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The official seal of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is a disc of blue sky strewn with white stars. To the left, there is a large yellow sphere bearing a red flight vector symbol. The wings of the vector symbol envelope and cast a brown shadow upon it. A white horizontal orbit also encircles the sphere. To the right, there is a small light blue sphere. A white band which circumscribes the disc is edged in gold and is inscribed with "National Aeronautics and Space Administration U.S.A." in red letters.

§1221.103 Establishment of the NASA sign element for visual communicaInsignia.

The NASA Insignia was designed by the Army Institute of Heraldry and approved by the Commission of Fine Arts and the NASA Administrator. It symbolizes NASA's role in aeronautics and space and is established by the NASA Administrator as the signature an de

tions formerly reserved for the NASA Logotype. The NASA Insignia shall be used as set forth in §1221.110, the NASA Graphics Standards Manual, NASA Insignia Standards Supplement, and any related NASA directive or specification approved by the NASA Administrator and published subsequent hereto.

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The official insignia of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is a dark blue disc with white stars. The white hand-cut letters "NASA" are in the center of the disc and are encircled by a white diagonal orbit. A solid red vector symbol also appears behind and in front of the letters.


The NASA Insignia may be reproduced black-on-white (single color) as shown above or two-color (blue and red on white). are PMS 286 blue and PMS 185 red.

The colors

The Insignia may be reproduced in various sizes but not less than five-eighths (5/8) of an inch. The sizes are determined on the basis of (a) desired effect for visual identification or publicity purposes, (b) relative size of the object on which the Insignia is to appear, and (c) consideration of any design, layout, reproduction, or other problems involved. For more information, refer to the NASA Insignia Standards Supplement.

§1221.104 Establishment of the NASA Logotype.

The NASA Logotype was approved by the Commission of Fine Arts and the

NASA Administrator. It symbolizes NASA's role in aeronautics and space from 1975 to 1992 and has been retired. The NASA Logotype shall be used as set forth in § 1221.111.

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Black-on- white or single color: One color:

As shown.

The preferred color of the NASA Logotype is NASA
red (PMS 179), used only when a second color is
available and appropriate. Against a white
background, the NASA Logotype may be shown in
NASA red, black, or NASA warm gray (PMS 416).
For background of other values, the Graphics
Standards Manual is to be consulted and followed.



The NASA Logotype may be reproduced or used in various sizes. to be determined on the basis of (a) desired effect for visual identification or publicity purposes, (b) relative size of the object on which the NASA Logotype is to appear, and (c) consideration of any design, layout, reproduction or other problems involved. Refer to the Graphics Standards Manual for details.


The NASA Logotype will not be used for any purpose without the written approval of the Administrator.

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