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SICKNESS, or accident, or the failure of the expected harvest, has brought poverty and wretchedness upon a couple, whose appearance, corresponding with the order and neatness of their dwelling, is sufficient assurance that neither prudence, economy, or exertion, could avert the overwhelming calamity. Their distress has called forth the warmhearted sympathy of their neighbours, who crowd around them in the hour of need, with such consolation and assistance as their humble means afford. A young woman takes the infant from the lap of the fainting wife, and the older children, terrified at the scene, cling to their afflicted parents; the husband has thrown himself on a chair, and clasps his aching head in an agony of suffering; while his brother, burning with indignation, vehemently expostulates with their oppressor. He is restrained by an aged man, who endeavours to soften the Bailiff, who, standing in the middle of the room replies to the tears and remonstrances of the sufferers, by coolly exhibiting his legal authority. Near him are seen the Appraiser and his assistant busied in the fulfilment of their hateful employment,

This picture is a production of the highest order; and for conception, character, and expression; for pathos and depth of feeling; for spirited drawing, and vigorous colouring, may be named with the most celebrated examples: and if among the thousands who flock to the annual Exhibitions of the British Metropolis, and who dwell with prolonged delight on the works of the highly-gifted Painter, a sight of this picture has impressed one rich or powerful individual with the ruinous impolicy of trusting the management of his tenants to Stewards or Middle-men, the Artist has conferred a benefit on mankind. Distraining for Rent, has been finely engraved by A. Raimbach; who is also the fortunate possessor of the original.

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