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The progress made in each of the several works upon the coast is more particularly set forth in the following pages. The estimates of amounts required for the year have been made upon carefully considered projects, and are for the completion or continuance of the works in accordance with the approved principles already enunciated.


Fort Wayne, Detroit, Michigan, in charge of Major Walter McFarland until April 25, 1871; since then of Captain G. L. Gillespie, Corps of En gineers. This work commands the channel of Detroit River, and, with its exterior barbette batteries, will control the navigation of that stream. These batteries are not completed, but should be finished and additional batteries projected. Plans for the modification of this work have been prepared during the past season, but are held for further consideration before being recommended for approval.

No appropriation was made for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872.
No appropriation asked for the next fiscal year.

No construction or repairs have been made during the past year. The expense incurred has been for the care and preservation of the work. Fort Porter, Black Rock, near Buffalo, New York, in charge of Captain F. Harwood, Corps of Engineers.-This work occupies an important strategic point for the defense of the northern frontier. It remains in the condition reported in 1869-70, and no work has been done upon it during the past year. Projects for its repair have been prepared, but are withheld for further consideration.

No appropriation was made for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872.
No appropriation asked for the next fiscal year.

Fort Niagara, mouth of Niagara River, New York, in charge of Major N. Bowen from July 1 to November 23, 1870, and from January 13 to 25, 1871; First Lieutenant B. D. Greene from November 23, 1870, to January 13, 1871; and Major John M. Wilson, Corps of Engineers, since January 25, 1871.-This work is situated at the mouth of Niagara River, commanding its debouch into Lake Ontario. During the past year the force upon the work has been engaged as follows: Raising, grading, and sodding the terre plein and parapet of the north and south bastions and the curtain; building a wooden platform for a 4-inch rifled gun, in rear of the flank casemate of the south bastion; removing imperfect brick and replacing them with new, and pointing the scarp wall; repairing and relaying the stone gutter, and making a new onedown the slope at the south end of the main ditch.

No appropriation was made for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872; funds used were derived from appropriation for contingencies of fortifications.

Appropriation asked for the next fiscal year, $25,000.

During the present fiscal year it is proposed to repair the crib-work protection at the northwest angle of the fort, rebuild the six jettees along the lake shore, pave the postern, and make and hang the gates, build a slope-wall protection to the sea wall at the salient angle of the north bastion, pave the casemates, complete the drainage of the main ditch, and point and repair the scarp wall.

Fort Ontario, Oswego, New York, in charge of Major N. Bowen from July 1 to November 23, 1870, and from January 13 to 25, 1871; First Lieutenant B. D. Greene from November 23, 1870 to January 13, 1871; and Major John M. Wilson, Corps of Engineers, since January 25, 1871.— This work protects the city of Oswego from a sudden attack or coup de

main, or the levy of a contribution by a small force of the enemy on shipboard. The work in progress upon the fort is the replacing of the old timber scarp, which has rotted away, by more durable materials, and the modification of the barbette for the heavy modern ordnance.

No appropriation was made for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872; funds used were derived from appropriation for contingencies of fortifications.

Appropriation asked for the next fiscal year, $30,000.

During the past year the force upon this work has been employed as follows: Continuing gallery in right flank of bastion E, completing it, except coping and lintel to entrance; completing scarp wall of right face of bastion E, and curtain A-E, and backing it with concrete; continuing gallery in left flank of bastion A; completing scarp wall of curtain A-B, except coping, and nearly completing scarp wall of the left face of bastion B; building dry walls in the galleries and under the back of stairways in bastions E and A; sodding parapets of right and left faces, and grading terre plein of bastion D; putting new roofs on guard-houses, and introducing city water and placing fire-hydrant in the vicinity of the engineer store-houses.

During the present year it is proposed to complete the gallery in bastion E, and the one in the left flank of bastion A; to put on the coping and parapet around to the salient of the latter bastion; to build the connection of the gallery in bastion D, with the proposed magazine, and complete the parapet as far as the right re-entering angle of bastion C.

Fort Montgomery, outlet of Lake Champlain, New York, in charge of Lieutenant Colonel John Newton, Corps of Engineers.-This work occupies an important strategic point, and commands the entrance to Lake Champlain from Richelieu or St. John River. The work is essentially completed for the old styles of armament, and requires modifications to suit it to the modern guns. Projects for this purpose have been prepared by the Board of Engineers for fortifications, and approved, and the necessary modifications directed to be made.

No appropriation was made for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872.

Appropriation asked for next fiscal year, needed to complete this work, $22,000.

