Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
acres allocated allottees ambaye areas barabara Baringo East Constituency beg to support boarding primary schools cent collapsed Constitution Deputy Speaker economy elected Euro Bank farmers fight corruption free primary funds going Goldenberg Gumo holding grounds Hotuba ya Rais House implemented issue jambo KANU katika Kenyan fishermen Kenyans Kenyatta National Hospital Kibaki Kiunjuri kutoka kwa sababu kwamba Laikipia District Lake Victoria Lakini Livestock Development look mambo matatu Member for South Members of Parliament Minister for Energy Minister for Roads mkoa wa North Mwai Kibaki Naibu Spika Nambale NARC Government National National Rainbow Coalition Ndambuki North Eastern Province officers Ojode Omingo parcel of land pastoralists point of order police President's Speech Presidential Address primary education problem question repossess Rift Valley Province Rotino Sambu Sasura South Mugirango Suba District talk tarmacked Toro touched Ugandan wananchi Wanjala watu