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Russell, Lord John, his administration,
81. His reply to Wentworth's
Committee, 92.

Seat of Government debates at 1891
Convention, 135, 141; at Melbourne
session, 204. Demands of N.S. W.,
216, 218; amendment at Premiers'
Conference, 219. Historical note,

Exclusive power to make laws for,
658, 982. Representation of, 973.
Temporary, question of, 979. Ac-
quisition of site for, 980; Mr.
Oliver's Report, 982. Measurement
of distance, 982. Shall be vested in
the Commonwealth, ib. Crown lands
to be granted free, 982.

Secession, American doctrine of, 292-4.
Senate, 412-44. Adoption of word, 131,

168, 173. Equal representation in,
131, 173, 182, 183, 189, 206, 412, 414,
421. Powers of, 129, 131, 138, 145,
662-73; debates at Adelaide session
as to, 166, 173; at Sydney session,
189; see Money bills, Appropriation
bills, Taxation bills. Function as
Council of States, 414.

Dissolution of, 167, 180, 191, 203,
430. Electorates for, 413, 419.
Quorum of, 443. Voting in, 444.

See Senators.

Senators, mode of election of, 137, 413,
418. Number of, 218. Term of
office, 413, 422, 433. Certifying

names of. 413, 422, 435, 438.
Qualifications of, 439. Qualifications
of electors of, 423-4. Method of
choosing, 425. Times and places of
elections, 427; application of State
laws, ib. Failure to choose, 428.
Issue of writs, 429. Rotation of,
430, 434. Casual vacancies, 434.
Vacancy by absence, 442. Vacancy
to be notified, 443. See Senate.
Separation, beginnings of in Australia,
79. Of territory, formation of new
State by, 976.

Service, Mr. James, 110, 111, 119.
Service of process of State courts,
federal power as to, 614.

Services, imposition or appropriation

of fees for, 668. State charges for,
are not taxes on commerce, 853.

State, contrasted with Government, 367.
Different meanings of word, 368-72.

States, adoption of word, 131. Are
parts of the Commonwealth, 370-1.
Original, 376-421. New, 967-77.
Boundaries of, 216, 219; suits as
to, 775. Alteration of limits of, 216,
219, 378, 974. Division or amalga-
mation of, 129, 976.

Suits against, 774, 806. Suits be-
tween, 775. Suits between residents
of different, 776. Suits between a
State and resident of another, 778.
Laws conferring rights to proceed
against, 775, 805.

Continuance of the Constitutions
of, 929; subject to the Federal Con-
stitution, 931. Powers of the Par-
liaments of, continued, 933; resi-
duary, 935; new, 936; to surrender
territory, 941. Laws of, continued,
937; unless inconsistent with federal
laws, 938.

May levy charges for inspection
laws, 942. May control liquor traffic,
944. May not, without consent of
Commonwealth, raise forces or tax
property of Commonwealth, 948.
May not coin money, 950. Rights of
residents in, 953. People of, 418,
957. Recognition of laws, &c., of,
620, 961. See New States.

Statistics, federal power as to, 572.
"The latest statistics of the Common-
wealth," 445, 454, 922, 925.
Subject, British, natural born and
naturalized, 478; defined, 491, 955;
resident in one State, discrimination
against by another, 954. Of foreign
power, disqualified for Parliament,


Subject-matter, federal jurisdiction
arising from, 737, 773, 800, 764-804.
The same, claimed under laws of
different States, 800.

Suffrage, see Franchise, Women.
Surplus revenue, distribution of. See

Sydney, foundation of, 30, 79. Proposed
as the federal capital, 141, 184, 204,
218,219. Seat of Government must
not be within 100 miles of, 219, 978.
Tacking, to annual appropriation bill
forbidden, 674. To taxation bills,
Tariffs, intercolonial, first imposition
of, 79, 100. Border customs treaties,
101. Uniform tariff proposals, ib.
Conference of 1863, ib. Other Confer-
ences, 102-7. Proposals for customs
union, 104. See Customs and excise,
Customs duties.
Tasmania, Discovery of, 25. Explora-
tion, 31. Foundation, 58, 79. Sepa-
ration from N.S.W., 59, 79. First
representative legislature, 60. New
Constitution, 61. Responsible govern-
ment and enlarged legislative powers,

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endum of 1898, 212; of 1899, 223.
Description of, 374.
Taxation, federal powers of, 132, 549.

Nature of power, 550. Limits of power,
ib. Preferences and discriminations,
550-1, 829, 876-9. Of State property
and officers, 551, 553. Area and
extent of power, 551. How far
exclusive, ib. Of property of State
or Commonwealth, 948. Of federal
corporations by States, 552.
amples of power, 555. Apportion-
ment of, 556; effect of violation,


Laws imposing, 675; shall deal
only with imposition, 677; only with
one subject of taxation, 678. Bills
for imposing, Senate may not origi-
nate, 677; nor amend, 678; what
bills are deemed not to be, 667.

Telegraphs and telephones are instru-
ments of commerce, 517, 534, 541.
See Posts.

Territorial limits, 354; Australian

waters beyond, 569; corporations
formed within, 607. Territorial

waters, 356. Territorial basis of
Commonwealth, 366, 372.

Territories, Australasian, 376. Federal,
laws for the government of, 970-1;
prerogative in, 972; judicial
authority in, ib.; representation of,
ib. See Territory, Seat of Govern-


Territory, States may surrender, 941,
970. Placed by Queen under control
of Commonwealth, or otherwise
acquired, 970-1. See Seat of Govern-


Title of Statute, 281. Short title of Com-
monwealth Act, 311-20.

