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(a) To keep accounts, records, memoranda, and documents which disclose all business transactions.

Retention period: 2 years. 7 CFR 46.14, 46.15, 46.17-46.19, 46.21-46.24, 46.28, 46.29, 46.31, 46.32

(b) To preserve records and memoranda which disclose the true ownership and management of the business. Retention period: 4 years. 7 CFR


2.24 Cooperating State agencies and participating public and private schools.

To maintain records as specified in the regulations of the National School Lunch Program.

Retention period: 3 years from the end of the Federal fiscal year to which they pertain. 7 CFR 210.8, 210.13 2.25 Cooperating State agencies, participating public and private schools, and institutions.

To maintain records as specified in the regulations of the Special Milk Program.

Retention period: 3 years after the end of the fiscal year to which they pertain. 7 CFR 215.6, 215.10


Distributing, sub-distributing, and recipient agencies distributing food commodities donated for use in school lunch programs, for training students in home economics, in summer camps for children, by needy Indians on reservations, in institutions, and management companies pertaining to the feeding operations of the institutions, in State correctional institutions for minors, and in assistance of other needy persons. [Amended]

To maintain records relating to receipt, disposal, and inventory of commodities, including records with respect to the receipt and disbursement of funds arising from operation of the distributing program.

Retention period: 3 years from the close of the Federal fiscal year to which the records pertain. 7 CFR 250.6, 250.8 2.27 State and State educational agencies, public and private schools participating in the school breakfast and nonfood assistance programs.


To maintain accounts and records as specified by the Child Nutrition Act of 1966.

Retention period: 3 years. Public Law 89-642 (80 Stat. 890)

2.27a State agencies participating in the food stamp program.

To keep such records and submit such reports and other information as may from time to time be required by C&MS.

Retention period: 3 years from the close of the Federal fiscal year to which they pertain. 7 CFR 1601.8


2.28 Persons processing, transporting, shipping, or receiving poultry slaughtered for human consumption or poultry products in commerce, or holding such products.

To maintain detailed records of such transactions as specified in the regulations.

Retention period: 2 years. 7 CFR


SUBSIDY PAYMENT PROGRAM FOR POULTRY 2.28a Exporters participating in the chicken export payment program. [Amended]

To maintain accurate records relating to all chickens exported or to be exported in connection with the program.

Retention period: 3 years after date of export. 7 CFR 207.13


2.29 Plants manufacturing, processing, and packaging dairy products under Department of Agriculture inspection.

To maintain records of quality tests made on raw milk and cream received from each producer, seller, or shipper and of plant and laboratory tests and analyses of raw materials and finished products.

Retention period: 1 year. 7 CFR 58.143, 58.144, 58.169

PACKERS AND STOCKYARDS ACT, 1921 Regulations pertaining to interstate and foreign commerce in livestock and poultry as follows:

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Sellers of live poultry under Packers and Stockyards Act regulations. To keep copy of ticket prepared by seller at time of sale showing the name of the designated market, the date of the transaction, the names of the seller and buyer, the number of coops, kinds of poultry, price per pound, and such terms and conditions as the parties may agree upon.

Retention period: 2 years. 9 CFR 201.48 (retention: 201.50)

2.34 Stockyard owners, market agencies, or licensees weighing livestock or live poultry for purposes of purchase or sale under Packers and Stockyards Act regulations.

To keep copy of scale ticket of weighing showing for both livestock and live poultry, name of agency performing the service, date of weighing, number of the scale or other information identifying the scale, name of seller, name of buyer, name of consignor, or understandable abbreviations of such names; in case of livestock, also, the number of head, kind, and actual weight, the amount of dockage and name or initials of person weighing it; and, in case of live poultry, also. number of coops weighed, the gross, tare, and net weights, and the name or initials of person operating scale at time of weighing.

Retention period: 2 years. 9 CFR 201.49 (retention: 201.50)

2.35 Stockyard owners, market agencies, or licensees who weigh livestock or live poultry for purposes of purchase and sale under Packers and Stockyards Act regulations.

