Ancient West and East: Volume 4, No. 2G. R. Tsetskhladze BRILL, 2006 - 292 pages Originally published as Volume 4 (2005) of Brill's bi-annual Ancient West & East. |
Articles | 255 |
Notes and Queries | 278 |
H G Niemeyer There is No Way Out of the Al Mina Debate | 292 |
Copyright | |
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3rd millennium BC 4th century BC 6th century absolute chronology Aegean Al Mina Anatolia ancient Animal Style archaeological Archaic period architecture argues Arjoune Athenian Athens Boardman Bouzek Bulgaria burial catalogue cemetery ceramics Chapter cities Classical Cobannus colonial context Corinthian cult dedications discussion Early Hellenistic Early Iron Age East Eastern ethnic identity Etruscan evidence excavation fictive finds genealogy Greece groups Hall Hall's Hellenic identity Hellenistic illustrations important Iron Age ISBN ISSN Italy Kiev culture Kilian-Dirlmeier kinship language late antique Late Bronze Age Macedonia Malta maps Mediterranean millennium BC Moesia Museum non-Greeks objects Odessos Odrysian Olympia origins Oxford Paperback Pella Persian Phoenician photographs Pistiros population pottery provides Punic radiocarbon region Roman period Sagona sanctuary Scythian settlement Sicily Sofia sub-Hellenic summary in English Syria Thrace Thracian tion tombs toreutics tradition Tsetskhladze Urartian Urartu vessels volume West