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Twenty-eight thousand dollars can profitably be expended on this river during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1893.

July 1, 1890, balance unexpended .............

Amount appropriated by act approved September 19, 1890..

June 30, 1891, amount expended during fiscal year

July 1, 1891, balance unexpended..
July 1, 1891, outstanding liabilities.

July 1, 1891, balance available....

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project.

$2.42 4,000,00

4,002. 42





Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1893 28,000.00 Submitted in compliance with requirements of sections 2 of river and harbor acts of 1866 and 1867.

(See Appendix W 10.)

11. St. Francis River, Missouri.-The first appropriation made for this reach of river was that of act of August 11, 1888, in amount $5,000. Prior to the work done with this sum, logs, snags, overhanging trees, and several shoals interfered with low-water navigation. The estimate, $7,300, proposed the removal of the shoals about 12 miles below Greenville and the removal of snags and other obstructions.

The amount appropriated by act of August 11, 1888, was inadequate. Up to June 30, 1890, $5,000 had been expended cutting a channel through the Big Drift and carrying out the other provisions of the original project.

By the act approved September 19, 1890, $10,500 was appropriated. The approved project for the expenditure of this sum differs from the original project only in the provision that a hand-propelled snag boat be built for use upon this reach and a short reach from St. Francis, Ark., to Kennett, Mo., which lies above the Sunk Lands.

During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891, the snag boat was built and equipped. After it was completed, the water continued too high for effective operations until the close of the fiscal year. Early in the next fiscal year work will be continued.

Amount appropriated by act approved September 19, 1890.
June 30, 1891, amount expended during fiscal year

July 1, 1891, balance unexpended..

July 1, 1891, outstanding liabilities

July 1, 1891, balance available

(See Appendix W 11.)

$10,500.00 2, 642.68

7,857.32 120.00


12. Little River, Missouri and Arkansas.-Before improvement this river was obstructed by snags, logs, masses of driftwood, and shoals, and was divided into two chutes. The project for improvement contemplates prolonging medium stage navigation by closing one of the chutes and removing the obstructions enumerated from the other.

As stated in my last report, damage to the hull of the snag boat and long-continued overflow prevented very much work until near the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1889, the first appropriation ever made for this river being that of the act of August 11, 1888, amounting to $5,000.

During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891, operations were vigorously carried on until August 23, when work was suspended on account of low water. This carried the work to within 20 miles of the foot of the lake, and built a dam 300 feet long across the right chute.

By act approved September 19, 1890, $3,000 was appropriated.

It will be early in the next fiscal year before a boat will be available for this work or the stage of water suitable. The balance on hand will be expended in accordance with the original project, and will be sufficient for the present demands.

July 1, 1890, balance unexpended......

Amount appropriated by act approved September 19, 1890.

June 30, 1891, amount expended during fiscal year...

July 1, 1891, balance unexpended

(See Appendix W 12.)







The required preliminary examination of Current River, from Van Buren, Missouri, to its mouth, was made by the local engineer in charge, Captain Taber, and report thereon submitted through Col. C. B. Comstock, Corps of Engineers, Division Engineer, Southwest Division. It is the opinion of Captain Taber, and of the Division Engineer, based upon the facts and reasons given, that this locality is worthy of improvement. The report of the preliminary examination containing sufficient information to indicate to Congress the probable cost of the work required, no further survey appears to be necessary at this time. The improvement proposed contemplates removing snags and contracting the channel over the shoals by a system of wing dams, at an estimated cost of $10,000. The report was transmitted to Congress and printed as House Ex. Doc. No. 157, Fifty-first Congress, second session. (See also Appendix W 13.)

The required preliminary examination at Clarendon and the lower White River, Arkansas, to determine the effect of backwater from the Mississippi River and its cause and the means and cost of preventing injury therefrom, was made by the local engineer in charge, Captain Taber, and report thereon submitted through Col. C. B. Comstock, Corps of Engineers, Division Engineer, Southwest Division. It is the opinion of Captain Taber, and of the Division Engineer, based upon the facts and reasons given, that this locality is worthy of improvement. This opinion being concurred in by me, Captain Taber was charged with its survey, the report on which will be submitted when received.


