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Listerine is an efficient, non-toxic antiseptic of accurately determined and uniform antiseptic power, prepared in a form convenient for immediate use.

Composed of volatile and non-volatile substances, Listerine is a balsamic antiseptic, refreshing in its application, lasting in its effect.

Listerine is particularly useful in the treatment of abdominal conditions of the musosa, and admirably suited for a wash, gargle or douche in catarrhal conditions of the nose and throat.

In proper dilution, Listerine may be freely and continuously used without prejudicial effect, either by injection or spray, in all the natural cavities of the body.

Administered internally, Listerine is promptly effective in arresting the excessive fermentation of the contents of the stomach.

In the treatment of summer complaints of infants and children, Listerine is extensively prescribed in doses of 10 drops to a teaspoonful.

In febrile conditions, nothing is comparable to Listerine as a mouth

wash; two or three drachms to four ounces of water.

'The Inhibitory Action of Listerine" (128 pages) may be had upon application to the manufacturers


Locust and Twenty-first Streets

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

This is the Kitchenette Family
Dishwasher-the machine that
will wash and sterilize the
dishes used by any family in a
few minutes. No need to put
your hands in water. The
Kitchenette Dishwasher does
the work. It is so easy and
simple that a child can use it,
and it is rigidly guaranteed.

Every Housekeeper should
have one at once. We don't ask
you to buy it until you have
used it for 30 days, and proved
to your own satisfaction that it
will do the work.

The Kitchenette Dishwasher
has been tested and approved
by the Good Housekeeping In-
stitute of New York City.

We ship you a Kitchenette
Dishwasher with freight pre-



paid. Use it for 30 days, then if you want it, take advantage of the cash discount, or pay on our easiest of easy payment plans. If not as represented, we will take it back at our expense.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Kindly mention MEDICAL SUMMARY when writing to advertisers



Business Chances.

DOCTOR.-Here's a book that will put $$ in your
Pocket. Send us 75c. and get a copy of "Un-
noticed Hindrence to Successful Therapy," West-
ern Printing and Litho. Co., Racine, Wis.

A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY for a live up-to-date
doctor to locate. Nice little property with yard
and stable for sale. Has been occupied more or less
by doctors for 40 years.
if taken
Price of property $2,600
soon. Apply to
F.D. No. 8, West Chester, Chester County, Penna.
Harry J. McFarland,


SALE-At Bargain.-Therapeutic
(wall bracket) complete. Also, good vibrator in
portable case. Price, $20 cash.
Steubenville, Ohio.
Dr. C. W. Baker,

uterine cleanser. A life saver in post-partum in-
rection, etc. Write for literature.
3820 Main St., Kansas City, Mo.
Address DUNN,


DOCTOR.-Don't send your hemorrhoidal cases the specialist. My twelve-hundred word expose treatise on the Non-operative Treatment of Hemorrhoids gives in full working formulas and technique. Treatment is painless, bloodless, and effective. Advertising specialists read dollars from methods advocated; why not nicely printed, twenty-five cents, you? Single copy, Only a limited number of copies on hand. coin or stamps. McMann, M.D., 523 Westgate Ave., St. Louis, Mo. C. H. FOR SALE-Eastern Kansas.-71 miles from Kansas City; $2,400 practice; established ten years. Will sell for price of real estate reduced to $2,700. Elegant nine-room residence; office in home; best location in town; excellent roads; natural gas; fine churches. Write for picture and information. Reed Lytle, M.D., Richmond, Kansas.


treatment of tuberculosis; located in the Alle-
gheny Mountains, in Roanoke County. Virginia; ele-
vation 2,200 feet; only private sanitorium in the
State; fully equipped; present capacity, 25
tients, with room for expansion; now full and run-
ning at a profit, but sale necessitated by death of
former proprietor.
tain View Sanitorium, Catawba, Va.
For particulars apply to Moun-

section of 250,00 inhabitants to greatly increase
their income in a purely legitimate way profession.
ally. For full particulars address Opportunity, care
Medical Summary, 2321 Park Ave., Philadelphia.
HAVE YOU A PATIENT needing dry climate? Tell
him of this fine irrigated farm, one half mile from
growing town in Southern Colorado.
long season, profitable crops.
Fertile soil,
Ford, Colorado.
Add. Box 384 Rocky

PATTERSON INSTITUTE.-We cure the morphine habit. No sickness or suffering. We have a home cure for liquor based upon 19 years experience in institute work that cures. Address 416 Michigan St., Grand Rapids Mich.

FOR SALE.-A $60.00 "Perfection" EXAMINING
TABLE, one of the best made, all complete, and
as good as if it had just arrived from the factory,
used but a few times. Will be sold at a great
bargain. First check for $35.00 takes it.
care Medical Summary, 2321 Park Ave.,
Philadelphia, Pa.

