Biodiversity and Its Conservation in IndiaIndus Publishing, 1993 - 343 pages |
From inside the book
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Geographical Profile | 9 |
Concept and Conservation | 26 |
Floral Diversity and Botanical Regions | 44 |
Forest Regions | 58 |
Forest Ecosystems and Types | 65 |
Grasslands | 89 |
Fauna | 103 |
Degradation of Forest Ecosystems | 128 |
Rare and Threatened Animals | 170 |
National Parks and Sanctuaries | 186 |
Biosphere Reserves | 265 |
Botanical Gardens | 289 |
Zoological Parks | 307 |
International Convention on Biological Diversity | 316 |
Bibliography | 339 |
341 | |
Common terms and phrases
Acacia Acacia catechu Andaman Arunachal Pradesh Assam bamboo brakes Bengal biological diversity biosphere reserve border botanical garden cheetal chinkara conservation Contracting Party covers an area desert Dipterocarpus Dry mixed deciduous eastern Himalaya elephant encompasses an area endangered evergreen forest extinct Fauna Flora forest types forests occur Ganga gaur grasslands Gujarat habitat hect Himalaya interesting species islands jungle cat main species mixed deciduous forest Moist mixed deciduous musk deer national park nilgai Nilgiri north-east India plains plant species population protected area rainfall Rajasthan rare and threatened region Rhododendron river sal forest sambhar sanctuary is located sanctuary is situated Sanctuary This sanctuary Sanctuary This wildlife sanctuary was set Semi-evergreen forest sloth bear snake soil species of birds sq km sq km sanctuary Sub-alpine Sub-tropical swamp forest Tamil Nadu teak forest Terminalia terrain thorn forest tract trees tropical riverine forest Uttar Pradesh valley vegetation Western Ghats wild boar Wildlife Sanctuary zone
References to this book
Antelopes: North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia David P. Mallon,Steven Charles Kingswood Limited preview - 2001 |