Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
actually amendment Anglo Leasing Anglo Leasing Finance Anglo Leasing scandal Angwenyi Applause asked the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General bags of maize beg to reply Bill Billow Chair civil servants constituencies corruption Deepak Kamani diligence test District Division Bell Ethuro Finance Company Gachagua Galgallo Gatundu Government Home Affairs House issue Justice and Constitutional Kariuki Karua Kenya Kibwana Kipchumba Kisii Kiunjuri Leasing and Finance letter Loud consultations Lugari District Maathai Machage maize Maore Members Messrs Minister for Finance Minister for Foreign Minister for Water Ministry of Home Muiruri Murungi Mwendwa Mwenje Mwiraria National Assembly Ndolo Oburu Omingo Order Paper Osundwa Parliament passport Permanent Secretary point of order President proceed Prof Public Accounts Committee recommendations responsible Sambu scam scandal Shianda Standing Order summons Swaleh Temporary Deputy Speaker tomorrow Treasury Twaha Vice-President and Ministry vote Wamwere Wanjala Wario withdraw and apologise