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JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards - A. Physics and Chemistry
Vol. 75A, No. 2, March-April 1971

Combined Low-Pressure and High-Pressure Measurements of Density and Bulk Modulus of Aviation Instrument Oil and 2-Methylbutane and Their Mixtures

James C. Houck and Peter L. M. Heydemann

Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234

(November 24, 1970)

Dilatometric measurements were made on mixtures of aviation instrument oil and 2-methylbutane at low pressures. These results are combined with previous dilatometric and ultrasonic measurements at high pressures to give density, relative volume, and isothermal bulk modulus of the mixtures to pressures of 20 kilobars. The ratio of the adiabatic bulk modulus to isothermal bulk modulus for 2-methylbutane is also given.

Key words: Bulk modulus; compressibility; density: dilatometric measurements; high pressure:
liquids: 2-methylbutane; ultrasonics.

1. Introduction

Pentane and 2-methylbutane (i-pentane), as well as their mixtures, are widely used as pressure-transmitting fluids [1]' at very high pressures. Mixtures of pentane or 2-methylbutane with other fluids have been used to expand the range of hydrostatic pressure to beyond 50 kbar* [2]. Mixtures of 2-methylbutane with aviation instrument oil are used as pressuretransmitting fluids with good lubricity in the National Bureau of Standards 26 kbar piston gage.

Very little is known about the properties of these liquids and in particular their mixtures at high pressures. The density of pentane and 2-methylbutane was determined by Bridgman [3] to 9.8 kbar. In the present paper we will report on measurements of the density of mixtures of 2-methylbutane and aviation instrument oil (AIO) as a function of pressure up to their solidification region.

2. High-Pressure Ultrasonic and Dilatometric Measurements

The ultrasonic and dilatometric methods used in this laboratory for fluids at very high pressures have been described in a previous report [4] and again more extensively in reference [5]. We assume that the reader is familiar with these papers and will give only a very summary description here.

'Figures in brackets indicate the literature references at the end of this paper. *1 kbar = 10 N/m2.

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Bs(p) = P(p)L2(p)

T2 (p)

is the volume expansivity at pres

sure p;

is the pressure-dependent Grüneisen parameter;

is the absolute temperature; and is the adiabatic bulk modulus with p(p) density, L(p) sample length. and (p) ultrasonic transit time.

An iterative procedure is used to compute increasingly better approximations of V(p) and the length L(p) of the sample. The successful solution of this problem requires knowledge of any as a function of pressure. It also requires knowledge of the initial dimensions of the fluid container, the amount of fluid contained, and its density and speed of sound at atmospheric pressure. If a,yT is small we may choose to neglect it. For the fluids investigated here ayT is large at atmospheric pressure and is estimated to change rapidly with pressure. Its value as a function. of pressure and temperature is not sufficiently well known to be used in the present investigation. Therefore it seems more appropriate to determine the density as a function of pressure from dilatometric

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op, np are corrections for compression of the piston stack and distortion of other parts;

y[1-e-p] is a correction for initial slack in the setup at low pressures; and

Bey Lop is a correction for the effect of cylinder expansion which adjusts the actual length to the length which the sample would have in a rigid cylinder, permitting the use of L(p)/Lo for VVo. The coefficients o, n, y, e, and Bey are determined in separate experiments described in reference [5]. The zero pressure dial indicator reading, ho, is not known since a small unknown pressure is always generated when the press is closed up. The following procedure is used to determine ho. A value is assumed for h, and the bulk modulus of the sample fluid is computed from the pressure derivative of eq (2) using L(p) from eq (3). We further assume that as a first approximation the bulk modulus of a sample is a linear function of pressure, at least at low pressures. We then fit the experimental bulk modulus over part of the pressure range to a linear function of pressure.

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V(p) +VPE(P) Dπ/4

IPE (P) = Vo.PE

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is the volume of the polyethylene sleeve. We combine eq (3) with eqs (5), (6), and (7) and rearrange to solve for ho

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+y[1 − e− ] + BeyiLop


where ho, h(p) are the dial indicator readings at zero ram pressure and at pressure p:


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Now ho can be extrapolated from any datum point p. This procedure is unsatisfactory, at least in the present case, because the bulk modulus of the very compressible liquids is not a linear function of pressure and furthermore because in many instances the lowest pressure point is at 2000 bar and the extrapolation is rather long.

A low-pressure dilatometer was therefore constructed and measurements of Bo,ƒ were made to aid in the determination of ho.

