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problem of deterioration: (1) improved efficiency resulting from an increase of wages; (2) an increase in wages followed by no improvement in efficiency; (3) improvement in the skill and energy of farmers. Small holdings would obviate the difficulty of unemployment.-Reginald Lennard, Economic Review, October, 1912. R. E. S.

Syndicalism and Socialism.-Syndicalism and socialism are derived from the same situation-the universal discontent of workingmen. This discontent is due to economic injustice, education, and the sympathy of the church. The ultimate goals of syndicalism and socialism are different, though their genesis is the same. Syndicalism would make the operative in each group politically and economically supreme, and would eliminate the employer, for labor has been kept from its fair reward. But this attitude of syndicalism cannot be justified, for the organization of labor and legislation have effected an approximate equilibrium of economic forces. The remedy for their attitude lies in an investigation of the facts, and the cultivation of sympathy based on knowledge.-J. A. R. Marriott, Nineteenth Century, November, 1912. R. E. S.

Socialism in California Municipalities.-The California Socialist party in local politics stands for "immediate demands." The local campaigns have not been struggles between Socialism and Capitalism, but have been general discussions of Socialist doctrines, and the issues have been those which stood for a reform program, for an extension of city activities and powers, for public ownership, and for clean government. The Socialist vote has almost trebled itself since 1908. This increase has been due to popular dissatisfaction with current political and administrational conditions, the socialist periodicals, and the McNamara trial. Party victories and the actual work being done by successful candidates can be noticed by reviewing the situation at Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Santa Cruz, Daly, etc. The ability and personality of the Socialist candidates have been powerful factors in the local success of the party.-Ira B. Cross, National Municipal Review, October, 1912.

R. E. S.

L'assistance par le travail.-Dr. Edouard Courmouls-Houlès has published a large work entitled L'assistance par le travail, in which he favors a plan by which the state shall come to the aid of its workmen, especially when they are thrown out of employment or are laboring for an inadequate wage. The theories of the book are impractical and chimerical, for the introduction of machinery is a benefit rather than a detriment to the laborer, and indiscriminate charity serves no lasting purpose in solving the problem of pauperism, but often encourages a class of professional loafers and vagabonds. Dr. Courmouls-Houlès is more of a solidarist than a collectivist and the solidarists are not to be counted on to help solve the problem of the unemployed.-Georges de Nouvion, Journal des économistes, August 15, 1912.

E. E. E.

Sozialreform und öffentliche Meinung in England.-In the general strikes of 1912 the laborers have demanded (a) recognition of the union, (b) exclusive union labor, and (c) a minimum wage. The settlement of the controversy was submitted to arbitration in parliament and a bill was passed which established: (a) a joint district wage board, composed of miners and mine-owners in equal numbers, the duty of which should be to draw up a graduated minimum-wage scale, and general district instructions for the regularity of work, and its efficiency, and for the provision for old-age and emergency insurance; (b) a standard of private rights, namely, the laborer may demand payment of the minimum wage, the employer is not obliged to hire anyone willing to work for the minimum wage, and both employers and laborers are allowed to fight for other wage laws by strikes or shut-outs. The reform movements of recent years indicate that the conservatives fight against the general principle of recognizing laborers; the laborer as a party fails to hold to any fundamental principle; the general public concedes that the strike is a necessary weapon for reform, but prefers arbitration as more efficient; socialism, liberalism, and syndicalism are especially important.-Mary Agnes Hamilton, Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft, Sozialpolitik und Verwaltung, IV. Heft, 1912.

V. W. B.

Massnahmen zur Verhütung von Betriebsunfällen, Gewerbekrankheiten und Volkskrankheiten.-Great emphasis should be placed on measures for the prevention

of accidents and occupational diseases-increase and improvement of preventive regulations, development of the technique of protecting labor, disseminating knowledge of protective acts by means of books, journals, conferences, expositions, museums, etc. Expert supervision is indispensable. Attention must be given to the construction and method of employment of industrial apparatus. Penalties should be imposed for selling machinery which does not comply with the safety requirements. The co-operation of the workmen is highly desirable. Merely publishing or posting the regulations is not sufficient. Workmen must be aroused to active interest by means of workmen's committees, frequent conferences, traveling exhibitions, etc. Regulations should be scientifically and systematically prepared.-Dr. Konrad Hartmann. Bulletin des assurances sociales, 1912, Supplement. R. F. C.

Grundsätze des Heilverfahrens in der Sozialversicherung, insbesondere auch bei Betriebsunfällen Gewerbekrankheiten und Volkskrankheiten.-Medical treatment and preventive measures are the principal tasks of social insurance, the payment of indemnities is only of secondary importance. The object, in medical treatment, should be the complete restoration of the earning power. Patients, physicians, and insurance societies must co-operate. The treatment must be prompt and energetic, each case individualized, specialists employed when needed, special hospitals and sanatoria provided, contagious disease cases isolated, dispensaries established. There should also be established institutions for the general improvement of the public health-workmen's homes, workmen's gardens, rest stations, etc.-Dr. Klein, Bulletin des assurances sociales, 1912, Supplement. R. F. C.


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