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quirements and for the defense of the Western Hemisphere, will pass to the control of the Commanding General, Continental Army Command.

(c) Maximum utilization of troops, equipment and supplies, as set forth herein is authorized only during the actual existence of the emergency. The regulations of §§ 502.1 to 502.4 are not to be construed as authorizing assistance during the period of rehabilitation which normally follows a disaster. Troops and equipment will be withdrawn and the issue of supplies stopped at the earliest practicable moment.

[21 F. R. 1831, Mar. 24, 1956]

§ 502.4 Actions required-(a) Major disasters. The act of September 30, 1950, as amended, in no way precludes Department of the Army action, when required in emergencies, pending determination by the President that a disaster is a "major disaster" under the terms of law. Department of the Army action to afford assistance, subsequent to such a finding, will be in accord with the regulations of §§ 502.1 to 502.4. Such assistance and such other action shall be subject to coordination by the Federal Civil Defense Administration, acting on behalf of the President.

[Paragraph (a) amended, 21 F. R. 1813, Mar. 24, 1956]

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8504.1 Definitions. (a) The "public information" pertains to information concerning the Army which is released to the public. Such information is disseminated to provide the people of the United States with a factual report of Army activities, missions, and objectives, so as to create public understanding of the Army.

(b) A public information release is defined as any material, spoken, pictorial, or written, released to the general public to accomplish public information objectives of the Department of the Army.

8504.2 Authority and responsibilities. (a) The American public has the right of access to all unclassified information concerning the objectives and activities of the Army, the release of which is not prohibited by appropriate service regulations. The provision of such information is in the national interest and is an important function of command. The policy of the Department of the Army is that the discharge of this responsibility will be accomplished in a positive and anticipatory


(b) Coordination and clearance of public information activities and material with appropriate agencies within the Army Establishment is the responsibility of all persons, commands, and

agencies engaged in public information activities or proposing the public release of material subject to review. Where the material to be released consists of information from Department of the Army records, coordination will be effected with those agencies charged with responsibility for taking final action on behalf of the Secretary of the Army upon requests for information from, access to, or copies of such records. Material falling within the following broad categories is subject to additional clearance or coordination with the Department of Defense by the Chief of Information and Education, Department of the Army:

(1) Information concerning interservice activities and missions.

(2) Information concerning the foreign or military policy of the United States Government.

(3) Information concerning atomic energy; chemical, biological, or radiological warfare; guided missiles; or new developments in general.

(4) Discussions of the military policy of another service, or information pertaining to any activity under joint responsibility, or under the separate responsiiblity of another service.

(5) Information having overriding national defense policy implications.

§ 504.3 Public information operations in the field; objective. (a) The United States Army has an obligation to report on its activities to the American people. In order that they may be continuously informed of the activities and accomplishments of the Army, it is essential that, consistent with military security, the American people be given factual information relating to the:

(1) Missions and objectives of the Army and their support of national aims.

(2) Progress and accomplishments of the Army in the United States and oversea areas.

(3) Utilization of funds appropriated by Congress.

(4) Continuous effort of the Army to provide weapons, weapons systems, training, equipment, methods, and techniques having a margin of superiority which will assure success in battle.

(5) Necessity for maintaining an Army of sufficient strength to meet the

requirements of national security, including oversea commitments.

(6) Relationship of the Army to the American people.

(7) Present and future requirements of the Army in men, money, and materials.

(8) Role of the Army in relation to the other services in protecting the nation.

(9) Identification of leaders and accomplishments of individuals and unis.

(10) Activities in the public interest, to include resulting public benefits.

(11) Opportunities for advancement, individual development, and financial security afforded by the Army.

(12) The role of the reserve components in national defense and their need for continuous public support, particularly at the community level.

(b) In accomplishing these objectives, sound principles of community relations, press relations, and public relations will be observed. Commanders will take cognizance of the fact that publicity is only one element of any public relations program and will insure that members of their commands fully realize that each member of the Army shares in responsibility for individual maintenance of public confidence and support. Emphasis will be placed on the fact that such things as good human relations, good performance, and an individual code of honorable conduct form the foundation of favorable public opinion.

§ 504.4 Visits requested by media representatives. Cooperation with news media representatives requesting permission to visit an installation under Army Jurisdiction for the purpose of obtaining information for public release may be given by and at the discretion of the installation commander. Such action may be taken without reference to the Chief of Information and Education, Department of the Army, provided that:

(a) Requests for such permission originate with a responsible editor or executive of the news media concerned.

(b) Requests initiated by a reporter or other representative of comparable status are investigated to the extent necessary to insure that the applicant is a representative of a recognized news agency, or is a bona fide free lance journalist.

§ 504.5 Travel of news media representatives to and from oversea areas at

Government expense.