Officer in charge, Capt. S. W. Roessler, Corps of Engineers. The preliminary examinations of the following localities, required by the river and harbor act approved September 19, 1890, were made by the local engineer in charge, and reports thereon submitted through Col. C. B. Comstock, Corps of Engineers, Division Engineer, Southwest Division. It is the opinion of Captain Roessler, based upon the facts and reasons given, that these localities are worthy of improvement; but Colonel Comstock, for reasons stated, does not consider them worthy of improvement. The views of Colonel Comstock being concurred in by me, no further surveys were ordered.

ENG 91-17

1. Memphis Harbor, Tennessee, especially for the removal of the bar forming opposite the upper part of the city or the prevention of the river bank taking the form that the natural forces are now giving it.—In trans. mitting to this office Captain Roessler's report of May 16, 1891, upon preliminary examination of this locality, Colonel Comstock states as follows:

Captain Roessler has well described the present condition of the bar at the upper part of the Memphis front and the causes which led to its formation.

The natural forces at work are now tending to give a new shore line, probably somewhere in the vicinity of the present low-water line. Those forces can be counteracted and their results be destroyed in two ways-either by extensive dredging annually repeated or by works on the Hopefield side, which will force the river back to its former position along the upper part of the Memphis front. Either of these methods will be very costly, especially the latter, and its success is not certain. The river is now so narrow that the bar apparently cannot advance much farther. These considerations have prevented the Mississippi River Commission from undertaking any new work at Memphis. Temporary relief up as far as the Anchor Line Elevator could be attained by a moderate amount of dredging.

But, using the language of the act, "the removal of the bar forming opposite the upper part of the city or the prevention of the river bank taking the form that the natural forces are now giving it," is, in view of its great cost and uncertain results, in my judgment, not a work worthy of being done by the United States.

Captain Roessler's report is printed in Appendix D to the annual report of the Mississippi River Commission, herewith submitted.

2. Mississippi River from high water mark Lake County, Tennessee, to high water mark Fulton County, Kentucky, north and west of Reef Foot [Reelfoot] Lake to ascertain if navigation of the river may not be improved by restraining the flow of water into said lake and adjoining low lands.(See Appendix X.)


Officer in charge, Maj. A. M. Miller, Corps of Engineers; Division Engineer, Col. C. B. Comstock, Corps of Engineers.

1. Removing snags and wrecks from Mississippi River.-Before this work was inaugurated the navigation of the river was very much interfered with by numerous snags, logs, etc., which had lodged in the channel, and to which a new accession was brought down on each rise of the river, thus constantly adding new and unknown obstructions to those already there. A large number of wrecks also occupied the channel and were very dangerous to the safety of passing boats.

For the removal of these obstructions appropriations were made as early as 1824, and the project consisted in building boats suitable for removing the suags, etc., and operating them whenever the stage of water was favorable for the work and funds were available.

The total amount expended for this purpose can not be definitely given, as previous to the appropriation made by act of March 3, 1879, a general amount was appropriated to be applied to several streams as their needs required. From March 3, 1879, when the first specific ap. propriation was made, up to June 30, 1890, $718,289.80 was expended for this purpose. The navigation of the river has been very materially improved by this method and the danger to boats lessened. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891, $92,470.97 was expended. Two snag boats were employed between the mouth of the Missouri River and Donaldsonville, La., removing obstructions. The boats worked for a

total of 16 months, removing 3,450 snags, cutting down 21,316 trees, removing 37 drift piles, and traveling a distance of 17,073 miles, thereby greatly benefiting navigation and commerce.

The boats were thoroughly overhauled and repaired and placed in good working order. An electric-light plant was also placed on the snag boat Wright. New boilers were ordered for the Macomb, but they had not been finished at the close of the fiscal year.

An annual appropriation having been made for carrying on this work, no further estimate is submitted.

Amount drawn under section 7, act of Angust 11, 1888...
June 30, 1891, amount expended during fiscal year

July 1, 1891, balance unexpended

July 1, 1891, amount available for fiscal year 1891-'92

(See Appendix Y 1.)





2. Mississippi River, between the Ohio and Illinois rivers.-The original condition of the navigable channel of this portion of the Mississippi River, before the work of improvement was begun, was such that the natural depth at low water was in many places from 3 to 4 feet, and the water was scattered by islands, which formed sloughs behind them, thus wasting the water available for low-water navigation.

