Page images

Statement of-Continued

Page, James H., United States Bureau of Customs, New York City,
Department of the Treasury....


1577, 1592

Panella, Evelyn, probation officer, United States District Court,
Southern District, State of New York...


Plunkett, Richard J., M. D., chairman, council on mental health,
American Medical Association, Chicago, Ill
Santoro, Salvatore, Leonia, N. J.



Sayler, Arch E., deputy chief, probation officer, United States District
Court, Southern District, State of New York..


Scheele, Leonard A., M. D., Surgeon General, United States Public
Health Service, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare..

Stevens, Alden, author, Montclair, N. J..

Stevenson, George Herbert, M. D., director, drug addiction research,

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia...

Terranova, Peter E., deputy chief inspector, Police Department,
New York City. -

Trautman, John A., M. D., medical officer in charge, Public Health
Service Hospital, Fort Worth, Tex_--







[blocks in formation]

Biographical statement of Hubert Shattuck Howe, M. D
Biographical statement of Andrew A. Eggston, M. D..
Biographical statement of Herbert Berger, M. D., FACP.




Article entitled "Richmond County Narcotic Plan," by Herbert Berger,
M. D.....


Article entitled "A Physician's Blueprint for the Management and Preven-
tion of Narcotic Addiction," by Hubert S. Howe, M. D., reprinted from
New York State Journal of Medicine, volume 55, No. 3, February 1,

Report on Drug Addiction by the New York Academy of Medicine, com-

mittee on public health, subcommittee on drug addiction, reprinted

from Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, August 1955, 2d

series, volume 31, No. 8.......

Article entitled "The Narcotic Drug Evil and the New York City Health
Department," by Royal S. Copeland, A. M., M. D., F. A. C. Š., health
commissioner, New York City, printed in American Medicine, January


Article entitled "The New York City Narcotic Clinic and Differing Points

of View on Narcotic Addiction," by S. Dana Hubbard, M. D., acting

director, bureau of public health education, printed in monthly bulletin

of the department of health, city of New York, volume X, No. 2, Feb-

ruary 1920...

Article entitled "Narcotic Drug Addiction and Rational Administration,"
by Charles E. Terry, M. D., printed in American Medicine, January

Article entitled "Some Observations on the Narcotic Situation,' by

Edward Hurtington Williams, M. D., printed in the Medical Record,

July 23, 1921_.

Article entitled "A Résumé of Facts and Deductions Obtained by the

Operation of a Narcotic Dispensary," by M. W. Swords, M. D., secre-

tary, Louisiana State Board of Health, physician in charge narcotic

dispensary, New Orleans, La., printed in American Medicine, January

Excerpts from the Report of the Shreveport Medical Society (source: The

Opium Problem, by Charles E. Terry and Mildred Pellens) -

Article entitled "Should We Legalize Narcotics?" by Herbert Berger,

M. D., and Andrew A. Eggston, M. D., printed in Coronet, June 1955

Article entitled "Make Dope Legal," by Alden Stevens, Montclair, N. J.,

reprinted from Harper's magazine, November 1952

Report entitled "Studies on Narcotics Use among Juveniles," by the Re-

search Center for Human Relations, New York University, New York


Article entitled "Arguments for and Against the Legal Sale of Narcotics,"

by G. H. Stevenson, M. D., reprinted from the Bulletin of the Vancouver

Medical Association, volume XXXI, No. 4.

Statement entitled "Dangerous Drugs Administration in the United

Kingdom," by Mr. John H. Walker, United Kingdom delegate to the

United Nations Narcotic Commission____

Proceedings of the Special Committee on the Traffic in Narcotic Drugs

in Canada, the Senate of Canada, Monday, April 18, 1955, No. 4,

Vancouver, B. C...





Report entitled "Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry," reprinted by the

United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public

Health Service, from the Journal of the American Medical Association,

July 26, 1952, volume 149_

Article entitled "Indispensable Use of Narcotics," from the Journal of

the American Medical Association, May 23, 1942-

Records of the various actions of the house of delegates, Medical Society

of the State of New York and the American Medical Association,

committees on narcotics..

Article entitled "The Problem of the Narcotic Drug Addict," by Alfred C.

Prentice, A. M., M. D., JAMA, 76: (23) 1551-1556 (June 4) 1921----

Article entitle "Present Status of Narcotic Addiction" by Victor H. Vogel,

M. D., Harris Isbell, M. D., and Kenneth W. Chapman, M. D., re-

printed by the United States Department of Health, Education, and

Welfare, Public Health Service, from the Journal of the American Medi-

cal Association, December 4, 1948, volume 138.

Proceedings of the Special Committee on the Traffic in Narcotic Drugs in

Canada, the Senate of Canada, Wednesday, May 25, 1955, No. 11.