(a) The general

policies of the Department of the Army concerning nonreimbursable transportation of correspondents between the continental United States and oversea areas, including Alaska, via military aircraft or military surface craft are:

(1) News media representatives will not be furnished military transportation between the United States and oversea areas.

(2) The Army will not be placed in a position of competing with United States commercial transportation.

(3) Air transportation will not be provided for news media representatives on any given route if civil air carriers adequate to handle such traffic are in operation on that route.

(b) It is recognized that in unusual circumstances exception may be made to the general policies stated above where the travel is primarily of official concern to the Department of the Army, for compelling reasons such as:

(1) The Department of the Army desires to invite a group of correspondents on a trip to report on a matter of special interest to the Army.

(2) The military travel itself is a vital part of the story or stories to be covered as in air evacuation, maneuvers, or the movement of troops. In such cases the transportation furnished will be limited to the extent and duration of the assignment requiring military travel. All requests for such transportation will be carefully evaluated as to the importance of the coverage and the audience to be reached by the media.

(3) The story or stories to be covered are of an emergency nature and the coverage will be impaired or delayed, to the serious detriment of the national defense establishment, if military transportation is not provided.

(4) The proposed coverage is of unusual importance to the Department of the Army and will bring extraordinary benefits to the Army. The determination will be made, in cases where the coverage is of primary concern to the Army, by the Chief of Information and Education, Department of the Army, with the concurrence of the Deputy, Public Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (L&PA).

(5) The proposed coverage is in an area not served by commercial transportation from and to the United States.

(c) Except in emergency cases where time or policy does not permit accreditation, no correspondent will be given military transportation until he is accredited to the Department of Defense. No Army agency will commit Government transportation to any requesting news agency or correspondent until the request has been approved by the Chief of Information and Education, Department of the Army.

(d) Correspondents furnished military transportation will be informed that they will be expected to pay for meals, hotel accommodations, or any other personal expenses incidental to the travel.

§ 504.6

Authorization to witness tests or photograph classified material. (a) Unless otherwise authorized by the Department of the Army, invitations to witness tests of new or modified arms or equipment of a classified nature, will be limited to those persons (in the military service and civilian technicians) intimately concerned with the research and development, production, adoption, or use of the article in question.

(b) Photographs or other information concerning new or newly modified arms or equipment will not be released without specific authorization by the Department of the Army.

§ 504.7 Army theme in commercial advertising. (a) The Army theme may be used in commercial advertisements provided the advertisement does not disclose classified military information, bring discredit on the military service, or express or imply Army approval of or preference for the products advertised over like products of another company. Army personnel on active duty may not indorse such products in such a way to involve the Army uniform, or their title or grade, or express or imply other official Army connotation.

(b) In cooperating with an advertiser, the Department of the Army does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the advertiser's claims or for his compliance with laws protecting the rights of privacy of military personnel whose photographs, names, or statements appear in the advertisement.

§ 504.8 Army cooperation in commercial motion picture, radio, and television productions-(a) Motion pictures. (1) Commercial motion picture film scrips are certified for Army cooperation after approval by the Department of the Army

and the Department of Defense. When a film script has been approved, agencies of the Department of the Army will cooperate with the company concerned. Cooperation will be at no cost to the Government; arrangements will be made for the reimbursement of any cost incurred. This cooperation may include furnishing technical advisors, access to locations, equipment, weapons, and troops. In the interest of economy, the use of military personnel and facilities will be included as a part of, or in conjunction with, normal training activities to the maximum practicable degree. As a pre-requisite to this cooperation, the Department of the Army is able to require that the film scrip and production reflect the Army's traditions, ideals, and devotion to the public service.

(2) Army cooperation in motion pictures produced by a foreign firm in an oversea command normally will be authorized in the manner outlined in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph. Oversea Army commanders may, however, authorize Army cooperation in such motion pictures when production schedules make proper and accurate portrayal of the Army dependent upon immediate cooperation.

(3) Commanders learning of motion picture projects concerning Army subjects that are being produced without the knowledge of the Department of the Army will report such information to the Department of the Army, ATTN: Chief of Information and Education.

(b) Radio and television. (1) Radio and television scripts and productions are certified for Army cooperation in the same manner as are motion pictures when proposed for, or subject to, release on a national scale, or when the subject matter thereof concerns information reserved to the review authority of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.

(2) A major commander may authorize Army cooperation in a radio or television production which is regional to his command in public interest and coverage. An installation commander has similar authority in the case of productions that are limited in public interest to his own local area.

(c) Legitimate stage productions. (1) Limited Army cooperation may be extended to legitimate stage productions, not classed as "little theater," in the

same manner as indicated in certifying cooperation for motion pictures and television.

