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Grey, Earl, his project for federal
union, 81; failure of, 88. Creates
office of Governor-General, 41, 89.
Griffith, Sir Samuel, devises Federal
Council Bill, 111. Chief draftsman
of 1891 Bill, 130. Criticizes pro-
posed appeal clause, 246.
Guarantee of State finances, debates as
to, 140, 170, 177, 183, 197. Effect
of Braddon clause, 825-8. Effect of
"financial assistance" clause, 870.
Haldane, Mr. R. B., proposal as to
Imperial Court of Appeal, 231.
Harbours. See Ports.
High Court, its establishment man-
datory, 723. Both a federal and a
national court, 724, 737. Guardian
of Federal and State Constitutions,
725. Original jurisdiction of, 724,
764, 784; additional may be con-
ferred, 789. Appellate jurisdiction
of, 724, 734, 784; from State Courts,
not exclusive, 738. Its decisions
"final and conclusive," 746; subject
to appeal by special leave of Privy
Council, 746 or of High Court in
certain cases, 748.

House of Representatives, 445-83.
Adoption of word, 131. A national
chamber, 448. Compared
House of Commons, ib.



Duration of, 168, 461.
representation in, 133, 168, 455.
Dissolution of, 404, 407, 464.
Electors of, 449. Number of
members, 450; at first election, 456;
alteration of, 460; apportionment
of, 453; ascertainment of quota, ib ;
provision as to disqualified races,
455. Electoral divisions for, 465.
Qualification of electors of, 467.
Qualification of members, 474;
whether women qualified, 475.

Quorum of, 482. Voting in, 483.
Resignation from, 481. Vacancy
by absence, ib. See Elections.
Immigration, federal power as to, 623.
International, political, and legal
aspects, 623-4. Restrictive laws,
624; as to Chinese, ib. ; as to
Asiatics, 626. Natal Act, 627.
Legislation in Canada, ib.; in
United States, 628. Assisted
immigration, 629. See Aliens.
Immunities, Parliamentary, 502, 507.

Of people of Commonwealth and
States, 958. See Privileges.
Implied powers, development of, in
United States, 582, 651. Of Federal
Parliament, 652. Implied restric-
tions, 796.

Importation, when complete, 846, 859.
Meaning of, 859, 943.

Incapacity, judicial, 731.

[blocks in formation]

India, British possessions in, 18. See

Indictment, 808; trial on, must be by
jury, ib.

Indissoluble, Commonwealth declared
to be, 292-4.

Infants, custody and guardianship of,
federal power as to, 612.

Inferior courts, Parliament may
create, 725; and define their juris-
diction, 726. Appeals from, 726,

742. See Judges.
Injunction, 783. Against an officer of
the Commonwealth, ib.

Insolvency. See Bankruptcy.
Inspection laws, 943. States may

levy, on imports and exports, 855,
942. Limits of, 944. Examples of,

Insurance, contracts for, not commerce,
543. Federal power as to, 582.
State insurance, 583.

Interpretation of statute, 365-6.
Right of independent, 755. Of
Constitution, matters involving,
790; duty of, 791; principles of,
792; American cases on, 796.
Imperial Interpretation Act, 792
(and see Table of Statutes, 52 and
53 Vic. c. 63).

Inter-State Commission, debates as
to, 171, 183, 201. There shall be,
521, 895.
Suggested by English
Railway Commissions, 896; and by
American Interstate Commerce
Commission, 521, 897, 910. Its
general powers of adjudication,
899; and administration, 900; not
a legislative body, ib. Its special
powers as to State railways, 899,
918. Tenure, appointment, and
remuneration of members, 918. See

Intoxicating liquids. See Liquor.
Irrigation, right of States to reasonable
use of waters for, 880, 894.
bable effect of, on navigation, 894.
See Waters.


