Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Afrika Mashariki ambayo Article asked Assistant Minister Attorney-General Baraza Bill of Quantities cells Clause Committees Constitution county assembly county government debate devolution Eldoret North election funds going Government Business Governor hayo hili Home Affairs House IDPs Imanyara Implementation important issue jambo Kajembe kama Kamukunji kandarasi katika kazi Kenyans Khalwale Kisumu kusema kuwa Kwa hivyo kwamba kwekwe lakini land Leader of Government legislation Madam Temporary Deputy matter Mawaziri Mazingira Members of Parliament Members to look Mheshimiwa milioni Minister for Home Ministerial Statement Ministry Mombasa Musyoka ninataka niseme Ntimama Ojode pesa point of order Procedural Motion programme Question Raila Raila Odinga Rege Right rise to support Ruto Samoei Serikali Spika Standing Orders Subukia Swali talking taskforce Temporary Deputy Speaker Thank Tosha Vice-President and Minister voted Wabunge wakati Wamalwa Wang’uru Police Station Waziri Msaidizi Winam Gulf Wizara World Bank Ziwa Victoria