Administration, Volume 9Institute of Public Administration, 1961 |
From inside the book
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Page 51
... Decision of the Minister for Local Government on Appeal- " Surcharge declared lawful but remitted " ( 2 ) Surcharge of £ 4 . 7. 9. refunded to the successful applicant for the post of Clerk of Works in respect of travelling and ...
... Decision of the Minister for Local Government on Appeal- " Surcharge declared lawful but remitted " ( 2 ) Surcharge of £ 4 . 7. 9. refunded to the successful applicant for the post of Clerk of Works in respect of travelling and ...
Page 100
... decisions which would settle an issue once and for all . The consequence is that files mount up on tables , or they circulate all over the establish- ment while the party or parties which await the administrative decision look vacantly ...
... decisions which would settle an issue once and for all . The consequence is that files mount up on tables , or they circulate all over the establish- ment while the party or parties which await the administrative decision look vacantly ...
Page 287
... decision with due regard to all the circumstances in the particular case . However , in this connection only such circum- stances may be taken into account as have been ascertained by objective evidence , and are also consistent with ...
... decision with due regard to all the circumstances in the particular case . However , in this connection only such circum- stances may be taken into account as have been ascertained by objective evidence , and are also consistent with ...
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accommodation accounts action activities administrative counties Aer Lingus agencies airlines anglers annual appointed areas attractions auditor authorities basis Board Bord Failte Britain British cent centres civil servant civil service coarse fishing Colombia Commissioners Committee concerned Cork cost county borough county council courts decision Department Division Dublin Dun Laoghaire duties economic established estimated Europe executive expenditure facilities Finance functions Government grants holiday important improvement income increase Industry and Commerce inspectors Institute interest internal audit Ireland Irish JO's Local Government Ireland matter ment million Minister Oireachtas operations organisation passengers payment person political Poor Law possible powers problem programme promotion Public Administration rates receipts regard responsibility revenue Robinson Secretariat Secretary Secretary-General staff surcharge Taoiseach technical assistance trade transport United Nations valuation visitors vocational education committees West Cork