Fort Knox, Bucksport, Penobscot River, Maine, in charge of Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Duane, Corps of Engineers.-This work, situated at the narrows of the Penobscot River, furnishes a defense for the city of Bangor and other towns bordering the Penobscot, and renders the river available as a secure harbor of refuge for the shipping of the extensive eastern sea coast. The work is essentially completed, with the exception of some modifications in its barbette batteries to fit them for the large guns now used.

No appropriation was made for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872.
No appropriation asked for the next fiscal year.

The condition of this work remains the same as at the close of the last fiscal year, the only work performed being such as was necessary for the repairs of temporary roofs and general care of the work.

Fort Popham, mouth of Kennebec River, Maine, in charge of Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Duane, Corps of Engineers.-This work defends the entrance, through the mouth of Kennebec River, to the rich valley of this river, the cities of Bath and Augusta, and the United States arsenal at the latter place. It has been finished upon its gun-fronts to the level of the barbette batteries. The projects for it completion have not yet been prepared.

No appropriation was made for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872.
No appropriation asked for the next fiscal year.

Fort Gorges, Portland Harbor, Maine, in charge of Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Duane, Corps of Engineers.-This work is one of the series of forts designed to defend the harbor and channels leading into the harbor of the important strategic position occupied by the city of Portland.

Amount appropriated for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872, $15,000. Appropriation asked for next fiscal year, $20,000.

After an interruption of more than a year, work on this fort was resumed on August 8, 1870, and during the past year the great magazine on Front I, with the exception of its interior wood work, the central traverse magazine, and the new entrance to the easterly traverse magazine, and the breast height walls of Front VI, were completed. The earth work of Front VI was nearly finished, excepting the grading and sodding of the slopes. It is expected that this work upon both Fronts VI and I will be completed before the close of the coming fiscal year, so that all the barbette guns of this fort can be mounted.

New Fort Preble, Portland Harbor, Maine, in charge of Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Duane, Corps of Engineers.-The work of carrying out the present plans for the completion of this fort was commenced on August 10, 1870. Since that date, the traverse magazine and earth work, in the gap between the north battery and old redoubt, has been finished, except the sodding of slopes. One of the two traverse magazines and about one-half of the great magazine in the old redoubt, have been built, and a considerable quantity of earth hauled in for embankments. One new traverse magazine in the south battery extension has been finished, except grading and sodding, and the necessary excavation for about 400 feet of the battery has been one-third completed.

During the present year it is expected that the work in and adjoining the old redoubt will be essentially completed; that the parapet for the first four bays of the extension of south battery and four new traverses will be constructed, and that nine new positions will be ready for guns. Amount appropriated for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872, $28,500. Appropriations asked for the next fiscal year, $50,000.

Fort Scammell, Portland Harbor, Maine, in charge of Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Duane, Corps of Engineers.-This work occupies a very important position in the harbor, and commands four of the channels leading into it. No work of construction was carried on upon this fort from November, 1868, till August 22, 1870. Since the latter date the old block house, most of the old buildings in the parade, and the two small service magazines in the circular bastion were demolished, to make way for the new work. The parapet of the circular bastion was partially re-enforced by an exterior embankment. Rock excavation for the foundation of the great magazine in the old work is nearly finished. All the traverse magazines, six in number, in the old work, were built and covered with from two to five feet of earth; but their proper connections with the parados remain to be made after the construction of the latter. During the present year the great magazine, most of the parados, and the new arches in the west bastion will be built.

Amount appropriated for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872, $50,000. Appropriation asked for next fiscal year, $100,000.

New work at Portland Head, Portland Harbor, Maine.-An approved project has been for some time past prepared for the occupation of this position by a barbette battery for thirty-four guns of heaviest caliber, so arranged that all the approaches to the main channel leading into the harbor will be swept by some or all of its guns, and an enemy's fleet

will be prevented by its fire from taking up unopposed a position behind Bangs Island, from which to bombard Portland or shell the shipping in the harbor. It is important to the safety of the city and harbor that works of defense exterior to the existing forts shall be provided, and an appropriation for the commencement next year of this battery is urged. No appropriation has been made as yet for this work. Appropriation asked for next fiscal year, $62,000.

Fort McClary, Portsmouth Harbor, Kittery Point, Maine, in charge of Lieutenant Colonel J. G. Foster until May 6, 1871; since then Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Duane, Corps of Engineers.-This work, together with Fort Constitution, opposite, forms the only defense to the mouth of the Piscataqua River and to the navy-yard at Kittery, Maine. The plans for this work were made and approved in 1866; and so far as the erection of the several portions do not conflict with the system as lately adopted for our defenses, it is proposed to continue the construction.

