Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
AGOA airstrips allocated ambayo asilimia asked the Minister Assistant Minister beg to reply chini cotton Cotton Act cotton farmers cotton industry cotton production crop deferred District Eastleigh Eldoret fulani gani ginneries Government hali hapa hivyo hiyo hizo Hoja hii House issue Iwapo jambo Judiciary kama Kamama katika sehemu kazi Kenya Kenya Seed Company kila Kirwa Kombe Konchella KPLC kufanya kupata kutoka kuwa kwa sababu kwamba lakini Machakos Magarini magistrates maisha mashamba mbegu Members Members of Parliament mikopo Minister for Agriculture Ministerial Statement Ministry Motion mradi Murang'a District Mwiria nafasi Naibu Spika Nairobi Nakitare Ojiambo Ojode pamba pesa Poghisio point of order Pumwani Maternity Hospital pyrethrum revive roads Sambu sehemu kame Serikali settlement schemes sheria shirika Spika wa Muda Suneka Airstrip Temporary Deputy Speaker textile title deeds Tunataka ukulima wa pamba wakati wakulima Wambora wananchi wananchi wetu watu wetu Waziri Wizara yetu zao hili