Tonnage duty, 536, 850, 948.
Torts in connection with commerce,
States may deal with liability for,


Trade and commerce, debates in 1891
Convention, 135. Definition of,
515-17. Includes transportation, 517,
533, 535; travel, 518; traffic and
intercourse, 522, 539; navigation
and shipping, 520, 522, 540, 873;
improvement of navigation and re-
moval of obstructions, 540, 874;
State railways, 520, 874. Does not
include production and manufacture,
518; or certain occupations, 519.
Subjects of, 518.

Inter-state, federal power as to,
515-49. Definition of, 517, 903-4.
Extent of the power, 539. Aids to
power, 516. Limits of power, 516,
903. Exclusive or concurrent, 530.
Beginning and end of federal con-
trol, 519, 539; duration, 519; inter-
ruption of transit, 519. Leading
American cases, 521-39. American
and Canadian powers, 543.

Equality of, 171, 199, 903 (see
Preference). Freedom of, 845. Re-
gulation of, 516, 522, 547; and pro-
hibition, 547. State legislation
affecting, 542. State tax upon, 534,
846; when constitutional, 848; upon
persons engaged in, 857. State
licenses for, 847; other allowable
charges, 849. Restriction by police
powers of States, 847, 850-3. Do-
mestic commerce of States, 517, 540,
542, 855, 856, 903-4.

Trade Marks, federal power as to, 598.
Rights of aliens as to, 600.
Trading corporations. See Corpora-


Transfer. See Departments, Officers.
Treason, attainder or conviction for,

disqualifies for Parliament, 490, 492.
Treaties, 346, 631, 678. Commercial,
633, 769; negotiation of, by colonies,
635. Matters arising under, High
Court has original jurisdiction in,
768, 770. Municipal rights under,
769. In United States, have the
effect of laws, 769. Judicial cogni-
zance of, 770.

Tripartite division of government.
See Government.
Unconstitutional, when courts will

pronounce a law, 767, 792, 796.
Statutes unconstitutional in part, 796.
Undue and unreasonable, what is, is a
question of fact, 744. Test of a pre-
ference, whether it is undue, &c.,
878. See Preference.

Unification, Sir George Dibbs' scheme
for, 155. Distinguished from
Federation, 333.

Uniform federal franchise, 483-7, 985.
Method of choosing senators, 426.
Taxation must be, 550, 829, 876.
Bounties must be, 556. Duties of
customs, 829.
United Kingdom, The, 296-300. Out-
lines and conspectus of Constitution
of, 317, 319.

United States of America, outlines and
conspectus of Constitution of, 318,
320. Leading commerce cases, 521-
39. Commerce power in, 542.
"Until the Parliament otherwise
provides," legislative power con-
ferred by these words, 647.

Vacancies in Senate, triennial, 430,

434; casual, 434; by resignation or
absence, 442; notification of, 437,
443. In House of Representatives,
473; by resignation or absence, 481.
In both Houses, on disqualification,
494. Trial of disputed, 496.
Validity of law. See Unconstitutional.
Van Diemen's Land. See Tasmania.
Vice-Admiralty courts in N.S.W. and
Victoria, 797-8. See Admiralty.
Victoria, Foundation of Port Phillip

settlement, 51, 79. Separation from
N.S. W., 52, 81, 100. Political
progress, 54. Constitution Statute
and Act, 55. Responsible Govern-
ment, 57. Enlarged legislative
powers, ib. Reforms, ib. Consti-
tutional struggles, ib.

Constitutional Committee of 1853,
91. Select Committees on Federa-
tion, 95, 97. First tariff, 100 Joins
Federal Council, 114, 377. Federal
resolutions of 1890, 122. Resolu-
tions on 1891 Bill, 146. Referendum
of 1898, 210. Suggested amend-
ments of Adelaide Bill, 184. Des-
cription of, 374.

Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 62.
Waters, territorial, 356. Beyond terri-

torial limits, 569. Navigable, 881;
American decisions as to, 882, 887;
extent of federal authority over,
883; concurrent powers of States
as to. 884. Of rivers, 893; Common-
wealth may not abridge reasonable

use of, 879; for conservation or
irrigation, 893. See Rivers.

Weights and measures, federal power
as to, 584.

Wentworth, William Charles, protests
against Earl Grey's despatch, 82
Secures appointment of Constitu-
tional Committee, 90. His federal
scheme, ib. His Memorial and
Enabling Bill, 93, 96.

Western Australia, Foundation of, 33.
First statutory authority, 67. First
représentative legislature, 68. Re-
sponsible Government sought, 69.
New Constitution and Responsible
Government, 70. Reforms, 71.
Joins Federal Council, 114, 377.
Federal resolutions of 1891, 123.

Suggested amendments of Adelaide
Bill, 185. Tariff clause, 198. Com-
monwealth Bill referred to Select
Committee, 226. Suggested amend-
ments, 226, 234, 237. Adopts Con-
stitution, 249. Description of, 375.
Retains intercolonial customs for
five years, 865.

Wharfage dues, not a tax, 535, 536,
853. Must be reasonable, 854.
Wharves, State powers as to, 853.
Wilson Act (United States).


Women, qualification of, as members
of the Federal Parliament, 475.
Extension of suffrage to, in New
Zealand, South Australia, and
Western Australia, 483-7.

Websdale, Shoosmith & Co., Printers, Sydney.

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