Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Accounts Committee PAC ambulances Anglo Leasing scandal Anti-Corruption Commission KACC appoint ask ourselves Assistant Minister Attorney-General Baringo District Baringo North bitumen standards Board of Kenya bodies Bunge Butere/Mumias District Constitutional Affairs Controller and Auditor-General core function Criminal Investigations Department deal with corruption Departmental Committees Efficiency Monitoring Unit fight against corruption fight corruption G.G. Kariuki Githae hapa House investigate Investments Committee PIC Isiolo Judiciary Justice and Constitutional kamati Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission Khamasi Kuti liberalisation Members metric tonnes misuse of public Mover Mukiri Mungu Muriuki Muturi Naibu Spika NARC Government North Eastern Province oppose this Motion Osundwa parastatals point of order problem Public Accounts Committee Public Investments Committee public resources pyrethrin Pyrethrum Board pyrethrum farmers pyrethrum industry Question reports Ringera road Sasura Select Committee Standing Orders sub-district hospital sub-sector talking telephone facilities Temporary Deputy Speaker Transparency International Twaha ufisadi upgrading