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(xiii) A point at Lat. 29°11′.8 N., Long. 89°30.0 W., thence to;

(xiv) A point at Lat. 29°17′.9 N., Long. 89°46′.6 W., thence to;

(xv) A point at Lat. 29°17′.1 N., Long. 89°50.8 W., thence to;

(xvi) A point at Lat. 29°14'.5 N., Long. 89°55'.1 W., thence to;

(xvii) A point at Lat. 29°10.9 N., Long. 90°02′.9 W., thence to;

(xviii) A point at Lat. 29°05′.5 N., Long. 90°10.0 W., thence to;

(xix) A point at Lat. 29°04'.5 N., Long. 90°12′.0 W., thence to;

(xx) A point at Lat. 29°02′.0 N., Long., 90°20.8 W., thence to;

(xxi) A point at Lat. 29°01′.9 N., Long. 90°24'.9 W., thence to;

(xxii) A point at Lat. 29°03′.6 N., Long. 90°32′.8 W., thence to;

(xxiii) A point at Lat. 29°01'.9 N., Long. 90°41'.7 W., thence to;

(xxiv) A point at Lat. 29°00′.8 N., Long. 90°50.0 W., thence to;

(xxv) A point at Lat. 29°02′.4 N., Long. 91°01'.5 W., thence to;

(xxvi) A point at Lat. 29°28′.5 N., Long. 92°10.1 W., thence to;

(xxvii) A point at Lat. 29°31'.1 N., Long. 92°21′.8 W., thence to;

(xxviii) A point at Lat. 29°34'.1 N., Long. 92°39.3 W., thence to;

(xxix) A point at Lat. 29°41′.1 N., Long. 92°57'.2 W., thence to;

(xxx) A point at Lat. 29°44′.6 N., Long. 93°07'.9 W., thence to;

(xxxi) A point at Lat. 29°45'.6 N., Long. 93°13'.7 W., thence to;

(xxxii) A point at Lat. 29°45'.6 N., Long. 93°17′.3 W., thence to;

(xxxiii) A point at Lat. 29°44'.3 N., Long. 93°21′.0 W., thence to;

(xxxiv) A point at Lat. 29°45′.3 N., Long. 93°30.0 W., thence to;

(xxxv) A point at Lat. 29°43′.3 N., Long. 93°43′.7 W., thence to;

(xxxvi) A point at Lat. 29°41'.0 N., Long. 93°48′.8 W., thence to;

(xxxvii) A point at Lat. 29°38'.8 N., Long. 93°50.8 W., thence to;

(xxxviii) A point at Lat. 29°40'.0 N., Long. 93°57'.3 W., thence to;

(xxxix) A point at Lat. 29°39′.3 N., Long. 94°05'.0 W., thence to;

(x1) A point at Lat. 29°27′.0 N., Long. 94°37'.0 W., thence to;

(xli) A point at Lat. 29°23'.1 N., Long. 94°42′.6 W., thence to;

(xlii) A point at Lat. 29°20.4 N., Long. 94°41'.5 W., thence to;

(xliii) A point at Lat. 29°06'.6 N., Long. 95°04'.4 W., thence to;

(xliv) A point at Lat. 29°04'.6 N., Long. 95°05'.7 W., thence to;

(xlv) A point at Lat. 29°02′.0 N., Long. 95°10'.0 W., thence to;

(xlvi) A point at Lat. 28°57′.3 N., Long. 95°16'.2 W., thence to;

(xlvii) A point at Lat. 28°55′.3 N., Long. 95°17′.9 W., thence to;

(xlviii) A point at Lat. 28°39′.5 N., Long. 95°48'.4 W., thence to;

(xlix) A point at Lat. 28°32′.1 N., Long. 96°06'.9 W., thence to;

(1) A point at Lat. 28°26′.4 N., Long. 96°17′.8 W., thence to;

(li) A point at Lat. 28°23′.6 N., Long. 96°21′.5 W., thence to;

(lii) A point at Lat. 28°19.7 N., Long. 96°23′.3 W., thence to;

(liii) A point at Lat. 28°19.3 N., Long. 96°25'.2 W., thence to;

(liv) A point at Lat. 28°14′.8 N., Long. 96°35'.0 W., thence to;

(lv) A point at Lat. 28°09.1 N., Long. 96°43′.8 W., thence to;

(lvi) A point at Lat. 28°02′.4 N., Long. 96°52′.2 W., thence to;

