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Mr. Foley has been asked at various times to refuse insurance on property covered by restrictive convenants. His answer is that he has no legal power to do so. We therefore suggest that:

Section 510 be enlarged to include amendments to sections 203, 603, and 608 of the National Housing Act, which will forbid insurance of loans on property clouded by race restrictions.

We would add two other amendments:

Section 702 (2), paragraph (3) “within their capacity to pay" should be altered to read "within their capacity to pay, regardless of race or national origin."

Section 802, paragraph (2), section (i) should be expanded to read "to devote such land to the uses specified in the redevelopment plan for the project area, and to guarantee that no racial distinctions shall be made in the use of this land, or in buildings erected on it."



Chairman, Senate Committee on Banking and Currency,

Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C.

March 28, 1947.

DEAR SIR: May we call to your attention the enclosed copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of St. Paul today, endorsing Senate bill 866, known as the Wagner-Ellender-Taft bill.

Very truly yours,

[Council file No. 139445]

H. T. O'CONNELL, City Clerk.


Resolved, That the Council of the City of St. Paul, Minn., endorses and urges the passage by the Congress of the United States, of Senate bill 866, commonly known as the Wagner-Ellender-Taft bill, relating to the National Housing Commission; be it further

Resolved, That the city clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to Senator Tobey, chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency, and to each of our Minnesota Representatives in Congress.

Adopted by the council March 28, 1947. Approved March 28, 1947.

San Francisco 3, March 29, 1947.

United States Senate, Washington, D. C.

DEAR SIR: The San Francisco Planning and Housing Association wishes to urge your active support of Senator Taft's general housing bill, S. 866, and its House counterpart toward the end of its prompt approval. For months prior to the adjournment of Congress in 1946 testimony pro and con filled volumes of Congressional Records relative to the earlier Wagner-Ellender-Taft bill. Despite this and in the face of our deplorable housing crisis, S. 1592 was allowed to die in committee. Surely this year when the housing need is just as great, and if anything even more acute, Congress will see fit to approve S. 866 which alone can begin to solve our chronic housing ills.

Specifically with reference to S. 866 we wish to make certain recommendations as follows:

(1) Title I of S. 1592 as proposed in 1946 be substituted for title II since in our opinion the creation of a housing commission with a coordinating council and with autonomy of constituent agencies would result in complex and confused administration.

(2) Title II of S. 1502 be reinstated in place of the weakened provisions for research as described in title IV of S. 866. The one phase of the housing problem on which all shades of opinion are in agreement is the basic need for technical research on methods and materials. Along with constant and careful housing market analysis, financial assistance to communities is an essential part of such activity.

(3) The pertinent section of title IV of S. 1592 which proposed 95 percent insurance and a maximum 31⁄2 percent interest rate for mutual home ownership be substituted for the comparable section of title VI S. 866 which limits such assistance to 90 percent and 4 percent interest. This is especially important to encourage full participation in the mutual home ownership program which would cover a long neglected segment of our income groups.

The public housing provisions contained in title IX of S. 866 seem to us modest compared to the need and we hope that the committee will reject any proposals for downward revision of the program contemplated in this title.

Conservative estimates of California housing needs by 1950 are set at more than 1,000,000 new permanent dwellings. This allows for the replacement of temporary war housing (68,000), replacement of veterans housing (23,000), existing substandard housing to be replaced (400,000), new families to be housed (448,000) and for a 5 percent vacancy ratio (131,000). It is clear that California along with the other States must depend for Federal participation in meeting even this minimum program.

[blocks in formation]

DEAR SENATOR TOBEY: Enclosed is our statement on the Taft-Ellender-Wagner housing bill, for introduction into the minutes of the hearings conducted by your committee. I wired you yesterday to ask permission for presenting this written testimony of the position of the New York State chapter of the Progressive Citizens of America.

May we receive copies of the committee's report when it is published?
Thank you very much.


J. RAYMOND WALSH, Chairman, New York State Chapter.


The New York State chapter of the Progressive Citizens of America is an independent political action organization representing the interests of individual New York State members organized into community chapters and professional divisions. Founded in convention on February 1, 1947, the New York State PCA is on record for action by private industry and Government agency to solve the Nation's No. 1 problem-housing.

New York State PCA therefore urges earliest possible passage of the TaftEllender-Wagner long-range housing bill.

No amount of rhetoric, nor the impact of any lobby can obscure the simple fact that Americans do not have decent homes in which to live and raise their families. Many Americans have no homes at all.

Hardest hit are the low-income groups and the veterans.

The Government has estimated that 121⁄2 million homes are needed in the next 10 years. That means 1,250,000 homes a year. A Department of Commerce poll of nearly 12,000,000 veterans showed that close to 3,000,000 wanted to build or buy at an average of $5,500 a house, and that 1,200,000 of them are looking for places to rent at an average of no more than $43 a month.

The war alone is not to blame for the current housing crisis. The war has only accentuated the problem of inadequate housing for low and middle-income groups of slums and the deterioration of whole neighborhoods.