To keep one copy of form report of tests and inspections of scales and shall cause one copy to be kept by the agency conducting the test and inspection of the scales (a third copy to the Area Supervisor of the Service).

Retention period: Not specified.1 9 CFR 201.74

2.36 Authorized State agencies and livestock associations under Packers and Stockyards Act regulations.

To keep adequate records showing in detail the income derived from the collection of authorized fees, the disbursement of such funds as expenses for conducting the services, the inspections performed and the results thereof, including records showing a full description of brands, marks, and other identifying characteristics of inspected livestock; and currently maintain records of the brands, marks, and other identifying characteristics of livestock located in the State from which such agency or association will operate and with reference to which the authorization has been granted.

Retention period: Not specified.1 CFR 201.89



Packers subject to the provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act. To retain for the specified period of time the following records:

(a) Cutting tests; departmental transfers; buyers' estimates; drive sheets; scale tickets received from others; inventory and products in storage; receiving records; trial balances; departmental overhead or expense recapitulations; bank statements, reconciliations and deposit slips; production or sale tonnage reports (including recapitulations and summaries of routes, branches, plants, etc.); buying or selling pricing instructions and price lists; correspondence, telegrams, teletype communications and memoranda relating to matters other than contracts, agreements, purchase or sales invoices, or claims or credit memoranda.

(b) Kill sheets, lot sheets or carcass graded cost sheets; carcass hot weight sheets and carcass test cost sheets by lots for purchases of livestock on a grade and yield or grade or yield basis; contracts and agreements; purchase invoices; sales invoices; freight bills, bills of lading or shipping tickets; scale tickets and weight records issued or prepared by the packer; cash sales receipts and memoranda; claims and credit memoranda; canceled checks and drafts; check

1 Records shall not be destroyed or disposed of without the consent in writing of the Director, Packers and Stockyards Division, C&MS, Department of Agriculture. 9 CFR 201.50.

stubs or vouchers; correspondence, telegrams, teletype communications, and memoranda relating to contracts, agreements, purchase or sales invoices, or claims or credit memoranda.

(c) Departmental statements and summaries; balance sheets and profit and loss or operating statements.

Retention period: (a) 1 year; (b) 2 years; (c) 3 years. 9 CFR 203.4 2.37a [Deleted]


Regulations pertaining to warehousing agricultural products as follows:

2.38 Licensed warehousemen. [Amended]

To keep copies of all receipts issued. Retention period: 1 year after December 31 of the year in which the corresponding original receipt is canceled. 7 CFR 101.17, 102.20, 103.17, 104.17, 105.17, 106.17, 107.17, 108.17, 111.18

2.39 Licensed warehousemen. [Amended]

To retain each canceled receipt.

Retention period: 6 years after December 31 of the year in which receipt is canceled and for such longer period as may be necessary for the purpose of any litigation which the warehouseman knows to be pending, or as may be required by the Administrator in particular cases to carry out the purposes of the act. 7 CFR 101.28, 102.34, 103.28, 104.28, 105.29, 106.30, 107.31, 108.29, 111.33 2.40 Licensed warehousemen. [Amended]

To keep a copy of his current rules and schedule of charges exposed conspicuously in a place accessible to the public.

Retention period: Required to expose current copy only. 7 CFR 101.29, 102.35, 103.29, 104.31, 105.30, 106.31, 107.32, 108.30, 111.34

2.41 Licensed warehousemen. [Amended]

Shall use for his licensed warehouse a system of accounts approved for the purpose by the Service, and maintain such records as are specified.

Retention period: 6 years after December 31 of the year in which created and for such longer period as may be necessary for the purposes of any litigation which the warehouseman knows to be pending, or as may be required by the Administrator in particular cases to carry out the purposes of the act. 7

CFR 101.33, 102.37, 103.40, 104.28, 105.33, 106.37, 107.39, 108.33, 111.41

2.42 Licensed warehousemen. [Amended]

Shall keep on file an exact copy of each report required to be submitted by such warehouseman.

Retention period: 3 years after December 31 of the year in which submitted. 7 CFR 101.36, 102.38, 103.41, 104.29, 105.35, 106.39, 107.42, 108.35, 111.44 2.43 Licensed cotton warehousemen.