(lvii) A point at Lat. 27°56′.2 N., Long. 96°58'.3 W., thence to;

(lviii) A point at Lat. 27°52′.8 N., Long. 97°01'.1 W., thence to;

(lix) A point at Lat. 27°49.3 N., Long. 97°03′.0 W., thence to;

(1x) A point at Lat. 27°46'.4 N., Long. 97°05'.6 W., thence to;

(lxi) A point at Lat. 27°38'.9 N., Long. 97°10.6 W., thence to;

(lxii) A point at Lat. 27°28′.3 N., Long. 97°16′.2 W., thence to;

(lxiii) A point at Lat. 27°21′.9 N., Long. 97°18'.9 W., thence to;

(lxiv) A point at Lat. 27°13′.7 N., Long. 97°21′.2 W., thence to;

(lxv) A point at Lat. 27°05'.4 N., Long. 97°22′.3 W., thence to;

(lxvi) A point at Lat. 26°57′.1 N., Long. 97°22′.2 W., thence to;

(lxvii) A point at Lat. 26°48′.9 N., Long. 97°20.9 W., thence to;

(lxviii) A point at Lat. 26°39′.1 N., Long. 97°18'.1 W., thence to;

(lxix) A point at Lat. 26°28′.8 N., Long. 07°14'.3 W., thence to;

(1xx) A point at Lat. 26°18′.3 N., Long. 97°11'.3 W., thence to;

(lxxi) A point at Lat. 26°11′.7 N., Long. 97°10.2 W., thence to;

(lxxii) A point at Lat. 26°04′.8 N., Long. 97°09′.3 W., thence to;

(lxxiii) A point at Lat. 26°04′.2 N., Long. 97°08'.8 W., thence to;

(lxxiv) A point at Lat. 25°58′.3 N., Long. 97°08'.3 W.

(c) Seismographic and surveying operations. (1) All stakes and casings (pipes), except bamboo poles and wooden stakes less than 2 inches in diameter, placed in the water during seismographic or surveying operations shall be marked with flags during the

daylight hours. Those casings remaining in place during the hours of darkness shall be marked by a red light as prescribed in Subpart 67.30 of this part.

(2) All buoys used during seismographic operations shall be painted with international orange and white horizontal bands. The buoys shall be of light construction in order that they will not present a hazard to marine


(d) Spoil marking. (1) All submerged spoil resulting from the dredging of channels, laying of pipelines, or any other operation, which constitutes an obstruction to navigation, shall be properly marked. The spoil banks should be examined at frequent intervals in order that the changing conditions may be kept under control. As markers are no longer required due to settling of banks, the Coast Guard will authorize their removal upon application.

(2) All openings in such submerged spoil shall be marked by daybeacons on each side of the openings. When spoil is located on each side of a channel or pipe line, each bank will be considered separately. The daybeacons shall be equipped with arrows designating the safe water through the opening. These daybeacons may also be used as channel markers for the dredged channels providing they are also equipped with arrows designating the spoil bank openings.

(3) When spoil banks constituting an obstruction to navigation abut an established traveled waterway, the outboard spoil bank markers shall be equipped with quick flashing lights described in Subpart 67.30 of this part, except that the color shall be in accordance with the provisions of Subpart 62.25 of Part 62 of this subchapter.

(e) Applications. All private aids to navigation applications and all correspondence dealing with private aids to navigation and obstruction lighting shall be addressed to Commander, Eighth Coast Guard District, 328 Custom House Building, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130 marked for the attention of the Chief, Aids to Navigation Section.

(f) Enclosures. Applicants shall append on a separate sheet with each application, the description, including

manufacturer, of obstruction lights and fog signals.

(g) Corps of Engineers correspondence. A copy of all correspondence directed to the District Engineer, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, in accordance with condition (i) of the Departinent of the Army permit, shall be forwarded to the District Commander for those operations conducted under permits authorizing the erection of structures in areas in which Class "A", Class "B", or Class "C" requirements must be met. [CGFR 58-17, 23 FR 3377, May 20, 1958, as amended by CGFR 61-40, 26 FR 10353, Nov. 3, 1961; CGFR 65-34, 30 FR 9485, July 29, 1965; CGFR 68-95, 33 FR 15285, Oct. 15, 1968] $67.50-30 Ninth Coast Guard District. (a) Description. See §3.45-1 of this chapter.