In New York City in the last 10 years the number of dwelling units has increased by 188,935 while in that same period the number of families has increased by 431,000. That means a net shortage of 342,065 units.

The New York City Housing Authority surveyed the homeless and ill-housed people of the city and discovered that half of them can pay no more than $25 a month rent, and another one-third can pay between $25 and $40. The State legislature estimates that by the end of 1946, 211,000 veterans' families were homeless. New York Mayor O'Dwyer recently announced that in New York City alone, 150,000 families, or 500,000 persons, were without homes, living in the crudest arrangements, doubled up, children boarded out, and without plumbing and kitchen facilities. In addition, Mayor O'Dwyer estimated that 600,000 units were required to replace slums and obsolete dwellings.

"Building as usual" has failed to meet the basic housing needs of the American people.

We need a bold and constructive long-range housing program such as is proposed in the Taft-Wagner-Ellender housing bill. We need funds provided for public housing to meet the requirements of the very lowest income groups. We need to encourage private building for low and moderate income groups through loans, guaranties for individual home builders, yield insurance for financial institutions investing in low-rent housing, and aid to local governments in slumclearance and urban-redevelopment programs.

The Taft-Wagner-Ellender bill encourages and helps private builders to build more homes for more Americans than ever before. That means business for private builders and jobs for millions of Americans.

The Taft-Wagner-Ellender bill recognizes the responsibility of the Nation to provide the lowest income groups with public housing, when private builders have demonstrated that alone they cannot fill the need.

The Taft-Wagner-Ellender bill opens the way for local governments to clear away the blight of slums, and the disease, crime, and social demoralization they engender.

The failure of Congress last year to take final positive action on such a program must not be repeated this year. We cannot afford to delay any longer. J. RAYMOND WALSH, Chairman, New York State Chapter, Progressive Citizens of America.


Subject: Taft-Ellender-Wagner bill No. S. 866.

March 28, 1947.

Chairman of the Senate Banking and Currency Committee,

Washington, D. C.

DEAR SIR: I well remember your inspiring address at the annual dinner meeting of the National Public Housing Conference in Chicago, Wednesday, March 12. The address was very impressive, and I am sure you inspired all those present to do their particular job in this world a little better for the benefit of their fellow


Naturally, I am most anxious to have the Taft-Ellender-Wagner housing bill enacted into law so that the housing program of this Nation can go forward. To any who are at all informed, there is no question about the need of housing for high-income families as well as low-income families all over this country. The situation is particularly acute here in Peoria, and attached are three newspaper clippings with headings as follows, which very clearly and definitely indicate the need for more housing immediately:

Journal-Star, March 23, 1947, "16,653 families need housing, survey shows; Peoria-Pekin area results reveal some surprises."

Peoria Star, March 21, 1947, "VFW plans new housing drive-starts with letter campaign."

Peoria Journal, February 26, 1947, "Survey shows housing needs of veterans." I know that you are vitally interested in enacting legislation that will help to provide housing immediately for veterans as well as other families in need, and I want you to know that your efforts in getting a favorable report on S. 866 by the Banking and Currency Committee will be appreciated by all who know about the desperate need for more and better housing.

Sincerely yours,

ELMER JOLLY, Conference Lay Leader.

[From the Peoria (Ill.) Star, March 21, 1947]


Open plans of a campaign to bring to Peoria a new housing project strictly for veterans, similar to the Warner homes and the Harrison homes, were unfolded at the meeting Thursday night of the South Peoria Post, No. 8862, of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

A resolution giving full support of the unit to the drive, introduced by Baird Helfreich, chairman of the housing committee and newly elected senior vice commander, was passed unanimously.

The first step in the campaign will be to mail letters to about 500 Congressmen and other public leaders concerned with the housing needs of this and other communities. Helfreich, reporting on local housing, declared that needs are not being met in Peoria, and that it is time to take action.

His proposal includes abolishing trailer camps after the new project is completed.

New officials of the post elected at the meeting are: Harry Cohen, commander; Baird Helfreich, senior vice commander; Fred Julian, junior vice commander; Harold Pardieck, quartermaster; Robert McCloskey, chaplain; Harold Bradle, surgeon; and Carroll Nofsinger, judge advocate.

Charles Howe, immediate past commander, automatically becomes trustee for a 3-year term.

The new officers will be installed April 13 at which time the post will dedicate its new home at 3015 South Adams Street. At the same affair a large class of new members will be initiated.

Visitors at the meeting included: Charles Siders, Over There Post, No. 112, Wichita, Kans.; Frank Biddlecomb, national aide-de-camp; Alonzo Simpson, of Peoria Heights Post, No. 2606; and James M. Clark, commander of Post No. 2078, East Peoria.

[From the Peoria (Ill.) Journal, February 26, 1947]


Need for many hundreds of additional dwelling units in the low- and moderateprice brackets in Peoria, especially for World War II veterans, is indicated in a survey made by the Bureau of Labor Statistics at the request of the National Housing Agency.