[blocks in formation]

Judicial power, 655, 719, 806. Separa-

tion of, 719. Executive encroach-
ments on, 720. Legislative encroach-
ments on, 721. Does not include
political questions, 722. Legislation
incidental to, 655, 723. Vested in
federal courts. 723. Whether it in-
cludes extra-judicial opinions, 765.
Matters within the limits of, federal
power to confer rights to
Commonwealth or States, 804. In
territories, 973.
Judiciary, Federal, resolutions as to,


in 1891 Convention, 129, 133; at
Adelaide session, 169. Is a Co-
ordinate department, 723.
Jurisdiction. 736. Mode of proof of

facts conferring, is matter of pro-
cedure, 772. Federal, not presumed,
784. Common law, 785. Of inferior
federal courts, power of Parliament
to define and make exclusive, 802.
Federal, Parliament may invest
State courts with, 803; and prescribe
number of judges to exercise, 807.
Concurrent, 803.

Jury, in civil cases, 727. Trial by, on
indictment, 808, 810.

Justices of federal courts, 727.


number and precedence. 727. Ap-
pointment of, 727, 729. Tenure and
removal, 730 Responsibility of
Ministers for removal, 732. Power
to suspend, 733. Reasons for
security of tenure, ib.
tion of, 734.

Of High Court, appeals from to
High Court in appellate jurisdiction,


Labouchere, Henry, 93. Reply to
Wentworth's memorial, 94.
Labour Party, criticism of 1891 Bill by,
144, 145. At Convention elections,
163. Objections to Convention Bill,

Lang, Dr. John Dunmore, 91, 92, 99.
Law, questions of, 743, 914. Constitu-
tionality of, see Unconstitutional.
Laws of the Commonwealth, 346, 357,
809. Are binding on courts, &c.,
353-6. Disallowance of, 692. Cases
arising under, 797. Offences against,

Of the States, 356. Saving of, 937.
Inconsistency of, with federal law,

Legal Tender, federal power as to, 575.

In United States, ab. Imperial con-
trol of, ib. States may not make
anything but gold and silver coin,
Legislative power of the Common-
wealth, 384-5, 508, 653; classified,

509; plenary nature of, ib. ; limita-
tions of, 510; nature and distribution

[blocks in formation]

Lord Howe Island, 376.
Lords spiritual, 303-4; Temporal, 304-5.
Mandamus. 780. Against officer of the
Commonwealth, 778, 781. American
cases, 778. General jurisdiction in,
Manufacture is not commerce, 518.
Marginal Notes of statute, 281.
Maritime jurisdiction. See Admiralty.
Marriage, federal power as to, 608.
Matrimonial causes, federal power as
to, 611.

Matters referred by State Parliaments,
legislative power in respect of, 648.
Incidental to execution of power,
651. In which High Court has
original jurisdiction, 765; or may
be invested with additional jurisdic-
tion, 789.

Melbourne, foundation of, 52.

Parliament to meet at, till it meets
at the seat of Government, 978.
Members of one House ineligible for the
other, 488. Of Parliament, dis-
qualifications of, 489; allowance to,
499; privileges of, 500, 507.
Meteorological observations, federal
power as to, 566.

Ministers of State for the Common-

wealth, 709. Appointment of, to
administer departments, 708. To
sit in Parliament, 128, 711. Not
disqualified, 493. Must be members
of Federal Executive Council, 705.
Without portfolios, 705, 711.
Number and salaries of, 712.

For a State, not disqualified, 493.
Misbehaviour, judicial, 731.
Money bills, "compromise of 1891,"
128, 129, 131, 138. Discussed at
Adelaide session, 166, 169, 172.
Suggestions of Parliaments, 182, 186.
Sydney session, 189.

Origination of, 667. Amendment
of. 668, 671. Suggestion of amend-

ments, 671.
Monopolies, federal regulation of, 538.
Murray River, customs treaties, 100,
101. Railway across, 109.
Nation defined, 371. National and
federal, 334-42.

Naturalization, federal power as to,
601; in the United States, ib.
Canadian cases as to, 602. Under
colonial laws, 603. See Aliens.
Navigation and shipping, included in
commerce, 517, 540, 542, 873-4. See

New Guinea, attempted annexation of,
by Queensland, 110, 113. Descrip-
tion of, 376.

