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Mr. WINN. I thank you very much. Maybe I can help in that respect, to write a few letters to some of the organizations that deal specifically with construction, and perhaps make them more aware than they are, or ask them to name or appoint a coordinator from their own organization.

Mr. BROSHAR. Thank you. I think that would be very helpful, and we certainly would stand ready to help you in any way we could. Mr. WINN. Thank you very much. We thank the entire panel. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. YATRON. Thank you very much, Mr. Winn.

This has been a long afternoon, but one that will have been most worthwhile if our efforts here can help spark a higher degree of commitment on the part of this administration and its successors to working toward achievement of the goals of the U.N. Decade of Disabled Persons.

I want to thank each of our witnesses for taking the time to be here with us today.

The subcommittee stands adjourned, subject to the call of the Chair.

[Whereupon, at 4:50 p.m., the subcommittee was adjourned.]






Washington, D.C.

The subcommittee met in open markup session, at 10:15 a.m., in room 2172, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Gus Yatron (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding.

Mr. YATRON. The subcommittee will come to order.

[Whereupon the subcommittee proceeded in consideration of other business.]

Mr. YATRON. The next order of business, therefore, is the markup of House Concurrent Resolution 39, whose chief sponsor is our colleague Larry Winn.

The clerk will read the bill.

Mr. FINLEY. "House Concurrent Resolution 39"

Mr. YATRON. Do I hear a motion to consider the bill read and open for amendment?

Mr. LEACH. I so move.

Mr. YATRON. The motion is made by Mr. Leach.

All in favor, say “aye.”

[Chorus of "ayes."]

Mr. YATRON. Anybody opposed?

[No response.]

Mr. YATRON. The resolution is open for amendment.

The Chair has an amendment which the clerk will report.

Mr. FINLEY [reading]:

Page 3, line 1, strike out "for" and insert in lieu thereof "of".

Page 3, after line 3, insert the following new section 2 and redesignate existing section 2 as section 3:

SEC. 2. The President should report to the Congress annually during the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons on the plans developed by the executive branch in accordance with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 37/53 to implement, within the United States, the objectives of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons and on the steps taken pursuant to those plans.

Mr. YATRON. The amendment adds a section to the resolution requesting the President to draw up plans to implement the U.N. Decade of Disabled Persons and to report annually during the decade on steps taken to implement those plans.

I have discussed the amendment with Mr. Winn who believes it is a helpful addition to the resolution.

Are there any questions?

[blocks in formation]

Mr. YATRON. The ayes have it. The amendment is agreed to.

Do I hear a motion to report out the resolution itself as amended?

Mr. LEACH. I so move.

Mr. YATRON. It is moved that it be reported out.

All in favor, say "aye."

[Chorus of "ayes."]

Mr. YATRON. Opposed?

[No response.]

Mr. YATRON. The ayes have it. The resolution is favorably reported.

[Whereupon, the subcommittee proceeded in consideration of other business.]




The committee met in open markup session, at 9:43 a.m., in room 2172, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Clement J. Zablocki (chairman) presiding.

Chairman ZABLOCKI. The committee will come to order.

We meet this morning to consider the following measure: House Concurrent Resolution 39 regarding the U.N. Decade of the Disabled.

The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Pennsylvania, the chairman of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations, to explain House Concurrent Resolution 39. Mr. Yatron.

Mr. YATRON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

House Concurrent Resolution 39 expresses the sense of the Congress with respect to implementing objectives of the U.N. Decade of Disabled Persons which runs through 1992. The resolution calls for the President to take all steps within his authority to carry out the purposes of the U.N. Decade as proclaimed by the General Assembly on December 3, 1982.

Mr. Chairman, the resolution currently has 130 cosponsors. The Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations held a lengthy hearing on the resolution April 5 with 13 witnesses representing a broad cross-section of organizations concerned with the issues affecting our disabled citizens. The witnesses were unanimous in their support of the resolution.

On April 13, the subcommittee approved the resolution with an amendment requesting the President to provide an annual report to Congress on plans developed by the executive branch to implement the objectives of the U.N. Decade.

I urge the committee to approve the resolution and the amendment thereto, which I will offer at the appropriate time. I yield to the gentleman from Kansas, Mr. Winn, who is the principal sponsor of the resolution and who deserves all of our appreciation for the outstanding leadership he has shown in focusing our concern on ways to assist the disabled.

Mr. WINN. I thank the gentleman for yielding and the kind words. I want to thank the gentleman for his cooperation and the cooperation of the gentleman from Iowa, Mr. Leach, in bringing this to the full committee.

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