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EASTERN CARIBBEAN FARM INSTITUTE. Reports of the Governing Body for 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, Government Printing Office, various years.

First Caribbean Seminar on Adult Education. Jamaica, 1952. [Report] [n.p.], [n.d.], various pagination.

FOX, ANNETTE BAKER, Freedom and Welfare in the Caribbean. Institute of International Studies, Yale University. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1949. 272 p.

GRIFFITHS, V. L. External Teacher Training: A Study of the Problem of the Pupil-Teacher and Probationary Teacher Systems in the British Caribbean. Centre for the Study of Education, University College of the West Indies, Jamaica, 1955. 33 p.

IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE. Report of the Governing Body and The Principal's Report for 1956–57. St. Augustine, Trinidad, the Imperial College, 1958. 63 p.

Prospectus. St. Augustine, Trinidad, the Imperial College, 1957. 41 p. INSPECTION ACADÉMIQUE DE LA MARTINIQUE. Tableaux Statistiques de l'Enseignement Public et Privé Dans le Département de la Martinique (Janvier 1959). Mimeo. 11 p.

JAMAICA, GOVERNMENT OF. A National Plan for Jamaica, 1957-1967. Kingston, Jamaica, The Government Printer, 1957. 70 p.

Annual Report of the Education Department for the Year Ended 31st December, 1954. Kingston, Jamaica, The Government Printer, 1956. 33 p. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. The Torch: A Quarterly Review of Education in Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica.

Jamaica School of Agriculture, Report of the Principal. Presented to the Board of Governors, 18 September 1958. Mimeo. 4 p.


1955-1956. 28 p. 1957. 16 p.

Annual Reports, Kingston, Jamaica.

Welfare Reporter. Issued monthly. Kingston, Jamaica.

KIDD, J. R. Adult Education in the Caribbean: The Extra Mural Department of the University College of the West Indies. Multilithed. 1958. 293 p. KING, MARGARET L. Education in the British West Indies. Washington, U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education (Studies in Comparative Education), 1955. 21 p.

MARIER, ROGER. Social Welfare Work in Jamaica. UNESCO Monographs on Fundamental Education, No. VII. Paris, UNESCO, 1953. 166 p.

MURKLAND, HARRY B. The West Indies Unite: British Colonies Take First Step Toward Independence. Américas, 10: 3–9, July 1958.

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, GOVERNMENT OF. Bureau Voor de Statistiek. Statistisch Jaarboek, 1957, Nederlandse Antillen. (Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Yearbook, 1957, Netherlands Antilles). Data supplied in Dutch, English, and Spanish. 68 p.

GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SERVICE. The Netherlands Antilles: Their Geography, History, and Political, Economic, and Social Development. Second Edition. Curaçao, 1958. 64 p.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE. Algemeen Overzicht: Toestand op 31 december 1957. [General Summary: Situation as of December 31, 1957.] Mimeo. [n.p.]

SHERLOCK, PHILIP M. Community Development Through Adult Education [Jamaica], Education for Better Living: The Role of the School in Community Development. 1957 Yearbook on Education Around the World, U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. Washington, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1957. p. 101-110.

Education in the Federation of the West Indies. School and Society, 85: 356-358, November 1957.

Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles: From Dependency to Partnership. [Obtained from the Netherlands Embassy, Washington, D. C.] n.p., n.d. 35 p. SURINAM, GOVERNMENT OF. Algemeen Bureau Voor de Statistiek (General Bureau of Statistics). Statistics of General Education, 1957. Surinam in Figures, No. 10, March 1959. [Publication in Dutch and English] Paramaribo, Surinam, 1959. 52 p.

GOVERNMENT INFORMATION SERVICE. Facts and Figures about Surinam. Paramaribo, Surinam, 1958. 20 p.

Verslag Van het Departement Van Onderwijs en Volksontwikkeling over de Jaren 1956, 1957, en 1958. [Report of the Department of Educa tion and Culture for the Years 1956, 1957, and 1958.] Paramaribo, Surinam [n.d.], 105 p.

TAYLOR, THOMAS W. J. The University College of the West Indies. Reprinted from Universities Review, by the University College of the West Indies. 16 p.

The British Commonwealth, 1958. Second Edition. The British West Indies, p. 761-824; The Federation of the West Indies, p. 943. London, Europa Publications, 1958.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, GOVERNMENT OF. Administration Report of the Education Department for the Year 1956. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, Government Printing Office, 1958. 28 p.

CENTRAL STATISTICAL OFFICE. Digest of Statistics on Education, 1950– 1956. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, 1958. 100 p.


monthly. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.

Five Year Development Programme, 1958-1962. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, Government Printing Office, 1958. 118 p.

UNESCO. World Survey of Education: Handbook of Educational Organization Statistics, Paris, UNESCO, 1955.

French Overseas Departements, Territories, and Protectorates, p. 249


Guadeloupe, p. 288.

Martinique, p. 289.

French Guiana, p. 290.

British Caribbean Region, p. 752-770.

Netherlands Antilles, p. 464–465.

Surinam, p. 460 464.

World Survey of Education, II: Primary Education. Paris, UNESCO,


Algeria and French Overseas Départements, p. 395-411.

British Caribbean Region, p. 1175-1199.

Netherlands Antilles, p. 755-759.

Surinam, p. 763-768.


Fundamental, Adult, Literacy, and Commu

nity Education in the West Indies, by H. W. Howes. Prepared for The West Indian Conference (Sixth Session, 1955). UNESCO Educational Studies and Documents, No. XV. Paris, UNESCO, 1955. 79 p.


UCWI Newsletter. Issued weekly.

UNITED KINGDOM COLONIAL OFFICE. Colonial No. 313. Report on the Provision of Agricultural Education of University Degree Standard in the British Caribbean Territories. By Sir Robert S. Wood. London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1955.

Colonial No. 336. Report of the Mission on Higher Technical Education in the British Caribbean. London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1957. 30 p.

Development and Welfare in the West Indies, 1957. Report by Sir Stephen Luke, Comptroller for Development and Welfare in the West Indies. Barbados, Advocate Co., Ltd. [n.d.], 144 p.

Oversea Education. London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Quar


Trinidad, the Federal Information Service, 1958. 36 p.

The West Indies, 1958. Port-of-Spain,

WILGUS, A. CURTIS, ed. The Caribbean: British, Dutch, French, United States. School of Inter-American Studies, University of Florida, Series One, Vol. VIII. Gainesville, Fla., University of Florida Press, 1958. 331 p. WILLIAMS, ERIC. Education in the British West Indies. Published under the auspices of the Teachers' Economic and Cultural Association, Ltd. of-Spain, Trinidad, 1950. 167 p.


WINDWARD ISLANDS, GOVERNMENT OF. Educational Survey, 1953–1954, by C. V. D. Hadley, Education Officer, St. Vincent. St. Vincent, 1954. 70 p.

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