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No. 14, '12.
Discussion on Syphilis,

with special reference to the Treatment
of the Disease. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.


Oct. (suppl.) '12.

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Prokel, C. L. A. Das berliner Schulwesen. Festschr. d. Lehrer-Vers. 1220, '12.

Quentin, H. La vie religieuse de l'ana-
chorète, du cénobite et du moine
bénédictin. Rev. de phil. 12:225-56,
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Quessel, L. Das Ende der kommunalen
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Quessel, L. Die Furcht vor dem Im-
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Rahts, K. Die Sterbefälle im Deutschen
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Read, Thos. T. China's Great Problem.
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Richard, Gaston. La sociologie générale
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Riez, L. de. Le premier congrès national
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Pracht. Die gewerblichen Fortbildungs- Rühl, A. Die volkswirtschaftlichen Zuschulen in den kleineren Städten u. die Handwerksmeister. Städte-Ztg. 44143, No. 24, Psychology of Religion. Pratt, J. B Jour. Rel. Psych. 5:383-393, Oct. '12. Carl.



Med. Price, O. J.




Hospital Isolation in
Diseases. Jour. of St.
658-65, Nov. '12.
The Country Church. Co-
Religious Leadership
Village and the Country



Rel. Educ. 7:526, Dec. '12.

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Salomon, Alice. Frauenbewegung und soziales Leben. D. Frauenkongr. 291318, '12.

Sambon, L. W., and Chalmers, A. J. Pellagra in the British Islands. Brit. Med. Jour. 1093-96, Oct. 26, '12. Scelle, Georges. Théories relatives à l'esclavage en Espagne au XVIIe siècle. Rev. des doct. écon. et soc. 5:200, Nos. 2-3, '12. Schippel, M. Radikales Durcheinander. (Gegen die radikale Strömung in der gegenw. Sozialdemokratie.) Soz. Monatshefte 544-49, No. 9, '12. Schirmacher, Käthe. Frauenfreundschaft. Vortrupp 211-16, No. 7, '12. Schirmacher, Käthe. Sind das noch Damen ? Frauenstimmrecht 3:10, Nos. 1-2, '12.

Schmidt-Gibichenfels. Das Judentum u. der Radikalismus. Polit.-anthrop. Rev. 11:57-70, No. 2, '12. Schmidt-Gibichenfels, O. Das heutige Parteiwesen vom volksorganischen Standpunkte. Polit.-anthrop. Rev. 10:505-15, No. 10, '12.

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Snyder, J. L. Training Religious Lead-
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Soper, George A. Permissible Limits of Sewage Pollution. Am. Jour. Pub. H. 2:766-72, Oct. '12.

Sosnosky, Th. v. Die Nationalitäten in Ungarn. Konserv. Monatsschrift 9007, No. 9, '11-'12.

Souchon, M. A. La répartition proportionnelle scolaire. Réf. soc. 32:271, Sept. 16, '12.

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The University of Chicago




A Circular giving complete information will be issued about March 1 and will be sent on request


The Organization of the University includes: the Graduate School of Arts and Literature; the Ogden (Graduate) School of Science; the Colleges (Senior and Junior) of Arts, Literature, and Science; the Divinity School, the Law School, Courses in Medicine, the College of Education, the College of Commerce and Administration.

Faculty, Endowment, and Equipment.-The faculty numbers three hundred and thirty-seven; the libraries contain 381,351 books and 195,000 pamphlets (estimated). The University owns 90 acres of land in Chicago and has 35 buildings.

Location of the University.—The University grounds lie on both sides of the Midway Plaisance between Washington and Jackson parks, six miles south of the center of Chicago. Electric cars, elevated trains, and the Illinois Central suburban service reach all railway stations.

The University Year is divided into quarters: the Autumn (October to December); the Winter (January to March); the Spring (April to the middle of June); the Summer (middle of June to August). Students are admitted at the opening of each quarter; graduation exercises are held at the close of each quarter.

Admission to Colleges and Schools. Students must present satisfactory evidence of the completion of a four years' course in an acceptable high school or academy in order to be admitted to candidacy for the Bachelor's degrees. Graduate students must possess Bachelor's degrees from accredited colleges. Qualified students over twenty-one may be admitted as unclassified students.

The Unit of Work and of Credit is a major, i.e., a course of instruction involving four or five recitations or lecture hours per week for a full quarter, or double that number of hours for a term of six weeks. A minor is one-half a major. Normal work is three majors per quarter, or nine per year of three quarters.

Degrees. In the Graduate Schools are conferred the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Arts, of Science, and of Philosophy; in the Colleges, the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, of Science, of Philosophy; in the Divinity School, the degrees of Bachelor of Divinity, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy; in the Law School, the degrees of Doctor of Laws and Bachelor of Laws; in the College of Education, the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, or Science, in Education.

Tuition, Fees, etc.—The regular fee for three major courses in Arts, Literature, and Science, and in the College of Education is $40 per quarter. All students pay once a matriculation fee of $5. In Law and Medicine, the fees are $50 and $60.

Cost of Living.-In University dormitories rooms rent from $25 to $75 per quarter. The charge for table-board in the women's halls is $4.50 per week. At Hutchinson Hall (à la carte service) board costs from $3.50 per week upward. Board and lodging may be had at the same or even lower rates outside the University.

Fellowships, Scholarships, Student Service, etc.-By virtue of endowments and special appropriations, fellowships and honor scholarships and service afford stipends or free tuition to a number of able and deserving students. Further information is contained in a circular entitled Assistance to Students, which will be sent upon request.

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