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508. Quarantine stations; regulations; 568. Districts. health laws.

509. American registry of Hawaiian reg-
istered vessels; trade with United

510. Wharves and landings; tolls.
511. Possession and control of public
property ceded to United States;
Territory and subdivisions.
512. Personal or movable property ceded
to United States.

613. Hawaiian silver coins; recoinage.
514. Same; exchange for United States
515. Same; recoinage of mutilated or
abraded coins.

516. Hawaiian silver certificates; unlaw-
ful to circulate.

517. Redemption of Hawaiian silver cer-
tificates or silver coin.

518. Employees on public works to be
citizens, or eligible for citizenship.
519. Divorce; residence necessary.
520. Prohibition of intoxicating liquors.

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569. Apportionment of senators.

570. House of representatives; number. 571. Same; qualifications.

572. Term of office.

573. Vacancies.

574 Districts.

575. Apportionment.


Date for regular session; duration; adjournment.

577. Enacting clause;



English language.


Subject and title of laws.


Passage of bills; readings; vote on final passage.

580. Bills passed by one house certified to


581. Approval or veto of bills; appropriation bills.


Signature of governor.

583. Procedure on receipt of veto.

584. Failure of governor to sign, veto, or return bill.

585. Appropriations.

586. Same; estimates for.

587. Failure to appropriate for current procedure; extra ses



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631. Courts; jurisdiction and procedure continued.

632. Justices; appointment and qualifcation.

675. Survey and opening for homestead entry agricultural lands; pastoral lands.

676. Leases expired; continuance in possession by lessees.

633. Same; tenure of office; qualifica- 677. Control, management,


634. Same; salary.

635. Laws relating to judicial department


etc., of public lands; powers and duties of commissioner.


and procedure.

636. Judge or juror.


641. District court; sessions; powers; terms.

642. Jurisdiction of district court; authority of officers.

643. Appointment and term of office of judges, district attorney, and marshal.

644. Salaries of clerk and reporter; deputy clerk.

645. Writs of error and appeal.


651. Delegate to Congress;



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661. Public lands; management and disposition.

662. Crown land property of Government. 663. Public lands; definitions.

664. Public land laws of Hawail in force; certain sales, grants, etc., ratified; words substituted for other words in land laws.

665. Leases of public lands; terms and conditions.

666. Disposition of funds from sale, etc., of public lands.

Sale or lease of available lands. Available lands not subject to disposition by governor, commissioner of public lands, or board of public lands.

701. Lease of home lands; amount; title
to leased lands.

702. Same; conditions in leases.
703. Same; successor to lessees.
704. Same; cancellation of leases.
705. Community pastures.

706. Return of lands not leased to con-
trol of commissioner of public

707. Hawaiian home loan fund; how constituted.

Same; loans from.

667. Second or subsequent certificates of occupation, right of purchase lease,


Same; conditions in contracts of loan.

cash freehold agreement, or special 710. Same; insurance by borrowers; viohomestead agreement.

668. Alienation of public lands for which

certificates of occupation, etc., have

669. Forfeiture of lands.

670. Determination of persons entitled to take under certificates of occupation, etc.

671. Preference right to purchase lands;

purchase price.

672. Patents to churches or religious or


873. Board of public lands; restrictions


lations of terms of loans; lien to secure loans; forfeiture by lessee. Ejectment against lessee or borrower. Lessees not to receive loans under Territorial Farm Loan Act of 1919. 713. Agricultural experts; employment; compensation; duties.

714. Development projects; appropriations by Territorial legislature; bonds; issue by legislature.

715. "Water license" and "surplus water" defined; water licenses; free use of Government-owned water.

upon sales and leases of agricul- 716. Right of alteration, amendment, or tural lands; exchange of lands.

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731. Territory included under name Porto Rico.

778. Attorney general.

732. Capital.

779. Executive secretary; powers and duties.

733. Citizens; former Spanish subjects 780. Treasurer; power to designate de

and children; body politic; name.

734. United States laws extended to Porto

Rico; internal revenue receipts covered into treasury.

735. Certain laws continued in force; power to modify or repeal laws. 736. Porto Rican law modified. 737. Bill of Rights and restrictions. 738. Free interchange of merchandise with United States.

739. Duties on foreign imports; books and pamphlets in English language.

740. Duties and taxes to constitute fund for benefit of Porto Rico; ports of entry.

741. Export duties, taxes, etc.; bonds to anticipate revenues.

742. Acknowledgment of deeds.


781. Same; bond.

782. Commissioner of the interior.

783. Commissioner of education.

784. Commissioner of agriculture and labor.

785. Commissioner of health.

786. Auditor; powers and duties. 787. Same; jurisdiction over accounts. 788. Same; decisions final. 789. Same; appeals from decisions. 790. Same; annual report to governor. 791. Same; power to summon witnesses, etc. 792. Same; supervision by governor. 793. Same; assistant to take charge in case of vacancy or absence. Official reports.



743. Quarantine stations and regulations. 744. Coasting-trade laws.

Government expenses payable out of insular revenues.

745. Public indebtedness;

797. Salaries of officials.


746. Public lands and buildings; reservations; rights prior to July 1, 1902. 747. Public property transferred. 748. Conveyance by President to people of lands, buildings, etc.

749. Harbors and navigable waters transferred.

750. Grants of franchises; public-service commission, etc.

751. Interstate commerce and certain other laws inapplicable to Porto Rico. 752. Special provisions in franchises; corporate real-estate holdings. 753. Legislature to regulate rates, tariffs, etc., of public carriers by rail; enforcement of such laws.

796. Transfer of bureaus or offices.

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754. Qualifications of electors. 755. Coins; redemption; exchange; recoinage; legal tender.

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1003. Application of statutory law of United States.

1018. Improvement of harbors and navigable waters; bonded warehouses.

1004. Continuing force of Philippine laws; 1019. Acknowledgment of deeds. amendments.

1005. Legislative power to repeal, modify,

etc., laws continued in force.



Legislative power.

1006. Other laws continued in force. 1007. Expenses paid by Philippine government.

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1008. Bill of rights and restrictions for islands.

1009. Evidence of treason.

1010. Export duties prohibited; taxation and assessments.

1011. Laws relating to shipping, customs duties, seamen, health.

1012. Railroad material admitted free of duty.

1013. Administration of immigration laws.

1014. Administration of navigation laws. 1015. Temporary regulation of transportation of merchandise and passengers.

1016 Licenses to certain vessels. 1017. Restrictions on transportation of passengers and merchandise not

Legislature, how constituted. 1044. Senators; election and qualifications.

1045. Representatives; election and qualifications.

1046. Senatorial and representative districts; first election. 1047. Qualifications of voters. 1048.

Terms of office of senators and representatives.

1049. Legislature; convening and sessions; changing date of sessions. 1050. Compensation and privileges of members; eligibility for office. 1051. Senators and representatives ineligible to certain offices. 1052. Enactment of laws; approval by President; vetoes.

1053. Failure to make appropriations; sums deemed reappropriated.

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