The survey report, released today, shows that an estimated 11,500 veterans in the Peoria area at the time of the survey (September and October 1946), 7,500 were married and 4,000 were single, widowed, or divorced.


"Twenty-four percent or 1,800 of the estimated 7,500 married veterans residing in Peoria at the time of the survey were living doubled up or in rented rooms, trailers, or tourist cabins," said the report.

"Of the married veterans, including those doubled up, living in ordinary dwelling units, 20 percent occupied units which lacked one or more of the standard plumbing facilities or which were in need of major repairs or unfit for use. About 17 percent of all privately financed dwelling units in which veterans lived contained doubled-up families, whereas only about 8 percent of all occupied dwelling units contained doubled-up families.


"Of the estimated 11,500 veterans in the area at the time of the survey, 20 percent or 2,300 were not residents of the Peoria locality prior to their military service. At the time of the survey 92 percent of the 11,500 or 10,500 definitely planned to remain in the area. Four percent planned to leave and 4 percent were undecided."

The report also showed that 47 percent of the 7,500 married veterans or 3,525 were renting dwelling units for which the median gross monthly rental was $40 per month. Median price veterans in "buy or build" market were able to

pay was $6,000, Median income for all veterans from all sources was $44 per week.

[From the Peoria (Ill.) Journal-Star, March 23, 1947]


Housing for 16,653 families is needed in the Peoria-Pekin area.

If several hundred houses could be built this year on an attractive location within 30 minutes of downtown Peoria, 6,153 people would purchase at an average of $5,326.27, at an average monthly payment of $40.01.

Of the total number, 5,276 are eligible for Veterans' Administration assistance. This is the situation revealed in a survey of the Peoria-Pekin area conducted in January and February by 17 companies under the sponsorship of the Peoria Clearing House Association and the Peoria Savings and Loan League in an endeavor to find at least a partial solution to the current housing shortage.

Out of a total of 17,503 questionnaires sent out, only 505 were not returned. Negative replies were sent in by 345.

Geographically there were 3,807 responses from Peorians to the questionnaire; 500 from East Peoria; 319, Pekin; 144, Washington; 133, Creve Coeur; 69, Bloomington; 53, Canton; 52, Morton; 48 each from Bartonville and Farmington; 38, Lincoln; 37, Metamora. Mason City was next with 28 responses and 145 other towns came through with from 1 to 21 replies.

In Peoria County 5,196 reported they were paying for their own homes and in Tazewell County the count was 2,681.

Of those who indicated an inclination to purchase homes, 4,663 prefer to cook with gas; 576, electricity; 274 would burn oil and 376 would use other types of fuel. Electric refrigeration was preferred by 4,410; 540 chose ice; 115, gas; and 10 indicated they would like to use oil.

Gas heat was the preference of 2,688; 2,247 would use coal; 908 specified oil; and 131 electricity.

To the question on type of basement preferred 5,184 want complete basements and 512 wouldn't want any if adequate storage space and good heat is provided. Partial basement would be all right for 322.

Two bedrooms would be sufficient for 2,996; three are required by 2,064; and one is sufficient according to 519. Four bedrooms were specified as necessary to 382, and 101 need 5 or more.

In answer to the preferred width of lot, 2,106 preferred 60 feet; 1,279 would be satisfied with 50 feet; 699 want 70; 586 want 80; and 274 want lots 90 feet wide. Another 676 would build on 100 feet and 312 want even wider lots.

On the depth of the lot, 2,683 expressed a preference for 150 feet; 1,301 for 120; 794 for 175 foot depth; 593 thought 100 feet would suit their needs; and 509 wanted over 175-foot depth.

The survey revealed that 4,185 are sharing their present quarters with another family, while 1,151 reported they were sharing with more than one family. Present quarters unsuited to needs were reported by 7,751.

Those who indicated they were interested in obtaining a place to live by purchasing a home numbered 4,497; 3,510 would like to build; 760 were interested in renting an apartment; and 890 were interested in renting a house.

Nonveterans responding to the questionnaire outnumbered veterans in the poll to purchase houses already built and in a desire to build for themselves.

But veterans were willing to put more into the cost of purchase or building. Veterans average approximate price for a house was $5,388 and for the nonvet the average price was $5,264.55.

A normal household of 2 was indicated by 1,487, while 1,456 reported 3, and 1,229 reported 4; 708 reported 5 in the family; 433 were singles; 309 reported 6; and 144 reported 7 as normal for them.

Average price indicated for a two-bedroom house was $5,068.30, with $5,662.86 for three bedrooms.

Taken as a whole, answers to the questionnaire were complete, although a few failed to designate male or female and still another few did not express a preference for the type of refrigeration, heating device, or basement.

The highest figures in the no-answer department was 1,613, who did not specify whether they were eligible to Veterans' Administration assistance.

A reported 956 do not own their own refrigerators.

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