No appropriation was made for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1872. Appropriation asked for the next fiscal year, $75,000.

The condition of this fort remains the same as at the close of the last fiscal year, no operations having been carried on during the past year excepting the necessary care of the work.

New Fort Constitution, Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire, in charge of Lieutenant Colonel J. G. Foster, until May 6, 1871; since then Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Duane, Corps of Engineers.-This is a casemated work, and the Engineer Department is not prepared, at present, to proceed with its construction.

The condition of this fort remains the same as at the close of the last fiscal year, no operations having been carried on during the past year excepting the necessary care of the work.

No appropriation was made for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872.
No appropriation asked for the next fiscal year.

Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, in charge of Colonel H. W. Benham, Corps of Engineers.-This important work is for the defense of the main channel of entrance to Boston Harbor, and command of the anchorage of Nantasket Roads. The modifications embraced in the recently approved plans are well under way, and should be pushed to completion at an early day.

Amount appropriated for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872, $50,000.
Appropriation asked for next fiscal year, $150,000.

The work executed here has been mainly upon the demilune south of the main work, in preparing it for enlarged ordnance in the upper battery. The concrete masonry of the two traverse magazines proposed has been constructed, and the earth embankments partly laid. On the main work, in bastion, (A,) the parade walls have been mostly taken down, and the drains of the interior space have been rebuilt. foundations of all the piers for the new large arches for covering this space have been completed, while a large supply of bricks, concrete material, sand, &c., has been collected for a vigorous prosecution of the work in the present year.


With the appropriations made in 1870 and 1871 for this work, it is contemplated during the present year to complete the modifications of the demilune, including its parados and magazine traverses, the modification of bastion A of the main work, with the barbette battery upon the terre plein, the barbette battery upon the coverface, and some of the positions for heavy guns in bastion E.

Battery at Long Island Head, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, in charge of Colonel H. W. Benham, Corps of Engineers.-This important work is


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especially intended to command the entrance into Boston Harbor through
Broad Sound, and its early completion is desirable.

Amount appropriated for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872, $37,500.
Appropriation asked for the next fiscal year, $75,000.

During the past fiscal year the necessary buildings, store and boarding houses, were arranged for, and partly built, by the close of the year. Arrangements for a wharf have been made since that date, and the structure, now partly built, with the necessary roadway to the hill, it is expected, will soon be completed. The magazines, bomb-proof arches, &c., with their earth coverings, and the necessary embankments for the battery, will be pushed forward during the present year as far as possible with the means on hand.

Fort Winthrop, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, in charge of Colonel H. W. Benham, Corps of Engineers.-In this work the modifications stated in previous reports are being carried out, and some of the batteries are approaching the condition required for the service of the larger calibers of guns.

Amount appropriated for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872, $45,500.
Appropriation asked for next fiscal year, $75,000.

During the year the battery planned for the covered way of the tower was laid out and brought up to the level of the terre plein throughout, and, in some parts, above that level. In the south battery and east battery necessary preparations have been made for the modifications proposed for the new armament. And on the east battery the concrete masonry, mainly complete, with the doorways of five of the six traverse magazines, has been constructed; also the breast height wall of the left face and the foundation of the breast height of the right face, while the lower part of the earth embankment of the traverse has been put in position, and the drainage system enlarged and re-arranged. On the south battery there has been constructed the masonry with the doorway complete of three of the traverse magazines on the part next west of the present 15-inch gun battery, and the drainage of this part has been improved and enlarged. On the tower a wooden roof has been placed, and the parade has been re-covered with asphalt, and such other repairs added to earth slopes, masonry, &c., as appeared to be necessary.

With the appropriations made in 1870 and 1871 for this work, it is contemplated during the present year to complete the modifications of the east battery and more than one-half of the south battery, with all the necessary magazines and traverses and the emplacements for the heavy guns designated for those positions.

Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, in charge of Colonel H. W. Benham, Corps of Engineers.-This work, with Fort Winthrop on the opposite side of the main ship channel, constitutes the inner line of defense for the harbor of Boston. The modification of the works consists of a re-arrangement of its barbette batteries, in accordance with the approved plans of the Board of Engineers.

Amount appropriated for fiscal year ending June 30, 1872, $27,500.
Appropriation asked for next fiscal year, $50,000.

During the fiscal year the quarters for a working force have been rebuilt or repaired. The masonry of two new traverse magazines near the gorge of the east bastion has been constructed, and that of a third magazine upon the east curtain completed, and a quantity of sand, concrete material, and curbstone magazine doorways prepared for future


With the appropriations made for this work in 1870 and 1871, it is proposed during the present year to complete the modifications of the

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