, Feb. 27, 1971] (a) State plan requirements. A State plan under title I, IV-A, X, XIV, XVI, or XIX of the Social Security Act must provide that the plan will be amended whenever necessary to reflect new or revised Federal statutes or regulations, or material change in any phase of State law, organization, policy or State agency operation. (b) Federal financial participation. Except where otherwise provided, Federal financial participation is available in the additional expenditures resulting from an amended provision of the State plan as of the first day of the calendar quarter in which an approvable amendment is submitted or the date on which the amended provision becomes effective in the State, whichever is later. [36 F.R. 3860, Feb. 27, 1971] § 205.10 Fair hearings. (a) State plan requirements. A State plan under title I, IV-A, X, XIV, XVI or XIX of the Social Security Act must provide for a system of fair hearings under which: (1) The single State agency responsible for the program will be responsible for fulfillment of fair hearings provisions. (2) Every claimant will be informed in writing at the time of application and at the time of any action affecting his claim: (i) Of his right to fair hearing; (ii) Of the method by which he may obtain a hearing; (iii) That he may be represented by legal counsel, or by a relative, friend, or other spokesman, or he may represent himself; and (iv) Of any provision for payment of legal fees by the agency. (3) An opportunity for a fair hearing before the State agency will be granted to any individual requesting a hearing because his claim for financial or medical assistance is denied, or is not acted upon with reasonable promptness, or because he is aggrieved by any other agency action affecting receipt, suspension, reduction, or termination of such assist 9 ance or by agency policy as it affects his situation. Under this requirement: (i) A request for a hearing is defined as any clear expression (oral or written) by the claimant (or person acting for him, such as his legal representative, relative, or friend) to the effect that he wants the opportunity to present his case to higher authority. (ii) The freedom to make such a request must not be limited or interfered with in any way, and agency emphasis must be on helping the claimant to submit and process his request, and in preparing his case, if needed. (iii) The claimant must be provided reasonable time in which to appeal an agency action. (iv) The fair hearing shall include consideration of: (a) Any agency action, or failure to act with reasonable promptness, on a claim for financial or medical assistance, which includes ur.due delay in reaching a decision on eligibility or in making a payment, refusal to consider a request for or undue delay in making an adjustment in payment, and suspension or discontinuance of such assistance in whole or in part; (b) The agency's interpretation of the law, and the reasonableness and equitableness of the policies promulgated under the law, if the claimant is aggrieved by their application to his situation; (c) Agency decision regarding: (1) Eligibility for financial or medical assistance in both initial and subsequent determinations, (2) Amount of financial or medical assistance or change in payments, (3) The manner or form of payment, including restricted or protective payments, even though no Federal financial participation is claimed, and (4) Conditions of payment, including work requirements. (v) States may respond to a series of individual requests for fair hearings by conducting a single group hearing. States may only consolidate cases in which the sole issue involved is one of an agency policy. In such a situation, each individual must be given the right to withdraw from the group hearing in favor of an individual hearing. If recipients request a group hearing on such an issue the State must grant it. In all group hearings, whether initiated by the State or by the claimants, the policies governing fair hearings must be followed. Thus, each individual claimant must be permitted to present his own case and be represented by his own lawyer. (vi) The agency shall not deny or dismiss a request for a hearing except where it has been withdrawn by claimant in writing, or abandoned. (4) Hearing procedures will be issued and publicized by the State agency for the guidance of all concerned. (5) In cases of any proposed action to terminate, suspend or reduce assistance: (i) The State or local agency will give timely and adequate advance notice detailing the reasons for the proposed action. Under this requirement: (a) "Timely" means that the notice is mailed at least 15 days before the action is to be taken. (b) "Adequate advance notice" means a written notice that includes details of reasons for the proposed agency action, explanation of the individual's right to conference, his right to request a fair hearing and the circumstances under which assistance is continued if a fair hearing is requested. (ii) If, within the advance notice реriod, the individual responds by indicating his wish for an agency conference, an opportunity is provided for the recipient (or his representative) to discuss his situation with agency staff, obtain an explanation of the reasons for the proposed action, and present information to show that the proposed action is incorrect. Under this requirement: (a) During this conference, the recipient is given the opportunity to speak for himself or be represented by legal counsel or by friend or other spokesman. a (b) The opportunity for a conference does not in any way diminish the recipient's right to a fair hearing. (iii) (a) In cases in which there is a request for a fair hearing within the advance notice period: (1) Assistance is continued until the fair hearing decision is rendered and through a period consistent with the State's established policies for issuance of payments unless a determination is made by the State agency, in accordance with criteria issued by the Social and Rehabilitation Service, that the issue is one of State agency policy and not one of fact or judgment relating to the individual case, including a question of whether the State agency rules or policies were correctly applied to the facts of the particular case. |