(2) Since legitimate stage productions for "little theater" normally are restricted to local audiences, commanders of installations in the vicinity of such activities may authorize cooperation in such productions in accordance with authority contained in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. Such cooperation normally will consist of technical advice and informational assistance. However, if necessary to assure accuracy of presentation, commanders may provide necessary items of equipment, etc.

§ 504.9 Visits of media representatives to military installations and facilities of Department of Defense contractors. Subject to the provisions of §§ 505.17 to 505.20 of this subchapter and Subchapter E of Chapter I of this title, visits of media representatives, including those representing national media and representatives of advertisers, to military installations and the facilities of contractors engaged in work for the Army, may be authorized by the commanding officers and the Department of Defense contractors concerned.

§ 504.10 Release of information on nonbattle losses (accidents) occurring within the Continental United States. The Department of the Army policy is to reduce the minimum overall delay between the time of an accident and the release of information to the press.

(a) In cases of accidents within the confines of installations of the Armed Forces, public release of names and addresses of killed or injured military personnel may be withheld until such times as the next of kin can reasonably be expected to have received the official notification of the accident. In order to allay the anxiety of relatives of other personnel of the installation, however, every effort will be made to release such names and addresses at the same time that the news of the accident itself is released, or as soon thereafter as possible. In cases where the identification of victims of an accident involving more than one person introduces a delay in notifying some of the nearest of kin concerned, the names and addresses of individuals killed or injured will be released separately as notification is accomplished.

(b) In case of accidents outside the confines of installations of the Armed Forces:

(1) If military personnel figure in accidents involving civilian or military automobiles, trains, commercial or private aircraft, or in any other types of accidents with the exception of subparagraph (3) of this paragraph, the names and addresses of the military personnel should be released immediately upon positive identification.

(2) If the accidents involve military aircraft which crash in or upon the borders of cities or towns, or which cause civilian deaths or injuries or appreciable damage to property, the names and addresses of the military personnel should be released immediately upon positive identification.

(3) If the accidents involve military aircraft which crash in localities remote from populated areas involve no civilian deaths or injuries and cause no appreciable property damage, names and addresses of military personnel may be withheld until such time as the next of kin can reasonably be expected to have received notification of the accident.

(4) For the purpose of this section, an aircraft chartered by the Department of the Army for the exclusive use of the military, or by individual members of the Army for their exclusive use, will be considered to be military aircraft and the releasing of information relative to casualties will be governed accordingly.

(c) When circumstances permit, onestory coverage of accidents is desirable. Normally, information released will be substantially as follows:

(1) Statement that the accident has occurred.

(2) Location of the accident and the time.

(3) Names and addresses of the deceased or injured persons.

(4) In answer to questions on the cause of the accident, the customary reply will be that a board of officers will investigate and determine the exact cause. Unclassified information based upon approved finding of such boards may be made available to media.

(d) In all accidents, prompt action will be taken to safeguard items of Government property or projects which are classified.

This responsibility should be discharged with due consideration for reporters and photographers in the performance of their duties. Harmony and cooperation between public information

officers and members of the press usually will promote fair and unsensational reporting of accident stories.

(e) Information regarding line of duty or misconduct status of individuals will not be released to the public except with the express approval of the Secretary of the Army or The Adjutant General.

§ 504.11 Release of information on casualties and nonbattle losses in oversea areas. The policy of the Department of the Army is to release information to news media on casualties (except missing in action, paragraph (a) (3) (iii) of this section) and nonbattle losses as soon as possible after the emergency addressees have been officially notified. Information will be released as follows:

(a) Casualties. (1) Immediately, if notification has been made by the oversea commander to the emergency addressee, or next of kin, residing within the oversea command.

(2) In all other cases, not less than 72 hours after dispatch of notification telegram by The Adjutant General.

(3) Casualties will be identified according to type, except missing in action, in news releases and the term "casualty" itself will be avoided in order to correct a popular tendency to construe "casualties" to mean "killed." News releases will identify casualties as:

(i) Total deaths. (a) Killed in action.

(b) Died of wounds received in action. (ii) Wounded in action (with a subparagraph indicating percentage of wounded returned to duty based on medical records).

(iii) Missing in action-Notification will be made to next of kin only and should disclose no information other than the fact that the man is missing.

(4) In all cases pertaining to casualties, notification of the emergency addressee takes precedence over the release of such information to the public.

(5) The Adjutant General will furnish information concerning casualties to the Chief of Information and Education for dissemination to news media.

(b) Nonbattle losses. (1) Immediately, if notification has been made by the oversea commander to the emergency addressee, or next of kin, residing within the oversea command.

(2) In all other cases (except subparagraph (3) of this paragraph) not

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