(b) Line of demarcation. There is no line of demarcation prescribed for this District. When required, it will be determined in accordance with §67.01-20. The District Commander shall assign structures to classes as he deems appropriate at the time of application for a permit to establish and operate lights and fog signals. In so doing, he shall take into consideration matters concerning, but not necessarily limited to, the dimensions of the structure and the depth of water in which it is located; the proximity of the structure to vessel routes; the nature and amount of vessel traffic; and the effect of background lighting.

[CGFR 58-17, 23 FR 3377, May 20, 1958, as amended by CGFR 61-40, 26 FR 10353, Nov. 3, 1961]

§ 67.50-35 Eleventh Coast Guard District.

(a) Description. See §3.55-1 of this chapter.

(b) Line of Demarcation. The line of demarcation described in this section is for adminstrative purposes to distinguish between the areas in which structures shall be subject to Class "A", "B", or "C" requirements. The line delimits the areas to seaward of which class "A" requirements are imposed. The line of demarcation within the jurisdiction of the District Commander is defined as follows:

(1) Commencing at a point of latitude 41°59.8'N., longitude 124°19.5'W., thence

southward along the seaward limit of the territorial sea to;

(2) A point at latitude 32°32.0′N, longitude 117°11.0'W.

(c) Structures located within a half nautical mile of Traffic Separation Scheme Los Angeles/Long Beach will also be subject to class "A" requirements. The traffic separation scheme is depicted on National Ocean Service Charts 18740, 18720, 18725, 18746, 18721. [CGD11-86-02, 52 FR 37613, Oct. 8, 1987]

$67.50-45 Thirteenth Coast Guard District.

(a) Description.See §3.65-1 of this chapter.

(b) Line of demarcation. There is no line of demarcation prescribed for this District. When required, it will be determined in accordance with §67.01-20. The District Commander shall assign structures to classes as he deems appropriate at the time of application for a permit to establish and operate lights and fog signals. In so doing, he shall take into consideration matters concerning, but not necessarily limited to, the dimensions of the structure and the depth of water in which it is located; the proximity of the structure to vessel routes; the nature and amount of vessel traffic; and the effect of background lighting.

[CGFR 58-17, 23 FR 3377, May 20, 1958, as amended by CGFR 62-25, 27 FR 8733, Aug. 31, 1962]

[blocks in formation]

(a) Description. See §3.85-1 of this chapter.

(b) Line of demarcation. There is no line of demarcation prescribed for this District. When required it will be determined in accordance with §67.01-20. The District Commander shall assign structures to classes as he deems appropriate at the time of application for a permit to establish and operate lights and fog signals. In so doing, he shall take into consideration matters concerning, but not necessarily limited to, the dimensions of the structure and the depth of water in which it is located; the proximity of the structure to vessel routes; the nature and amount of ves

sel traffic; and the effect of background lighting.

[CGFR 68-95, 33 FR 15285, Oct. 15, 1968]


Subpart 70.01-Interference With Aids to Navigation


70.01-1 General provisions. 70.01-5 Penalty.

Subpart 70.05-Collision With or Damage to Aids to Navigation

70.05-1 General provisions.
70.05-5 Penalty.
70.05-10 Revocation of license.
70.05-15 Liability for damages.
70.05-20 Report required.

AUTHORITY: Secs. 14, 16, 30 Stat. 1152, 1153; secs. 84, 86, 92, 633, 642, 63 Stat. 500, 501, 503, 545, 547 (33 U.S.C. 408, 411, 412; 14 U.S.C. 84, 86, 92, 633, 642).

Subpart 70.01-Interference With Aids to Navigation

[blocks in formation]

$70.05-1 General provisions.

No person shall take possession of or make use of for any purpose, or build upon, alter, deface, destroy, move, injure, obstruct by fastening vessels thereto or otherwise, or in any manner whatever impair the usefulness of any aid to navigation established and maintained by the United States.

$70.05-5 Penalty.

Every person and every corporation that shall violate, or that shall knowingly aid, abet, authorize, or instigate a violation of the provisions of §70.051 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $2,500 or less than $500, or by imprisonment (in case of a natural person) for not less than thirty days nor more than one year, or both, one half of such fine to be paid to the person or persons giving information which shall lead to conviction.

$70.05-10 Revocation of license.