DOCTOR. Here is an opportunity for some good,
wideawake physician in every section, to add
largely to his net income, by adopting the use of
several specific remedies, which we can offer you.
Avail yourself of this opportunity at once. Address
"Opportunity," care of Medical Summary, 2321
Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

MEDICAL BOOK BARGAINS-We do not publish a
catalogue, but if you will let us know what books
you want, we will be pleased to quote prices, whether
on one or one hundred books. Frequently we can
get second-hand books, almost like new, at a much
reduced price. It will be our aim to please you,
and on any order amounting to $2.00, with an addi-
tional 50 cents, we will give you credit for a year's
subscription to the "Medical Summary.''
"Medical Summary." 2321 Park Ave.,
phia, Pa.



[blocks in formation]

One of the handsomest, as well as one of the most instructive large wall calendars we have seen for this year, is that sent out by the White & Wyckoff Manufacturing Company, makers of W. & W. fine stationery, Holyoke, Mass. The large type, the featur-` ing of holidays and notable days of the year, in three-color process printing, makes the calendar a most desirable one. A copy will be mailed if you mention THE MEDICAL SUMMARY, upon receipt of 10 cents in coin or U. S. stamps, or for 10 bands taken from W. & W. stationery.

Certainly a Fine Smoke, is what all who have tried the cigars or stogies from the Isenberg Cigar Co., 28 Fourteenth Street, Wheeling, W. Va. Send 20 cents for samples, or better, send your order for a box at once. You cannot make a mistake. See advertisement on another page of this issue. Mention THE MEDICAL SUMMARY when you write.

Dr. Broughton's Sanitarium, Rockford, Ill., is for the accommodation of patients suffering from opium, morphine, cocaine and other drug addictions, including alcohol and special nervous cases. The methods used are easy, regular and humane. Write for full particulars. Mention THE MEDICAL SUMMARY, and your request will be promptly complied with.

Kindly mention MEDICAL SUMMARY when writing to advertisers




Treatment of Sexual Impotence



Chief of the Department of Genito-Urinary Diseases and Dermatology, Bronx Hos-
pital and Dispensary; Editor The American Journal of Urotology, Venereal and
Sexual Diseases; Editor and Founder of The Critic and Guide; Author of
Sexual Problems of To-day; Never Told Tales; Practical Eugenics, etc.,

President of the American Society of Medical Sociology, President
of the Northern Medical Society, Ex-President of the Berlin An-
glo-American Medical Society, Fellow of the New York
Academy of Medicine, Member of American Medical
Editors' Association, Amerian Medical Association,
New York State Medical Society, Medical Soci-
ety of the County of New York, American
Urological Association, Harlem Medical
Association, Society for Moral and

Sanitary Prophylaxis, etc., etc.

This long EXPECTED and long PROMISED book is now ready. We consider it the best, most concise, most explicit, most practical book un SEXUAL IMPOTENCE and other sexual disorders in the English or any other language.

Not only every general practitioner, not only every G. U. sepcialist, not only every neurologist, but every physician, no matter what his speialty may be, should have this work. The sexual sphere influences every organ, every tissue of the body, as well as the psyche, and a perusal of this book may help you to understand some obscure case which you did not understand before. It may help you to understand some obscure point in yourself, your own body or 'your own psyche!

The chapters on the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of sexual impotence and sexual neurasthenia are particularly commended to your attention. They will help you to treat your patients succesfully.

Order the book without delay. 400 pages. Price, $3.00, postpaid. This includes credit for one year's subscription, New or Renewal, to THE MEDICAL SUMMARY.

Addres: MEDICAL SUMMARY, 2321 Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Kindly mention MEDICAL SUMMARY when writing to advertisers

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


As a pharmaceutical preparation deserving the highest professional favor, there is no equal to

Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey

When stimulation of a safe and
substantial character is called for,
and from which there is no un-
pleasant reaction.

It is comparatively free from
fusel oil, the aldehydes, tannic
cid and the usual coloring matter,
and is produced in compliance with
the physician's "Materia Medica'
and the druggist's "Pharmacopo-

In moderate or medical doses it has a salutary influence upon the process of digestion, gives a proper and not an over stimulation to the heart, and so quickens the cerebral centers that a universal empowered condition is the common experi


The medical properties of Duf
fy's Pure Malt Whiskey are wor-
thy of the most careful attention of
physicians whenever 8 reliable
tonic stimulant is required.

A postal card request to
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.
will bring a special container with
liberal samples for office practice
without charge.

A New Departure in Fiction


Wayside Experiences

A Collection of Plain Tales Heard along the Road


Here is a book of unusual fiction. We have had the matters of sex life and sexual diseases handled by some fiction writers, but in "Wayside Experiences,' Dr. Blanchard has treated these topics with delicate plainness and subtle force.