The project adopted for improvement consists in closing these sloughs, and, by contraction works, the concentration of the water between banks 2,500 feet apart, the object being thereby to obtain a depth of 8 feet in the channel between St. Louis and Cairo, and 6 feet between Grafton and St. Louis at standard low water, or at a stage corresponding to a reading of 4 feet on the St. Louis gauge.

The amount expended up to the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1890, was $4,032,422.29. The condition of the improvement during the year past has been such that but little trouble was experienced between St. Louis and Lucas Crossing, a distance of 30 miles, as far as the work of improvement had been carried on June 30, 1891, and then only at extreme low water. For stages of water above 4 feet on the St. Louis gauge there has generally been a depth of at least 6 feet in the channel.

The amount expended during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891, was $96,811.87, and was principally applied to the repair of plant. Owing to the late date at which the last river and harbor act was passed, it was impossible to get the plant in shape so as to do any work during the fall season and during the spring season, there being only one plant available, work was first done on the St. Louis Harbor, and after that was finished it was moved to St. Genevieve.

During the fiscal year work was carried on at the following localities: Alton. The work here consists of the extension of the present stone dike for a distance of 2,800 feet, the object being to prevent the forma tion of a bar in front of the landing at that place. The stage of water prevented any actual work being done, but a contract was entered into for the work, and it will be accomplished as soon as the stage of water will permit.

Rush Tower. The project for work at this locality was adopted in 1890, and consisted in an extension of the general plan of improvement, so as to take in this locality. Work was not commenced until Jane 15, so that but little could be accomplished up to the close of the year. Two burdles, Nos. 4 and 5 of this system, were located and partially built, and 600 feet of bank protection was placed in position. This bank protection was necessary, as the bank at one place had caved

so far as to be within 50 feet of the base of the levee, which protects the bottom lands from overflow. The amount expended at this locality was $3,926.06.

St. Genevieve. The project for the improvement of this locality was adopted in 1890, and consisted in the construction of a series of hurdles on the Illinois side of the river, which were designed to prevent the channel leaving Little Rock, the landing for the town of St. Genevieve, and also to contract the river to a width of 2,500 feet. A system of four hurdles was contemplated, but owing to the fact that the bar at the foot of Turkey Island had moved so far downstream the upper hurdle was rendered unnecessary. Three hurdles, having a total length of 3,650 feet, were constructed and practically completed. The amount expended was $9,830.55.

Surveys.-A resurvey of the river between the foot of Horsetail Bar and Forest Home was made for the purpose of determining changes in the banks and channel of the river.

A reference to the plates accompanying the report of the officer in charge will give a graphic representation of the progress and effects of the works.

With the appropriation asked for fiscal year ending June 30, 1893, it is proposed to extend the general plan of improvement as far downstream as the funds available will permit.

The original estimated cost of this work, as revised in 1883, $16,997,100, of which amount $4,529,600 has been appropriated. July 1, 1890, balance unexpended...........

Amount appropriated by act approved September 19, 1890..


$97, 177.71 400,000.00

June 30, 1891, amount expended during fiscal year...

497, 177, 71

96, 811.87

July 1, 1891, balance unexpended...

July 1, 1891, outstanding liabilities..

400, 365.84


July 1, 1891, amount covered by uncompleted contracts. 114, 727. 18

[ocr errors]

135, 448. 04

July 1, 1891, balance available...

264, 917.80

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project......12, 467,500.00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1893....

Submitted in compliance with requirements of sections 2 of river and barbor acts of 1866 and 1867.

(See Appendix Y 2.)


3. Harbor at St. Louis, Missouri. This work was originally part of the general improvement of the Mississippi River between the Illinois and Ohio rivers, and, as such, work was done at Sawyer Bend, Venice Dike, Arsenal Island, and Cahokia Chute Dam.

The river and harbor act of August 11, 1888, contained a provision for a special examination and survey of the harbor with a view to its improvement, and in a report made in December, 1888, it was stated that the St. Louis Harbor may be divided into two parts, the upper and the lower, the line of division being the Eads Bridge.

The lower portion, included between the river des Peres and the bridge, is 8 miles long, and the channel is good at all stages of water, the landings being easily accessible at all points.

The upper portion, included between the bridge and the northern limits of the city, is about 10 miles in length; of this portion the only part to be considered as at present included in the practical harbor is the reach between the bridge and the waterworks at Bissell Point, 3

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