Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
academic staff union Achola amended agreed amendment proposed Angwenyi answer appointed asked the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General Awori beg to move beg to reply Bomet District Bondo District Bungoma Municipal Council Chief Executive Choge Clause Code of Conduct contractor deleting Deputy Speaker District drugs employees Gatabaki give hardship allowances hardship area HIV/AIDS institutions Kamahuha Secondary School Kamotho Karauri Kenya Commercial Bank Kimeto Kituyi Machakos Municipal Madoka Mageta Island Market Street Maseno University Maundu Members of Parliament Minister for Education Minister tell Ministry misleading the House Motion murram Musila Musyoka National Assembly Nooru Nyenze Ol Kalou Oloo-Aringo Orengo P.K. Mwangi parallel importation Parliamentary Service Bill Parliamentary Service Code Parliamentary Service Commission point of order police prisoners put and agreed Question released rivers Road Rotich sewerage Sifuna Sirma sub-clause Sungu talking Temporary Deputy Chairman thereof be inserted