Every master, pilot, and engineer, or person or persons acting in such capacity, respectively, on board any boat or vessel who shall willfully injure or destroy an aid to navigation established and maintained by the United States shall be deemed guilty of violating the provisions of §70.05-1 and shall upon conviction be punished as provided in $70.05-5 and shall also have his license revoked or suspended for a term to be fixed by the judge before whom tried and convicted.

$70.05-15 Liability for damages.

Any boat, vessel, scow, raft or other craft used or employed in violating any of the provisions of § 70.05–1 shall be liable for the pecuniary penalties specified in §70.05–5, and in addition thereto for the amount of damage done by said boat, vessel, scow, raft or other craft, which may be proceeded against summarily by way of libel in any district court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof.

$70.05-20 Report required.

Whenever any vessel collides with an aid to navigation established and maintained by the United States or any private aid to navigation established or

maintained in accordance with Part 64, 66, 67, or 68 of this subchapter, or is connected with any such collision, it shall be the duty of the person in charge of such vessel to report the accident to the nearest Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in accordance with 46 CFR 136.05.

(R.S. 4450, as amended, sec. 4, 67 Stat. 462; 46 U.S.C. 239, 43 U.S.C. 1333)

[CGFR 58-17, 23 FR 3383, May 20, 1958, as amended by CGFR 61-55, 26 FR 12572, Dec. 28, 1961]

[blocks in formation]

or maintained and operated by or under the authority of the Coast Guard, and any other information pertaining to the waterways within each Coast Guard district that is of interest to the mariner.

(b) "Local Notice to Mariners" is published and issued weekly by each Coast Guard district or more often if there is a need to notify mariners of local waterway information.

(c) Any person may apply to the local Coast Guard District Office to be placed on the mailing list for the "Local Notice to Mariners." The "Local Notice to Mariners" is mailed to the public free of charge.

[CGD 70-147R, 37 FR 10669, May 26, 1972]

§ 72.01-10 Notice to Mariners.

(a) "Notice to Mariners" is intended to advise mariners of new hydrographic discoveries, changes in channels and navigational aids, and information concerning the safety of navigation. "Notice to Mariners” also contains information

(1) Useful in updating the latest editions of charts and publications of the Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/ Topographic Center, National Ocean Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Coast Guard;

(2) Selected from the "Local Notice to Mariners" issued and published by the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 14th, and 17th Coast Guard districts; and

(3) Compiled from foreign notices to mariners, ship reports, and similar cooperating observer reports.

(b) "Notice to Mariners" is published weekly by the Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center. The "Notice to Mariners is prepared by the: (1) Coast Guard

(2) National Ocean Service; and (3) Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center.

(c) This notice may be obtained free of charge, upon request to the Director, Defense Mapping Agency, Office of Distribution Services, Code: IMA, Washington, DC 20315. Request should be

based on an affirmative need for the information.

[CGD 70-147R, 37 FR 10669, May 26, 1972, as amended by CGD 72-185R, 37 FR 20693, Oct. 3, 1972; CGD 85-042, 50 FR 50904, Dec. 13, 1985; CGD 87-008b, 52 FR 25218, July 6, 1987]

§§ 72.01-15-72.01-20 [Reserved] $72.01-25 Marine broadcast notice to mariners.

(a) The Coast Guard broadcasts notices to mariners on its own or U.S. Navy radio stations to report navigational warnings containing information of importance to the safety of navigation of vessels, such as the position of ice and derelicts, defects, and changes to aids to navigation, and drifting mines. Radio stations broadcasting marine information are listed in "Radio Navigational Aids" (Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center publications 117A and 117B) and United States Coast Pilots.

(b) Any person may purchase "Radio Navigational Aids" from:

(1) Any authorized agent for the sale of Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center charts and publications whose names and addresses are contained in the Defense Mapping Agency Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products, Part 2-Hydrographic Products.

(2) The Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center Depots

or Offices.

(3) The Defense Mapping Agency Office of Distribution Services, Washington, DC 20315.

(c) Any person may purchase United States Coast Pilots from any authorized agent for the sale of National Ocean Service charts and publications whose names and addresses are contained in the National Ocean Service Chart Catalogs.

[CGD 85-042, 50 FR 50904, Dec. 13, 1985]

§ 72.01-30 Temporary deficiencies.

Temporary deficiencies in aids to navigation are not published in Notices to Mariners when it is known that the defects will be corrected promptly. [CGFR 52-15, 18 FR 13, Jan. 1, 1953]

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