New South Wales, Foundation of, 29.
First statutory authority, 35. Con-
stitutions of 1823 and 1828, 36.
First representative legislature, 38.
Australian Colonies Government Act,
1850, 40. Demand for responsible
government, 41. Constitution Sta-
tute and Act, 42. Responsible
government, 44. Amendment of the
Constitution, 47. Enlarged legisla-
tive powers, 48. Original extent of,
79. Description and administration
of, 373. Seat of Government to be
in, 978. See Table of Contents.
New States, admission or establishment
of, 966. Modes of creating, 967;
terms and conditions, 969. Forma-
tion of, by separation or union, 975.
New Zealand, discovered, 26. Circum-

navigated, 27. First settlement of,
75. Queen's sovereignty proclaimed,
ib. Separation from N.S.W., 75, 79.
The new Constitution, 76 Respon-
sible government, 77. Provinces
abolished, 78. Reforms, ib.

Federal resolutions of 1890, 123.
Attitude towards Federation, 228.
Suggests amendments in the Con-
stitution of the Commonwealth,
233, 234, 237. Description of, 373.
Proposed island Federation, 251, 639.
Norfolk Island, 376.

Oath of allegiance, 488.
Offence defined, 492. Conviction for,

disqualifies for Parliament, 490, 492.
Common law, jurisdiction over, 785,
809. Against law of the Common-
wealth, 809. Breach of statutory
prohibition is, 809.

Office of profit, 490, 492.
Officers of army or navy, not disquali-

fied, 494. Federal, incidental legis-
lative power as to, 655; appointment
and removal of, 712; mandamus,
prohibition, or injunction against,
778. Of the Commonwealth, who
are, 783. Of the transferred depart-
ments, 817.

Orders. See Rules and Orders.
Original Package, doctrine of, 524,
527, 536, 537, 846.

Pacific islands, federal power as to rela-
tions of Commonwealth with, 637.
British control in, ib. British pos-
sessions in, 639. Projects of New
Zealand as to, ib.

Paper money, federal power as to, 579.
Parental rights, federal power as to,

Parkes, Sir Henry, advocates Federa-

tion, 103. Federal Council Bill of
1867, 104. Proposed tariff agree-
ment in 1880, 107. Federal Council
resolutions, ib.; Bill, 108. Changes
his views as to Federal Council, 113.
Suggests Federal Parliament and
Executive, 117. Suggests National
Convention, 118. Consents to pre-
liminary conference, 119. Resolu-
tions in Conference. 120; in N.S. W.
Parliament, 123.
Convention, 124.
Convention, 124-6.

President of 1891
Resolutions in
Eulogy of 1891
Bill, 141. Proposed resolutions in
N.S. W. Parliament, 144.
Parliament, Federal, debates in 1891

Convention as to, 128, 133; at
Adelaide session, 168, 173. Deriva-
tion and prototypes of, 383. Queen
is part of, 385. Sessions of, 404,
406. Prorogation of, 404, 407. Sum-
moning of first, 409. Return of
writs, 410. Yearly session, ib. See
Elections, Members, Legislative
Parliament, Imperial, the Common-
wealth Bill before, 242-9. Powers
exercisable by, federal power as to,
Parliaments, State, 928. Continuance
of powers of, unless exclusively
vested in Federal Parliament or
withdrawn, 933. Concurrent powers
of, 934. Restricted powers of, 936.
New legislative powers of,
Powers of alteration and repeal,
937. May surrender territory, 941.
Parties, federal jurisdiction depending
on, 737, 772, 773, 775.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Penalty for sitting when disqualified,
495. Imposition or appropriation of,

Pensions, from Crown, disqualify for
Parliament, 493; exceptions, 494.
Invalid and old-age, federal power as
to, 204, 612.

People of the Colonies, their agreement

to federate, 290-2; union of, 332,
366. Of Commonwealth and States,
418, 447, 449, 957; privileges and
immunities of, 958.

