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(2) procedures will be established for the distribu

tion of grants to local communities within the State in

cluding criteria for establishing priority among comanunities within the State; and

(3) a description of programs and activities appropriate for multipurpose community centers for senior citizens for which assistance under this title is sought.

(b) The Secretary shall by regulation in each fiscal year 9 establish the Federal share of the costs of that portion of the

10 State plan to be assisted under this title.



12 SEC. 303. (a) There are authorized to be appropriated 13 to carry out the provisions of this title $60,000,000 for the 14 fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, $100,000,000 for the fiscal


year ending June 30, 1973, and $150,000,000 for the fiscal 16 year ending June 30, 1974.

17 (b) Funds appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) of 18 this section shall be allotted to the extent practicable, in the

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same manner and upon the same conditions as under section

102 of this Act.



SEC. 401. For the purposes of this Act




has attained 55 years of age.

(1) The term "senior citizen" means any individual who


1 (2) The term "State" includes Puerto Rico, Guam, 2 American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the District of 3 Columbia.

4 (3) The term "multipurpose community center for 5 senior citizens" means a facility providing a comprehensive set of social services to any citizen of the community over the



of fifty-five including but not limited to congregate dining 8 facilities and meal services at low cost (including a meal 9 service for shut-ins), recreational, social, educational, and 10 cultural programs for senior citizens, informational and re11 ferral services, consumer education and protection services, 12 legal counseling, preretirement and retirement counseling, employment counseling and referral for older citizens, trans14 portation services (including transportation aides), home 15 health services and counseling by paramedicals and nurses, 16 and community volunteer programs.


17 (4) The term "nonprofit community center" means a 18 community center for senior citizens which is owned and 19 operated by one or more nonprofit corporations or associa20 tions no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may 21 lawfully inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder or 22 individual; and the term "nonprofit private agency or organi23 zation" means an agency or organization which is such a 24 corporation or association or which is owned and operated 25 by one or more such corporations or associations.


1 (5) The term "construction" includes construction of 2 new buildings, acquisition, expansion, remodeling, and altera3 tion of existing buildings and initial equipment of any such 4 buildings; including architect's fees, but excluding the cost 5 of offsite improvements and the cost of the acquisition of 6 land.


(6) The term "cost of construction" means the amount 8 found by the Secretary to be necessary for the construction

9 of a project.


(7) The term "title", when used with reference to a 11 site for a project, means a fee simple, or such other estate 12 or interest (including a leasehold on which the rental does. 13 not exceed 4 per centum of the value of the land) as the 14 Secretary finds sufficient to assure for a period of not less 15 than fifty years undisturbed use and possession for the purposes of construction and operation of the project.


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(8) The term "Federal share" with respect to any project means

(A) if the State plan under which application for such project is filed contains, as of the date of approval of the project application, standards approved by the Secretary pursuant to section 402 the amount determined in accordance with such standards by the State agency designated under such plan; or

(B) if the State plan does not contain such stand


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ards, the amount (not less than 50 per centum and not more than 90 per centum or the State's Federal percent

age, whichever is the lower) established by such State

agency for all projects in the State: Provided, That prior to the approval of the first such project in the

State during any fiscal year such State agency shall give to the Secretary written notification of the Federal share established under this paragraph for such projects in

such State to be approved by the Secretary during such fiscal year, and the Federal share for such projects in

such State approved during such fiscal year shall not be changed after such approval.

(9) The Federal percentage for any State shall be 100 per centum less that percentage which bears the same ratio

to 50 per centum as the per capita income of such State

bears to the per capita income of the United States, except

that the Federal percentage for Puerto Rico, Guam, Ameri

can Samoa, and the Virgin Islands shall be 66 per centum.

(10) (A) The Federal percentages shall be promulgated by the Secretary between July 1 and August 31 of

each even-numbered year, on the basis of the average of

the per capita incomes of the States and of the United

States for the three most recent consecutive years for which

satisfactory data are available from the Department of Commerce. Such promulgation shall be conclusive for each of


1 the two fiscal years in the period beginning July 1 next 2 succeeding such promulgation; except that the Secretary

3 shall promulgate such percentages as soon as possible after 4 the enactment of this Act, which promulgation shall be con5 clusive for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965.

6 (B) The term "United States" means (but only for


purposes of this subsection and subsection (i)) the fifty 8 States and the District of Columbia.

9 (11) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of

10 Health, Education, and Welfare.




SEC. 402. The State plan approved under title I may 13 include standards for determination of the Federal share of 14 the cost of projects approved in the State under such part 15 or title, as the case may be. Such standards shall provide 16 equitably (and, to the extent practicable, on the basis of 17 objective criteria) for variations between projects or classes 18 of projects on the basis of the economic status of areas and 19 other relevant factors. No such standards shall provide for a Federal share of more than 90 per centum or less than 50 21 per centum of the cost of construction of any project. The 22 Secretary shall approve any such standards and any modi23 fications thereof which comply with the provisions of this 24 section.


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