3. Low-Pressure Dilatometer

A simple low-pressure dilatometer was constructed to measure the isothermal compressibility of liquids at atmospheric pressure. The pressure vessel is shown in figure 2. The lower half is a 5-in o.d. stainless steel tube brazed to a brass bottom plate and closed at its








tap. In addition the midplate holds a transparent plastic tube into which the capillary of the dilatometer protrudes. This plastic tube is sealed by O-rings and held to the midplate by bolts from a top closure.

The dilatometer is made from a 500-ml roundbottom flask sealed to the male portion of a groundglass taper joint. A 0.2-ml graduated pipet was sealed to the female portion of the ground-glass taper joint. The upper end of the pipet has an open cup sealed around it to aid in the final filling. When assembled the readable portion of the scale on the pipet covers approximately 0.17 ml, graduated in 0.001 ml. The flask is nested in a perforated brass can with springs attached to the rim which hook over a clamp around the ground-glass joint of the pipet to hold the joint together. The can also serves to locate the dilatometer in the pressure vessel.

The base plate of the pressure vessel was maintained slightly above room temperature to permit thermostatic control of the temperature. The same fluid used in the dilatometer was also used as a bath fluid to fill the pressure vessel around the dilatometer to about one inch below the midplate. The same fluid was chosen to decrease evaporation from the open capillary and to cause similar changes in temperature due to change in pressure. Nitrogen was used above the liquid as the pressure fluid.

The volume of the dilatometer was determined to within 0.2 percent by the weight of water contained in it. The capillary scale was checked with a weighed slug of mercury and was found to be within 0.2 percent of the capillary volume and uniform to within 0.2 division. The pressure was measured with a calibrated bourdon tube gage. The temperature of the liquid surrounding the dilatometer within the pressure vessel was measured with a platinum resistance thermometer. After filling the apparatus with a sample of fluid. the position of the meniscus in the capillary was read at various temperatures and at pressures between 1 and 5 bars.

The data were fitted to eq (9) by OMNITAB FIT for

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The estimated systematic uncertainties in the measurements of K, are 0.2 percent due to Vpo; 1 percent for απ and Kg; 0.3 percent for p; 0.2 percent for Ve; and 3 percent for t. The largest uncertainty, the 3 percent for t, results from an estimated uncertainty of 0.02 °C in the measurement of the equilibrium temperature. While this method of measuring the isothermal compressibility at atmospheric pressure gives results good only to about 3 percent, this is sufficient for our present use. The results for 2-methylbutane, aviation instrument oil, and 50/50, 75/25, and 25/75 mixtures of the two are shown in figure 3 by (A) as the isothermal bulk modulus at atmospheric pressure (B1⁄4 ̧ƒ).

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are plotted (x) in figure 3 and both coefficients are listed in table 1. A considerable improvement can be made, if Bo, is set equal to B,, the zero-pressure bulk modulus obtained from the low-pressure dilatometer measurements. A straight line is fitted to the same Bpm) as used above and forced through B The B are also plotted (A) in figure 3 and the coefficients B and B are listed in table 1. The values of B, and B, for each mixture were used to obtain an

TABLE 1. Density at atmospheric pressure and coefficients of bulk modulus of mixtures of aviation instrument oil and 2-methylbutane

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for the first six non-zero pressures (approximately 1 to 10 kbar) for each fluid sample. The resulting Bo,f

ho from eq (8) by averaging the values of ho from the first six non-zero pressure points for each mixture.

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These values of ho are used in eq (3) for L(p). L(p) is ised in eq (2) to determine Vp). Figure 4 shows (p)/Vƒo (or po/p) for each mixture. The values for (p)/Vo are given in table 2.

Table 3 shows the values of the isothermal bulk nodulus for each mixture at various pressures. The alues at atmospheric pressure are obtained from a inear fit to the values of the low-pressure dilatometric lata. All other values are from linear interpolation beween nearest experimental values. The tabulated data were fitted to B (m, p) =A+Bm+Cm2 + Dp+ Emp+ Fmp+Gp2+Hmp+ Imp. The variable m is the raction of aviation instrument oil in the mixture of the il and 2-methylbutane and p is the pressure. The esults indicated that an acceptable fit for the accuracy

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for B and p in kilobars. These results are shown in figure 5.

The adiabatic bulk modulus for 2-methylbutane was computed from ultrasonic measurements of the time of flight and the dilatometric measurements of density and length of sample. The ratio of the adiabatic bulk modulus (Bs) to the isothermal bulk modulus (B) TABLE 2. Ratio of V/Vo

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