JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 5. Com Set COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE EIGHTY-FOURTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 728 A BILL TO PROVIDE FOR ASSISTANCE TO AND COOPERATION WITH S. 894 A BILL TO STRENGTHEN AND IMPROVE STATE AND LOCAL PRO- S. 1088 A BILL TO ASSIST THE STATES TO RETURN RUNAWAY CHILDREN S. 1832 A BILL ESTABLISHING A NATIONAL YOUTH REHABILITATION JULY 6, 7, AND 8, 1955 Printed for the use of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare PAT MCNAMARA, Michigan WILLIAM A. PURTELL, Connecticut GROVER C. SMITH, Chief Clerk of the Committee II CONTENTS Alinsky, Saul D., executive director, Industrial Areas Foundation, Beck, Bertram, special juvenile delinquency project, with offices in the Children's Bureau, Washington, D. C. Coughlan, Barbara, director, Nevada State Welfare Department, Reno, Edwards, Hon. George, judge, circuit court, Detroit, Mich Eliot, Dr. Martha M., Chief, Children's Bureau, Social Security Ad- Finnegan, J. Francis, director of the Philadelphia Youth Services Hennings, Hon. Thomas C., Jr., a United States Senator from the Jeffrey, Mildred, community relations representative, International Kaplan, Hon. Nathan, justice, domestic relations court, the city of New York, chairman, New York City Youth Board Kefauver, Hon. Estes, a United States Senator from the State of Ten- Loveland, Frank, Assistant Director, Bureau of Prisons, Department 129 O'Grady, the Right Reverend Monsignor John, secretary, National Conference of Catholic Charities, Washington, D. C.- Perkins, Roswell B., Assistant Secretary, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (presented by Charles I. Schottland, Com- Schottland, Charles I., Social Security Administrator, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Stough, Mrs. Ada Barnett, executive director, the American Parents 232 Walcott, Jersey Joe, special investigator, bureau of juvenile delin- 97 Corbett, Gerald R., judge, juvenile court, Circuit Court of the First 313 Statements submitted for the record-Continued Eyer, George A., Jr., in behalf of Neighbors United, a juvenile delin- quency organization in the East Sixties, Manhattan, in support of Jones, T. R., superintendent of police, Minneapolis, Minn..._ Justice, Guy R., director, Colorado State Department of Public King, Rufus, secretary, American Bar Association. 306 Markoff, Sol, general secretary, National Child Labor Committee Mason, Lou Howard, administrator, State public welfare commission, Russell, Charles H., Governor of the State of Nevada.. Snoody, J. S., commissioner, department of public welfare, State of Spokesmen for Children, by Robert C. Taher, director, division of State of Oregon, Public Welfare Commission, statement by Miss Loa Stone, Mrs. Margaret F., statement on behalf of several organizations_ Survant, Mrs. E. L., chairman, advisory committee to the child wel- fare division of the State department of public welfare, State of 307 315 Wyman, George K., director, department of social welfare, State of 311 Additional information supplied for the record: A Realistic Approach to New York City's Teen-Age Gang Prob- 186 Additional remarks of Mrs. Mildred Jeffrey, UAW-CIO. 263 26 Delinquency cases disposed, juvenile court, age 7 to 15 (chart). Crime and Juvenile Delinquency: Two of Our Greatest National Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, as it would be under 329 308 70 facing 60 Departmental reports on S. 728, S. 894, S. 1088, and S. 1832_ 16 337 Developing Moral and Spiritual Values in Public Schools, by Gabriel Gaps are great in programs for serving delinquent youth (chart). Additional information supplied for the record—Continued Proposed Juvenile Delinquency Control Act (H. R. 3771 and S. 894)- Estimated allotments and State matching funds for (1) planning, coordination, and training grants, and (2) strengthening and Proposed Juvenile Delinquency Control Act (S. 894)-Estimated State matching for strengthening and improvement grants relative to per capita income adjusted and unadjusted for Federal income Public Welfare Responsibility in the Prevention and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency, reprinted from July 1954 issue of Public Wel- Report of Ralph W. Whelan, executive director, New York City Resolution adopted by UAW-CIO 15th Constitutional Convention, March 27-April 1, 1955, Cleveland, Ohio. Resolution concerning the Children's Bureau adopted at the 59th An- nual Convention, National Congress of Parents and Teachers, Chi- S. 728, a bill to provide for assistance to and cooperation with States in strengthening and improving State and local programs for the control of juvenile delinquency. S. 894, a bill to strengthen and improve State and local programs to S. 1088, a bill to assist the States to return runaway children to their own communities in another State.. S. 1832, a bill establishing a National Youth Rehabilitation Corps to Some Thoughts on Juvenile Delinquency, by John Steinbeck. Testimony of the Division of Public Welfare of the Department of 6 13 |