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A Normal Bodily Condition

May be maintained by proper nutrition and tone; a long convalescence can be shortened, and anemia and emaciation prevented by


Which contains the vital elements of nutrition and nerve tone, as indicated by the full, normal physiological standard, namely




Write for Sample, also for one of our new Glass (sterilizable) Tongue Depressors..

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Special Offer For a Limited Time

DOCTOR here are three things you need and surely want


For years we have been trying to get a reliable


The pen we offer writing instrument,

at a low price, but never succeeded until now.
is built of high grade material, adapted for a
and one you will be proud to own and use.
The cut shows how easy it is to fill this Pen.
ball of clip in hole and press once. The same operation, with
the use of water, will clean this pen.

Merely put the

Made of highly polished, hand-turned rubber, with chased cap and barrel; fitted with 14 Kt. solid gold Pen.

The most satisfactory, moderate priced, self-filler on the market. A Pen intrinsically worth $2.00, and we have seen some not nearly so good for this price. A box, 1000 labels, and a SelfFiller Fountain Pen, including a year's subscription the THE MEDICAL SUMMARY $2.25.

A Canadian Subscriber Writes.

"From a thorough trial of the pen I am convinced it is equal to any classed as the best-it too, as regards the feeder and uniformity of its lines it has no superior and is not surpassed by any pens in any way or appearance.

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Enclosed herewith find $2.25 for which please enter my name as a subscriber to the MEDICAL SUMMARY for one year, and thereafter until forbid, at $1.00 per year; commencing with the ----number, and also send me a box of labels and a pen, as per your special offer.




Kindly mention MEDICAL SUMMARY when writing to advertisers

Sander & Sons' Eucalyptol


Whenever a true merit of preparation is thoritatively established, imitation is sure to make its pernicious appearance. To counteract the injurious results of another of these fraudulent proceedings-in this instance arrecting firm name and reputation-SANDER & SONS have been compelled to appeal to law, and in the action tried before the Supreme Court of Victoria, the testimony of a sworn witness revealed the fact that this witness suffered intense irritation from the application to an ulcer of the defendant's product, which was palmed off as "just as good" as SANDER'S EUCALYPTOL SANDER & SONS had the satisfaction to obtain a verdict with costs against this imitator, who is perpetually restrained from continuing his malpractice.

Dr. Owen, in a report to the Medical Society of Victoria, and Dr. I. Benjamin, in the Lancet, London, both denounced, as others did before, on the strength of negative results, the application of unspecified eucalyptus products.

This forms convincing proof that only an authori tatively sanctioned article can be relied upon.

(Eucalypti Extract)

1. Has stood the test of Government investigation, 2. It was proved at the Supreme Court of Victoria by experts to be an absolutely pure and scientifically standardized preparation.

3. It is honored by Royal patronage.

4. It always produced definite therapeutic results. Therefore, to safeguard the physicians' interests and to protect their patients, we earnestly request to specify "SANDERS' EUCALYPTOL" when prescribing eucalyptus.

The Myer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo., agents, will forward one original package (1 oz.) on receipt of One Dollar.

SANDER & SONS, Bendigo, Australia.

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Budwell's Emulsion No. 1 Alterative-Nutritive Budwell's Emulsion No. 2

Each Tablespoonful Contains:

Peder Devold's Lofoten, Norway

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50 per cent.

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1-40 grain
1-4 grain
1-8 grain

Incipient Tuberculosis-Chronic Rheu atism-Scrofula-Obstinate Neuralgia

Glandular Swellings-Syphilis-Canvalesence from LaGrippe-Chronic Skin Diseases Infantile Marasmus, especially that aused by Chronic Diarrhea and Dysentery -Malnutrition or any wasting diseaseNeurasthenia-especially recommended for nursing mothers.

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A New Improved Teter Nitrous Oxid and Oxygen Apparatus This apparatus is entirely new-never used. Here is a chance to get a Teter Apparatus at a bargain.

The Teter Improved Apparatus is a great practice builder for a physician who administers anesthetics, and is an indispensable asset in every up-to-date hospital.

The Teter Improved Apparatus is being used by leading hospitals and surgeons throughout this and foreign countries.

For price, etc., address, The Medical Summary, 2321 Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.


relieved and cured by the ERECTRUSS, the new scientific device embodying the principle of Obstructive Hyperæmia as evolved by Dr. Aug. Bier, of Germany, Proessor of the University of Berlin, and physician to Emperor William. In Dr. Bier's Text Book of Hyperæmia, page 220, he says "in reality, however, the question of more venous or arterial character of the blood in nutrition is of no moment, the greater importance pertaining to slowing of the blood current and its consequences, which brings all tissues into more intimate relation (serous infiltration, migration of leucocytes, etc.) with the components of the blood than can the rapidly flowing arterial stream."

The Erectruss is made of Swedish steel springs, oil tempered, finished with molybdenite and oxidized zinc and covered with pure Para gum.

The erectile tissue is engorged and distended and erection results B.Y NATURE'S OWN METHOD. This is the reason that the Erectruss cures cases which nothing else has ever relieved.


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no matter how much it is stretched.

The Erectruss simulates closely the anatomy and function of the erector penis muscle, and therefore is a natural and harmless mechanical device.

51 Randolph Street, Chicago

Makers of complete line of Surgical Instruments


has been successfully treated for the past seven years by a large number
of physicians using


This is a strictly ethical gradual reduction preparation (quantitative formula of each combination,) prescribed either internally or hypodermically. Descriptive literature upon request; or to any physician who has not prescribed Hyos-eco-Phine, and who will state the kind and quantity of drug used by a patient, we will send free, if he will mention this Journal, the first vial (containing a four days' supply) in the course of treatment such a report would suggest.


948-958 Wolfram Street (Formerly of St. Louis) CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

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Physicians Approve of My
Work for Women

I wish every physician to know what my personal work for women really is, and does, because physicians who fully understand it frankly welcome my help-they send me hundreds of patients.

Every physician has cases in which an individual, scientific personally directed course in proper exercise, breathing, bathing and diet would greatly assist to build up.

My exercises will materially help your cases of Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Anemia, Neurasthenia, Weakened Heart Muscles, Undeveloped Lunge, poor Circulation, Uterine Displacement, increase of oxygen-carrying power of the blood by building up and strengthening the physical and nervous system.

I teach women how to walk, how to stand correctly, how to breathe, how to exercise normally, so that no organ is displaced by over or improper exercise or imperfect poise.

The mental interest and incentive developed by the individual lessons dispels that languor and indifference which physicians often find hard to cope with.

I study each pupil's special requirements, and prescribe for her individually, just as you prescribe for your patients. I give no promiscuous exercise, but direct each woman according to her needs and her strength. I have spent years in the study of anatomy and physiology, and accept no cases where pronounced pathological conditions are present, as I know the possibilities of my work and I know its limitations.

In many cases I insist that the pupil have the consent and advice of her physician; in others, I require a regular weekly examination by her physician.

For 12 years I gave personal instructions to women before attempting instructions by mail. Upon request, I would send you with information concerning my work, any one of the following lectures: A Good Figure; Circulation; Body Manikin and Position and Vital Organs Ideals and Privileges of Women; Character as Expressed in the Body; Mind Over Matter-the Nervous System-Effect of Habit upon Life Foods; Self Sufficiency-Mental Poise-Motherhood; The Vital OrgansTheir Use and Abuse.

SUSANNA COCROFT, Dept. 96, 624 Michigan Ave., Chicago

Miss Cocroft has perhaps had a wider experience than any woman in America in prescribing remedial exercise for women.

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