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Contact your sponsor or State agency for further information on serving milk to infants.

Sanitation, Food
Preparation and Safe
Food Handling

Babies are more susceptible to bacteria than older children. Unsanitary food conditions can cause serious illness or death. Take extra care when handling babies' food, bottles and utensils to make sure they are safe and clean. Thoroughly wash hands with warm soapy water before handling any food or bottles.

Proper hand washing can help prevent the spread of illness in child care settings. Hands should be washed after changing each baby's diaper and clothing. Diapers can be a major source of contamination and the spread of disease.

It is important to keep cold foods cold, and hot foods hot. When foods are out of a safe temperature zone, bacteria are more likely to grow and multiply. Contact your local health department for safe food storage temperatures.

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Some State licensing agencies allow powdered formula to be used. In other States, only ready-to-feed liquid formulas can be served. If dry powdered or liquid concentrate is used, the formula must be mixed very carefully according to the directions on the container. Under-diluted formula (containing too little water) puts an excessive burden on the baby's kidneys and digestive system and may lead to dehydration. Over-diluted formula (containing too much water) may interfere with the baby's proper growth because it does not contain adequate calories and nutrients.

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