Article 33, Public Health Law, Administrative Rules and Regulations with

extracts from the Penal Law and Code of Criminal Procedure, New

York State Department of Health, revised to June 30, 1954.

Report entitled "Riverside Hospital, Admission Procedures, Treatment

Program," by Committee on the Use of Narcotics Among Teen Age Youth

Welfare and Health Council of New York City..

Report entitled "A Specific Approach to the Vocational Needs of Adolescent

Users of Narcotics at Riverside Hospital." by I. B. Gould, L. Smith,

R. N., W. Baker, M. D., and R. R. Gamso, M. D., reprinted from the

Psychiatric Quarterly Supplement, volume 28, part 2, 1954.

Annual reports, 1952, 1953, and 1954, Riverside Hospital..

Report entitled "Probation for a Cure," by Morris Kuznesof, United States

probation officer, Southern District of New York, September 1955......


(New York, N. Y.)




New York City, N. Y.

The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10: 15 a. m., in room 618, United States Court House, Foley Square, New York, N. Y., Senator Price Daniel (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Present: Senators Daniel and Butler.

Also present: C. Aubrey Gasque, general counsel; and W. L. Speer, committee investigator.

Senator DANIEL. The committee will come to order.

This subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee today resumes its hearings on the narcotics traffic throughout the United States. We expect to spend 3 or 4 days here, and then the rest of the week in Washington.

We have two purposes for the hearings to be conducted in New York this week: First, to go into causes and treatment of drug addiction, and to hear any recommendations that may be made as to how

can improve present treatment and rehabilitation programs. Then, the other purpose here is to complete our hearing of the illicit narcotic situation in New York City and in New York State.

He are happy today to have with us the Governor of the great State of New York. At the very outset he pledged his cooperation to this committee, and the officials of this State have been cooperating with this committee, both in our previous hearing and in the interim. I want to emphasize that Governor Harriman is not appearing today as a witness, but he is appearing as the Governor of the State of New York at the committee's invitation to meet with us and to give us any statement that he might make with respect to the overall problem of narcotic addiction, narcotics traffic, and placing any special emphasis that he might want to give to the matter of addiction, treatment and rehabilitation.

Let the record show that Senator John Marshall Butler of Maryland is present, with our general counsel, Mr. C. Aubrey Gasque, and our chief investigator, Mr. Speer.

Senator Butler, do you have any comment before we commence the hearing?

Senator BUTLER. Thank you, Senator; I do not.

Senator DANIEL. I would like to say to you, Governor Harriman, the committee appreciates all the assistance and cooperation you have given us, and we will be glad to hear from you at this time.


Governor HARRIMAN. Thank you, Senator Daniel, Senator Butler, and your associates of the Subcommittee on Improvement in the Federal Criminal Code of the Committee of the Judiciary, United States Senate. I thank you for your invitation to appear before you this morning.

My principal objective is to pledge to you the cooperation of the State administration in your work. We will follow with great interest what you are doing.

The solution of the problem of narcotics is of vital importance not only to the welfare of the State but the welfare of the Nation, and even though some States have a larger incidence of the addiction to narcoties, it is a problem for all of our States, because in each State there are a few, and those States in which there are no facilities, require Federal assistance, in my judgment, just as much as the States, such as this, which is a port of entry for narcotics.

Now, in behalf of my administration and the people of the State, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you and the other members of your committee, Senator Butler, at the outset of these very important hearings.

The inquiry which your subcommittee is making into the objectives in mind of devising more effective means of curbing the drug traffic in this country is one of the most important, because it affects the economic and social welfare of the people of our State, as well as the Nation.

We have heard and read of the excellent work of your subcommittee, and may I congratulate you upon the judicious approach which you have taken thus far during the course of your probe.

It seems to me that by its very nature the narcotic problem requires for its solution a four-pronged approach.

In the first place, there should be an increased emphasis placed upon the prosecution of drug traffickers. This calls for the enactment, I believe, of more stringent laws carrying heavier penalties. It might also require an increase in the present personnel of those departments of Government whose duty it is to detect and punish violators of the narcotic laws.

The second step, I believe, is that measures should be taken by the Federal Government to provide for compulsory medical treatment of drug addicts and for greatly expanded research into the method by which we can attain the highest rate of cure.

Now, there have been proposals in this State for compulsory medical treatment of drug addicts, and they have not met with the cooperation of the previous administrations.

I believe that the reasons why they were not met with cooperation should be studied and, possibly, a new approach which would make it possible for us to carry through compulsory medical treatment. Senator DANIEL. Governor, as a matter of fact, you have a law with reference to compulsory treatment of juvenile addicts.

Governor HARRIMAN. That is correct.

Senator DANIEL. Are you going into that in your statement?

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