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provides that after the Act's effective date, existing licenses, permits, or authorizations would be terminated to the extent they authorize activity covered by this proposal, and that further licenses, permits, or authorizations of a similar nature could not be issued.

Subsection 7(b) maintains present responsibility and authority contained in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, and provides that the provisions of Sections 4 and 7(a) of this proposal do not apply to actions taken under that Act. However, the AEC must consult with the Administrator before issuing a permit to conduct any activity otherwise regulated by this proposal. Moreover, the AEC must comply with the radioactive-material standards set by the Administrator, and the Administrator is directed to consider the policy expressed in subsection 2(b) of this proposal along with the factors stated in subsections 5(a)(1) and 5(a) (2) in setting such standards for the waters covered by this proposal.

Subsection 7(c) relates to authorities contained in the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, respecting dredging, filling, harbor works, and maintenance of navigability. The powers are exercised for the most part by the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Engineers. Except for the limited supersession found in subsection 11(e), the Rivers and Harbors Act authorities are not negated or abrogated, nor are existing licenses or permits issued under the Act terminated. Rather, in situations where this Act and the Act of 1899 both apply to dumping of material in connection with a dredge, fill or other permit issued by the Corps of Engineers, issuance of the permit requires a certification by the Administrator of EPA that the activity is in conformity with this proposal and any regulations issued under it. The Administrator will not issue separate permits in such cases.

After this Act become effective, the Department of the Army's permit program under the Refuse Act, which is administered in close cooperation with EPA on all water quality matters, will continue to regulate the disposition of any effluent covered by the Refuse Act from any outfall structure regardless of the waters into which this disposition occurs, in addition to regulating all depositing of material into other navigable waters of the United States not covered by subsection 4(b) of this Act.

Subsection 7(d) provides for consultation by the Administrator of EPA with the Secretary of the Army in cases where the Administrator finds that the proposed activity may affect navigation or create an artificial island on the Outer Continental Shelf.

Subsection 7(e) saves State or local laws from being preempted by this proposal.

Section & allows the Administrator to use, by agreement, resources of other federal agencies, on either a reimbursable or non-reimbursable basis. In subsection 8(b) the Administrator is authorized to delegate responsibility for acting on permit applications to an officer of EPA or, by agreement, to the head of other federal departments or agencies, such as the Commandant of the Coast Guard. Subsection 8(c) directs that surveillance, and other appropriate enforcement activity be conducted by the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating.

Section 9 gives the Administrator power to issue appropriate regulations in carrying out the responsibilities and authority conferred by the Act.

Section 10 directs the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Administrator, to seek appropriate international action and cooperation to support the policy of this proposal.

Subsections 11(a) and 11(b) repeal the Supervisory Harbors Act of 1888, as amended (33 U.S.C. §§ 441-451b), and the provision of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. § 418) which preserved the Supervisory Harbors Act from supersession by the 1899 Act. The Supervisory Harbors Act provides a special authority to control transit in and from the harbors of New York, Baltimore, and Hampton Roads, Virginia. This authority has been used to regulate ocean dumping. The proposed Act would replace that authority. A portion of the Act of August 5, 1886 (33 U.S.C. § 407a), which pertains to deposits of debris from mines and stamp works, and which is covered by this bill or the Refuse Act, is also repealed. A provision contained in the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1905 (33 U.S.C. § 419), which has been used to buttress the Corps of Engineers' authority to regulate ocean dumping, is superseded, insofar as it authorizes action that would be regulated by this proposal. Lastly, section 13 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. § 407), commonly known as the Refuse Act, is superseded, but only insofar as it applies to dumping of material in the waters covered by subsection 4(b) of this proposal. Section 12 provides that this proposal shall take effect six months after its enactment and further saves from being affected by this proposal legal actions begun or rights of action accrued prior to the proposal's effective date.

Section 13 contains an authorization for appropriations to carry out the purposes and administration of the proposal.


To assure protection of environmental values while facilitating construction of needed electric power supply facilities, and for other purposes

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the "Power Plant Siting Act of 1971."

SEC. 2. The Congress, in furtherance of the national environmental policy as set forth in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 3 Stat. 852, and the national electric energy policy as set forth in Section 202(a) of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 824 (a(a), hereby finds and declares the national public interest in the environment, the interest of interstate commerce, the interest of public and private investors in electric utility facilities, and the interest of consumers of electric energy require:

(a) that bulk power supply facilities adequate to the Nation's need for a reliable electric power supply be constructed upon a timely basis, and in a manner consonant with the preservation of important environmental values and wise comprehensive use of the Nation's air, land and water resources for all beneficial purposes, public, and private;

(b) that in order to avoid undue delays in the construction of needed bulk power supply facilities and to provide for full and timely consideration of environmental consequences well in advance of such construction, all of the Nation's electric entities should be required to engage in adequate long-range planning, and that certifying bodies be established for the preconstruction review of bulk power supply facility sites and all related bulk power supply facilities;

(c) that the siting of bulk power plants and high-voltage transmission lines be treated as a significant aspect of land use planning in which all environmental, economic and technical issues with respect to a bulk power supply project at the State or regional level should be resolved in an integrated fashion;