To keep copies of certificates covering cotton stored, and copies of Form A memorandums and Form C certificates issued by a board of cotton examiners which forms a basis of any receipt issued. Retention period: 1 year after December 31 of the year in which the receipt based on such certificates or memoranda is canceled. 7 CFR 101.47

2.44 Licensed cotton warehousemen.

To keep records of cotton sampling including the written request, if any.

Retention period: 1 year after December 31 of the year in which such cotton is removed from the warehouse. 7 CFR 101.49

2.45 Licensed classifiers, inspectors, graders, and weighers of agricultural commodities. [Amended]

To keep copies of certificates issued by them.

Retention period: 1 year. 7 CFR 101.61, 102.69, 104.57, 105.59, 106.66, 107.68, 108.59, 111.70

2.46 Licensed warehousemen. [Amended]

To keep either copies of, or the original inspection, grade and/or weight, certificates covering lots of commodities stored. Retention period: 3 years after December 31 of the year in which issued. 7 CFR 102.29, 103.24, 105.46, 106.54, 107.55, 108.47, 111.56

2.47 Licensed grain warehousemen.

To keep records of weights, kinds, and grades of all lots of nonstorage grain received into and delivered from warehouses.

Retention period: 1 year after December 31 of the year in which the lot of nonstorage grain is delivered from the warehouse. 7 CFR 102.30

2.48 Licensed warehousemen. [Amended]

To keep as a record notices of the condition of commodities stored in the warehouse.

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2.49 Persons shipping agricultural and vegetable seeds subject to the Federal Seed Act regulations.

To keep complete records of each lot of agricultural and vegetable seeds transported or delivered for transportation in interstate commerce.

Retention period: 3 years for documents, 1 year for seed samples. 7 CFR 201.4-201.7

2.50 Country shippers of agricultural seeds subject to the Federal Seed Act regulations.

To keep copies of origin declarations they have issued and records showing names and addresses of growers or country shippers from whom seeds were purchased, quantity, and date of delivery. Retention period: 3 years. 7 CFR 201.5 (retention: 201.4)

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To maintain records pertaining to receipt and use of milk and milk products, including records of production, processing, and distribution, and financial records relating thereto.

Retention period: 3 years, but can be extended by the market administrator by written notice. 7 CFR Parts 10011159 (See specific milk marketing area.) 3. Agricultural Research Service 3.1 Licensed manufacturers (domestic and foreign), distributors, and importers of biological products. [Amended]

To keep detailed records of the results of tests for purity and potency and of the methods of preservation of each batch of biological products; and of the sale, shipment, or other disposition of the products.

Retention period: 2 years after expiration date of the product involved, or longer if requested by the Director, Veterinary Biologics Division. 9 CFR 116.1 (retention: 116.3)

3.2 Licensees preparing anti-hogcholera serum and hog-cholera virus. [Amended]

To keep records pertaining to virus production, serum preparation, and to pigs used to produce virus.

Retention period: 2 years after expiration date of the product involved, or longer if requested by the Director, Veterinary Biologics Division. 9 CFR 116.2 (retention: 116.3)

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3.4 Operators of approved feed lots.

To keep records of vaccination and disposition of all animals.

Retention period: 1 year. 9 CFR 120.9 3.5 Operators of approved feed lots.

To keep an inventory of animals showing the daily admission to and removal from the premises.

Retention period: 1 year. 9 CFR 120.9 3.6 Research investigators or research sponsors administering experimental biological products to animals. To maintain adequate records relative to the disposition of each animal administered experimental biological products. Such records include name and address of owner, pertinent data about animals and their location, and, if sold, name and address of purchaser.

Retention period: At least 2 years from the date that an experimental product was administered to such animal. 9 CFR 103.2

3.7 Recipients of research grants. [Amended]

To keep records of disposition of proceeds of grants, total costs of project or undertaking, amounts supplied by other sources, and such other records as to facilitate an effective audit.

Retention period: Not specified. 7 U.S.C. 450b

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