TITLE II, PART A OF H.R. 7014 AS REPORTED BY THE COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE ON JULY 9, 1975. 7 8 12 Subpart 1-General Emergency Authorities CONDITIONS OF EXERCISE OF ENERGY CONSERVATION AND GASOLINE RATIONING AUTHORITIES SEC. 201. (a) (1) Within 180 days after the date of 9 enactment of this Act, the President shall transmit to the 10 Congress pursuant to subsection (b) (1) one or more energy 11 conservation contingency plans under section 202 and a gasoline rationing contingency plan under section 203. The 13 President may at any time submit additional contingency 14 plans. A contingency plan may become effective only as pro15 vided in subsection (b), (c), or (d) and may remain in effect for a period of not more than 18 months. 23 16 (2) For purposes of this section, the term "contingency plan" means (A) an energy conservation contingency plan pre scribed under section 202 of this Act; or (B) a gasoline rationing contingency plan prescribed under section 203 of this Act. (b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) or (d), no contingency plan may become effective, unless— (1) the President has transmitted to the Congress in accordance with section 752(a) of this Act such con (32) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 tingency plan, which transmittal shall include a written justification and substantiation for such plan; (2) such contingency plan has been approved by a resolution by each House of Congress in accordance with the congressional review procedures specified in section 752 of this Act; and (3) after approval of such contingency plan— (A) the President (i) has found that putting such contingency plan into effect is required by a severe energy supply interruption, and (ii) has transmitted to the Congress in accordance with section 751(b) of this Act a request to put such plan into effect; and (B) neither House of Congress has disapproved. (or both Houses have approved) such request in accordance with the congressional review procedures specified in section 751 of this Act. (c) (1) Notwithstanding subsection (b)(3), during any 20 7 percent shortfall period, the President may put into effect a contingency plan which has been approved under subsection 22 (b)(2) to the extent he determines that putting such plan 23 into effect is necessary to comply with obligations of the United 24 States under the international energy program. Such a plan may not remain in effect after the expiration of the earlier 1 of the 18-month period after it takes effect or the 7 percent 2 shortfall period. (2) For purposes of paragraph (1): (A) The term "7 percent shortfall period" means a period beginning on any date which the President determines that there exists a 7 percent supply shortfall and ending 60 days after the date on which the President determines such 7 percent supply shortfall no longer exists. (B) A 7 percent supply shortfall exists if the group of countries which are parties to the international energy program has, within the meaning of article 13 of such program, sustained (or can reasonably be expected to sustain) a reduction in its oil supplies at least equal to 7 percent of its average daily rate of final consumption during the base period. (3) Any determination under paragraph (2)(A) shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to both 19 Houses of Congress. 20 (d) During the period which begins not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the President may put into effect a contingency plan for a period of not more than 60 days if (1) the President (A) has found that putting such contingency plan into effect is required by a severe energy sup 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ply interruption or is necessary to comply with obligations of the United States under the international energy program; and (B) has transmitted to the Congress in accordance with section 751(b) of this Act a request to put such plan into effect; and (2) neither House of Congress has disapproved (or both Houses have approved) such request in accordance with the congressional review procedures specified in section 751 of this Act. (e) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) or (3), a contingency plan may not be amended, unless the President 13 has transmitted such amendment to the Congress for congres14 sional review in accordance with section 752 of this Act and 15 each House of Congress has approved such amendment in 16 accordance with the congressional review procedures specified 17 18 in section 752. (2) An amendment to a contingency plan which is trans19 mitted to the Congress during any period in which such plan is in effect may take effect if the President has transmitted 2205 such amendment to the Congress in accordance with section 22 751(b) of this Act and neither House of Congress has dis23 approved (or both Houes have approved) such amendment 24 in accordance with the congressional review procedures specified in section 751 of this Act. 25 (3) The President may prescribe technical and clerical 2 amendments to a contingency plan in accordance with section 3 701 of this Act. 4 5 ENERGY CONSERVATION CONTINGENCY PLANS SEC. 202. (a) (1) The President shall prescribe, by 6 rule, one or more energy conservation contingency plans. For 7 purposes of this section, the term "energy conservation con8 tingency plan" means a plan which imposes restrictions on 9 the public or private use of energy which are necessary to 10 reduce energy consumption. 11 16 (2) An energy conservation contingency plan prescribed 12 under this section may not impose gasoline rationing or any 13 tax, tariff, user fee, provide for a minimum price of (or 14 change in any ceiling price for) any petroleum product, or 15 provide for a credit or deduction in computing any tax. (b) An energy conservation contingency plan shall apply 17 in each State or political subdivision thereof, except such 18 plan may provide for procedures for exempting any State or political subdivision thereof from such plan in cases where 20 the President determines a comparable program of such 21 State or political subdivision is in effect, or where the Presi22 dent finds special circumstances exist in such State or political 23 subdivision. 19 24 (c) Subject to section 201 of this Act, an energy 25 conservation contingency plan shall remain in effect for a |