Every Chapter a Vital Topic

Dr. Jones for Down and Outs, the Price He Paid, The Confession of a Second Wife, Dr. Xury's Marvelous Cure, Mrs. King's Boarding House, Sowing and Reaping Wild Oats, Bessie Tompkin's Test, The Bophoretic Healer, Susan Hillis-Theoretical Mother, Joel Rigby's Monument, How and Why I Failed as a Wife.

It is a book you will want to put in the hands of certain patients and friends for special reaSons. The stories are good fiction and will carry the message you wish to send.

246 pages. Cloth, Price, $1.25. By mail, $1.35.

$2.00 will pay for "The Medical Summary'' for one year and a copy of "Wayside Experiences. Address "Medical Summary.' Park Avenue, Philadelphia.


[blocks in formation]

Maternity Home.-See in another column the announcement of Chas. S. Wood, M.D., 1522 Carroll Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Anademin.-A Chicago physician writes: "Anademin is well worth trying in all dropsical effusions, resulting from cardiac, renal or hepatic dseases. I know this, that anodemin helped in dropsical cases due to the heart when nothing else did."

100 Rats a Month, is a record for one trap in one establishment, but that is the number caught in a livery stable in Scranton, Pa., in one of the traps invented by II. D. Swartz, of this city. See advertisement on another page of this issue.

The Combs Chemical Company, manufacturers of Hyos-Sco-Phine, the ethical gradual reduction treatment for morphinism, moved their office and laboratory from St. Louis, where they have been located for the past seven years, to 948-58 Wolfram Street, Chicago, in order to increae their facilities for supplying the medical profession with their products.

Ideal Swinging Bracket. -Doctor, without fail, refer to the advertisement on another page of the Ideal Desk Bracket, and you will notice what a great convenience one of these brackets, attached to your desk, would be. Have one adjusted and enjoy its convenience. Mention THE MEDICAL SUMMARY when you write. Send for decriptive price list now, as this advertisement will not very likely appear again.

Acute Prostatitis.-In the treatment of acute prostatitis salicylic acid internally in fivegrain doses, and sanmetto in teaspoonful doses, tends to diminish the source of infection, reduce the existing inflammation and encourage resolution. The sanmetto being a mild, soothing resolvent diuretic also tends to allay the suffering of patient. If the urine is acid citrate of potassium in ten-grain doses will aid in relieving irritation and tenesmus. As further measures for reducing inflammation, light diet, absolute rest in bed, free movement of the bowels, and local application of heat by means of size baths, or hot water bag, should be enjoined. If the sanmetto is kept up urinary retention is not likely to supervene, unless there is a previously hypertrophied prostate; in that case the bladder should be emptied by a soft catheter at intervals, still keeping up the use of sanmetto. The prostate should not be massaged during the inflammatory state, but during the period of resolution massage will aid the process.

Kindly mention MEDICAL SUMMARY when writing to advertisers




This preparation contains all of the desirable features of Cod Liver Oil and is readily assimilated
Free Samples to the Profession

[blocks in formation]

Made in winter in the Lofaten District of
Norway, and imported in sealed cans
Always fresh and sweet

131 N. 10th St., Philadelphia.
Baker's Gelatine Capsules, Cod Liver Oil
Cod Liver Oil and Creosote, etc.



Try Our

"Morning Drop Tablets"

when you have patients suffering from Catarrhal condition of Prostate or Urethra, after getting rid of Gonorrhoeal Germ.

Most remarkable and surprising results have been obtained by Physicians who have used our tablets.

Write to day for sample and literature giving full particulars.

Devoe-Haver Co.

Manufacturing Chemists



A Succedaneum for Calomel


Application-Cholagogue, Diuretic, Alterative, Cathartic, Laxative

Cologo is dispensed in chocolate-coated tablets two ond one-half grains each. Dose: One to three tablets at bedtime. Samples, formula and literature furnished Physicians only upon application. Price to Physicians, 150 tablets, by mail, $1.00.


[blocks in formation]

Louisville Kentucky, U. S. A.

Sal Hepatica

We solicit the careful consid-
eration of the physicians to the
merits of Sal Hepatica in the
treatment of Rheumatism, in
Constipation and Auto intoxica-
tion, and to its highly important
property of cleansing the entire
ailmentary tract, thereby elim-
inating and preventing the ab-
sorption of irritating toxins and
relieving the conditions arising
from indiscretion in eating and

Write for free sample.

Manufactur ng Chemists
277-281 Groome Avenue
Brooklyn, New York
U.S. A.


Kindly mention MEDICAL SUMMARY when writing to advertisers

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