Person, includes corporation, 777, 793.
Pilots, validity of State laws as to, 529,
541, 853.

[blocks in formation]


Powers of the Houses, 501, 507, 654; in
respect of laws, 662, 673; to address
Crown for removal of Judges, 731;
to allow State bounties, 843. Federal
and State. overlapping, 583.
federal officers and departments, 655.
Constitutional, questions as to the
limits of, 757. See Executive, Judicial,
Legislative, Exclusive, Concurrent,
Incidental, and Implied powers.
Preamble, 284-5. Of the Common-

wealth Act, 204, 230, 238, 240-9,
282-34. Recognition of God in, 287,
Preference, 551, 877, 912-5. What
constitutes, is a question of law, 743,
745, 914. By Commonwealth, for-
bidden, 875, 905.

Undue or unreasonable, 905-15;
Parliament may forbid States to
give, 901, 904. English legislation
and cases, 905; American, 910.
Group rates, 908; competitive, 908,
912, 914, 916; long and short haul,
911, 916. Due regard must be had
to financial responsibilities of States,
917. Inter-State Commission is
judge of unreasonableness, 744-6,
915, 918. See Discrimination.
Prerogative, 322-3, 406, 707. Of grant-

ing or refusing dissolution, 407, 464.
Of Queen in Council to grant special
leave to appeal, 750; not impaired
without express words, 760; power
of colonial legislatures to limit, 761;
Parliament may make laws limiting,
ib. In territories, 973.

President of Senate, election of, 440 ;
absence of, 441; vote of, 444.
Privileges of the Parliament. 501, 507.
Of colonial legislatures, 503.

leges and immunities of people of
Commonwealth and States, 958;
enforcement of, 959.

Privy Council, Committee of, on Trade
and Plantations, 83. History of,
329-30. Judicial Committee of, 751.
See Queen in Council.

Process, service and execution of, 614-7-
Recognition of, 620.

Proclamation of Commonwealth, 250,
331-2, 344. Of date of transfer of
departments, 714.

Production distinguished from com-
518. Bounties




Prohibition, State laws as to, 537.
Whether included in " regulation;"
547. Writ of, 780, 782; against an
officer of the Commonwealth, 783.
Statutory, breach of, is an offence,

Promissory notes. See Bills of Ex-

Property, acquisition of. for public
Used in connection
purposes, 204.
with transferred departments, 820.
Proposed laws, meaning of, 663, 674
Royal assent to, 688. Reserved,
signification of Queen's pleasure on,

Punctuation of statute, 282.
Qualification, of electors of senators,

423. Of senators, 439. Of electors of
House of Representatives, 467 (see
Franchise, Electors). Of members of
the House of Representatives, 474.
Trial of question of, 495.

Quarantine, 112. Federal power as to,
566. In United States, 567. Cana-
dian cases, 567. Transfer of depart-
ments of, 714. State power as to,
854, 857.

Queen, The, legislative authority of,
301-3. References to, 321-4. In the
Federal Parliament, 385.
Bills pre-

sented to Governor-General for her
assent, 692. Signification of her
pleasure on bills reserved, 693.
Executive power vested in, 701.
See Crown.

Queen in Council, no appeal as of right
to, from High Court, 746, 750. Pre-
rogative right to grant special leave
of appeal, 746, 748, 750, 761. When
special leave will be granted, 752.
Parliament may limit matters in
which leave may be asked, 761; but
laws limiting must be reserved, 763.
Limitation of prerogative as regards
constitutional questions, 753, 755,

758-9. No appeal upon constitutional
questions unless the High Court
certifies, 759.

Queensland. Moreton Bay settlement,

72. Separation of, 72, 99. Constitu-
tion of, 73. Relations of the two
Houses in, 74. Reforms, 74.

Reply of to federal proposals in
1860, 99. Annexation of New Guinea
by, 110. Executive Government of,
passes federal resolutions in 1883, ib.
Joins Federal Council, 114, 377.
Federal resolutions in 1890, 123.

