Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
70 per cent Africa AIDS in Kenya AIDS patients AIDS virus AMREF antibodies Anyona Assistant Minister Attorney-General aware beg to reply blood body brew bridge circumcised civil servants cultural practices Development diagnosed disease districts Division Bell doctors drugs Embakasi ensure factories Farah going Government Habtom heterosexual HIV positive investigations investment Kariuki Karua Kenya Power Company Kerugoya Kibera kill Koech Likoni Lwali-Oyondi Manga matter Maundu Members Michuki micro hydros Migori Minister for Health Ministerial Statement Ministry of Health Mulusya Munene Commission Munyasia Mzee national disaster Ndicho Nthenge Nyanza officers Ojode point of order police polygamy prisons problem Prof Question No.508 quorum Raila rumours rural electrification Saba Saba Saba Day salary Samson Muchiri Kimotho serious Sessional Paper No.4 Shikuku Sotik Sotik Tea Company spread of AIDS Sunkuli talking TARDA and KVDA Temporary Deputy Speaker terminal benefits Thika told violence wananchi weighing scales workers