Protecting Lives, Restoring Livelihoods: The U.S. Program To Remove LandminesDIANE Publishing |
From inside the book
Page 2
... many of the over 60 countries that are affected by persistent landmines . Thanks to their efforts over the past decade , reported landmine casualties worldwide have dropped from the generally accepted estimate of 26,000 annually through ...
... many of the over 60 countries that are affected by persistent landmines . Thanks to their efforts over the past decade , reported landmine casualties worldwide have dropped from the generally accepted estimate of 26,000 annually through ...
Page 6
... number of landmine victims reported each year has declined by more than half from 26,000 annually. • Each year since 2000, more mines have been removed than reportedly laid. • A wide range of demining technologies and methods have ...
... number of landmine victims reported each year has declined by more than half from 26,000 annually. • Each year since 2000, more mines have been removed than reportedly laid. • A wide range of demining technologies and methods have ...
Page 7
... landmine impact surveys in Chad and Yemen clearly indicated that lands posing the greatest risk of casualties and ... number of expatriates working in mine removal and increasing the numbers of indigenous workers in the effort ...
... landmine impact surveys in Chad and Yemen clearly indicated that lands posing the greatest risk of casualties and ... number of expatriates working in mine removal and increasing the numbers of indigenous workers in the effort ...
Page 8
... landmine policy is underway. A wide range of private citizens and non-governmental organizations are contributing to ... NUMBER 1 • JANUARY 2004 One of my proudest moments was when President George H.W. 8.
... landmine policy is underway. A wide range of private citizens and non-governmental organizations are contributing to ... NUMBER 1 • JANUARY 2004 One of my proudest moments was when President George H.W. 8.
Page 10
... landmine victims to develop markets for local agricultural products . In Sierra Leone , the Fund has been used to ... NUMBER 1 • JANUARY 2002 U.S. DEFENSE DEPARTMENT : SHARING TRAINING AND TECHNOLOGY WITH THE 10.
... landmine victims to develop markets for local agricultural products . In Sierra Leone , the Fund has been used to ... NUMBER 1 • JANUARY 2002 U.S. DEFENSE DEPARTMENT : SHARING TRAINING AND TECHNOLOGY WITH THE 10.
Common terms and phrases
action community action programs Action Service Afghanistan Agency for International AGENDA AN ELECTRONIC amputee Antipersonnel areas Cambodia casualties civilian clearance operations CMAC contamination coordination countermine country’s detecting dogs detection disabilities donor economic ELECTRONIC JOURNAL epidemiology equipment evaluation FOREIGN POLICY AGENDA fragmentation mines GICHD global HALO Trust health condition heavily mined helping survivors Humanitarian Demining Program humanitarian mine action implementation internally displaced persons issues JANUARY landmine and UXO LANDMINE PROBLEM Landmine Survivors Network landmine victims landmines and unexploded Leahy War Victims LWVF MAPA million mine-affected mine-risk education programs minefields Mozambique NGOs non-governmental organizations number of landmine percent persistent landmines populations prosthetics provinces public health public-private partnerships R&D Program Office rehabilitation risk education square meters surveys survivor assistance threat tripwires U.S. Agency U.S. Department U.S. FOREIGN POLICY U.S. government U.S. HUMANITARIAN unexploded ordnance UXO United Nations USAID UXO injuries Victims Fund VOLUME 9 worldwide Zambezia Provinces
Popular passages
Page 4 - The opinions expressed in the journals do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the US government. The US Department of State assumes no responsibility for the content and continued accessibility of Internet sites linked to herein; such responsibility resides solely with the publishers of those sites. Articles may be reproduced and translated outside the United States unless the articles carry copyright restrictions. • Current or back issues of the journals can be found on the Office...
Page 18 - Victims" means persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws operative within Member States, including those laws proscribing criminal abuse of power.
Page 14 - To this end, the study is sponsored jointly by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict (OASD/SO/LIC) and the Office of the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (DOS/R).
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Page 4 - States and the international со mm un it/The journals—Economic Perspectives, Global Issues, Issues of Democracy. US foreign Policy Agenda and US Society and Values—provide statements of US policy together with analysis, commentary and background information in their thematic areas. • All issues appear in English, French and Portuguese and Spanish language versions, and selected issues also appear in Arabic and Russian.
Page 12 - Public health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO...
Page 32 - US Department of State, To Walk the Earth in Safety: The United States Commitment to Humanitarian Demining, Washington, DC: US Department of State, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, 2001.
Page 4 - ... expressed in the journals do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the US government. The US Department of State assumes no responsibility for the content and continued accessibility of Internet sites linked to herein; such responsibility resides solely with the publishers of those sites. Articles may be reproduced and translated outside the United States unless the articles carry explicit copyright restrictions on such use.
Page 14 - Defense will undertake a substantial programme to develop improved mine detection and clearing technology and to share this improved technology with the broader international community.