Fails to join Convention of 1897-8,
162, 187, 193. Secures amendment
as to Senate electorates, 220. Adopts
Constitution 223. Description of,
374. Senate electorates in, 421.
Question, constitutional, 754. Of fact
or law, see Fact, Law.

Quorum of Senate, 443. Of House of
Representatives, 482.

Quota for House of Representatives,
445, 454.

Race, people of disfranchised, special
laws as to, 622.

Railway rates, debates at 1891 Con-
vention, 137; at Adelaide session,
171, 178; at Melbourne session, 199;
criticism of clauses, 207, 211.

Principles of making, 913. Prohibi-
tive, are unlawful, 916. Competitive,
ib. Long and short haul, ib. Develop-
mental, 920. See Preference.
Railways of the States, federal control
of, 169, 176, 199; for. naval and
military purposes, 642.
responsibilities in connection with,
202, 917. Are instruments of com-
merce, 517, 541. Federal power to
acquire, 643. State control of, 856.
Commerce power extends to, 874.
Powers of Inter-state Commission
with respect to, 899, 905. See
Inter-state Commission.

Of the Commonwealth, power to
construct and extend, 645. Prefer-
ences upon, 905.

Reasonable. what is, usually a question

of fact, 744, 914-5. Use of waters
of rivers, 890; analogy with common
law, 892; with preference clauses,
ib. See Preference.

Recognition of State Acts, &c., federal
power as to, 620. See Faith and

Reference by States, legislative power
in respect of 648.
Referendum on the Commonwealth

Bill of 1898, 206-13; of 1899, 221-6,
249. Suggested, in case of dead-
locks 167, 180, 183, 190-1, 203. On
amendments of the Constitution,
987, 992.

Regulations for appellate jurisdiction
of High Court, 738. Of trade, com-
merce, and revenue, 876, 881.
Reid, Mr. G. H., criticizes the Bill of
1891, 122, 145. Takes up Enabling
process, 159 Attitude at Refer-
endum of 1898, 208. Negotiates
for amendments, 214-8. Obtains
Conference of Premiers, 218. Sup-
ports Amended Bill, 221.
Religion, laws as to, 205, 288-90;
Commonwealth may not make laws
for establishing, 950. Christian, is
the law of the land, 288, 951.
Representatives of other countries,
cases affecting, 772.
territories, 972.



Of federal
House of


Reserved, bill may be, by Governor-
General, 688. Signification
Queen's pleasure on bills, 693. Bills
limiting prerogative of appeal must
be, 763. List of bills reserved in
colonies, 694.

Residence of members of Parliament,
477. Of corporation, 777. Change
of, 777.
Resident, of Commonwealth, 477. Of
a State, 775, 959; discrimination
against, by another State, 960.
Responsible Government, demand for
in N.S. W., 41; grant of, 44; in
Victoria, 55; in Tasmania, 61; in
South Australia, 65; in Western
Australia, 69, 70; in Queensland,
73; in New Zealand, 77.

Debates in 1891 Convention, 128,
132, 136, 139; at Adelaide session,
166, 169. Application of Referendum
to, 203.

In the Commonwealth, 703, 709.
In a Federation, 706. See Cabinet.
Revenue, apportionment of surplus,

debates at 1891 Convention, 133-4,
137, 139; at Adelaide session, 169,
183; at Sydney session, 188; at
Melbourne session, 197.

Appropriation of, 812. Net, 826 (see
Braddon clause). Surplus, payment
to States before uniform duties, 375;
for five years afterwards, 861; after
five years, 863; to be made monthly,
865. Collected in territories, 833.
Riparian rights, 888. Between States,
whether there are, 175, 198, 888.
Common law as to, 892. See Rivers.
Rivers. debates in 1891 Convention, 138;
at Adelaide session, 168, 174; diffi-
culties of problem, 174; at Mel-
bourne session, 194.

Within a State, 540, 886; con-
necting with waters of other States,
882, 886; along boundary, 888.
Improvement and obstruction of
navigation of, 540, 883. Bridges and
dams across, State powers to con-

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