Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Affairs and International allegations allocated ambao ambaye amendment Angwenyi animals Anti-Corruption Anyona Applause ask the Minister Assistant Minister aware Chair Chanzu corruption debate Deputy Speaker domestic consumers Dualle Ethiopia Foreign Affairs gani Godana Government Gumo hivyo House International Co-operation Dr issue Jambo kama Kathangu katika nchi hii Kenya kila Kituyi Kochalle Kora National Park kusema kuwa kwa sababu kwamba Laikipia District lakini lazima Leshore List of Shame livestock Loud consultations mashamba matter Mbitiru megawatts Members Messrs miaka mimi Minister for Education Minister for Foreign Ministerial Statement Ministry Musyoka mwaka Naibu Spika natural justice Nyachae nyumba hizo nyumbani Obwocha Orengo overstaffed Parliament pastoralists plot point of order Pokot Powers and Privileges President proposed Question is dropped Report Samburu Samburu and Pokot security forces Select Committee Shidiye siku Standing Orders tangu teachers thing ufisadi Uhuru UNHCR viongozi Wajir District wakati watu Waziri