Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
agree answer apologise appeal appointed arbitral award arbitration agreement Arbitration Bill arbitration process Assistant Minister Attorney-General become beg to reply Chair Chogoria Clause Commercial Arbitration Centres commercial disputes commercial law deals domestic arbitration East African Standard fact funds Gitau going Government Haki hapa High Court Homa Bay House ikiwa important Information and Broadcasting international arbitration international commercial arbitration issues James Apiny Adhiambo Kajiado Kakuzi Kamuyu katika Ken Ren Kibaki Kituyi KShs10 million kwamba Lakini law of Kenya lawyers Lotodo Lwali-Oyondi Maasai magistrates Mak'Onyango Makau Martin Shikuku matter Members of Parliament memorandum Minister for Information Ministry municipal law Murungi Mwamzandi Mzee Nairobi Ndicho Ndotto NSSF Nyachae Obwocha Otieno parties point of order Printed Estimates prison proceedings professionals Question Sansora Investments Ltd Shikuku shouting situation Sunkuli talking Temporary Deputy Speaker things Third World countries Uganda University of Nairobi Wako Wameyo watu Wetangula withdraw