(d) that Federal, regional and State governmental authorities be authorized and empowered to act expeditiously in coordinating reviews to assure protection of environmental values and certifying the construction, operation or maintenance of bulk power supply facilities, all to the end of assuring for the Nation an adequate and reliable supply of electric power through a balanced and comprehensive use of the Nation's air, land and water resources for all beneficial purposes, public and private;

(e) that a mechanism be established to provide Federal guidelines for the functioning of these certification procedures by State, regional, or Federal certifying agencies;

(f) that long-range planning be carried out through the electric reliability councils voluntarily established on regional and national bases and open to all systems comprising the various component parts of the electric utility industry, investor owned, publicly owned and cooperatively owned, and by participation of these councils in the work of the Federal Power Commission under Section 202(a) of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 824a(a); and

(g) that a program be undertaken by the Federal government to assist in the development of new approaches or methods of locating or grouping bulk power supply facilities within particular geographic areas, at surface or sub-surface levels, or in conjunction. with the location of physical facilities used in other types of energy, transportation or communications services which may be available to the general public through public or private suppliers. SEC. 3. As used in this Act:

(a) "electric entity" means any individual or corporation which owns or operates bulk power supply facilities, or plans to own or operate such facilities, however organized or owned, whether investor owned, publicly owned or cooperatively owned, including a "State" or a "municipality" as defined in Section 3(6) and 3(7) of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 796, but not the United States or an agency, authority or instrumentality thereof, or any corporation which directly or indirectly is wholly owned by the United States, its agencies, authorities or instrumentalities;

(b) "Federal electric entity" means the United States, an agency, authority or instrumentality thereof, or any corporation which directly or indirectly is wholly owned by the United States, its agencies, authorities or instrumentalities, which owns or operates bulk power supply facilities or plans to own or operate such facilities;

(c) "bulk power supply facilities" means electric generating equipment and associated facilities designed for, or capable of, operation at a capacity of 300,000 kilowatts or more, or any sizable additions thereto as defined by the appropriate certifying body, or electric transmission lines and associated facilities designed for, or capable of, operation at a nominal voltage of 230 kilovolts or more, between phase conductors for alternating current or between poles for direct current, or any sizeable additions thereto as defined by the appropriate certifying body, except that any facilities subject to licensing pursuant to Part I of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 792-823, shall not be subject to the provisions of Sections 6 and 8(c) of this Act;

(d) "Federal certifying agency" means such Federal agency agencies or department as may be designated by the President;

(e) "State or regional certifying body" means the State or regional agency, authority or other entity authorized and empowered to carry out the responsibilities provided for in this Act within the State or States affected.

(f) "Regional" means the Governments of two or more States; and

(g) "Commencement of construction" means any clearing of the land, excavation, or other substantial action that would adversely affect the natural environment of the site or route but

does not include changes desirable for the temporary use of the land for public recreational uses, necessary borings to determine foundation conditions or other pre-construction monitoring to establish background information related to the suitability of the site or to the protection of environmental values.

SEC. 4 (a). Each electric entity and Federal electric entity shall prepare annually its long-range plans for bulk power supply facilities pursuant to guidelines established by the Federal Power Commission within 90 days after enactment hereof, upon the advice of interested State and Federal agencies. These plans may be part of a single regional plan and shall:

(1) describe the general location, size and type of all bulk power supply facilities to be owned or operated by such entity and whose construction is projected to commence during the ensuing 10 years or during such longer period, but not to exceed a total of 15 years, as the Federal certifying agency may determine to be necessary, together with an identification of all existing facilities to be removed from utility service during such period or upon completion of construction of such bulk power supply facilities;

(2) identify the location of tentative sites for the construction of future power plants as defined in Section 3(c), including an inventory of sites for all plants on which construction is to be commenced in the succeeding 5 years, and the general location of the routes of transmission lines as defined in Section 3(c), and indicate the relationship of the planned sites, routes, and facilities thereon to environmental values and describe how potential adverse effects on such values will be avoided or minimized;

(3) reflect and describe such entity's efforts to coordinate the bulk power supply facility plans identified therein with those of the other entities so as to provide a coordinated regional plan for meeting the electric power needs of the region;

(4) reflect and describe such entity's efforts to involve environmental protection and land-use planning agencies in their planning process so as to identify and minimize environmental problems at the earliest possible stage in the planning process; and

(5) Supply such additional information as the Federal certifying agency upon the advice of interested State and Federal agencies may from time to time prescribe to carry out the purposes of this Act.

(b) Each electric entity and the Federal electric entity, shall give initial public notice of its plans referred to in subsection (a), by filing annually a copy of such plans together with its projections of demand for electricity that the facilities would meet with the appropriate Federal, regional, or State certifying agency, with the Federal Power Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency, and with such other affected Federal, State, regional and local governmental authorities, and citizen's environmental protection and reource planning groups requesting such plans.

SEC. 5 (a). The several states, within 24 months from the date of enactment hereof, may designate or establish a decision-making body at the State or regional level, which may be an existing or newly created body, for the certification of sites and related bulk power

ALLAR -71-10 Pt.1

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