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(From J.A.M.A., August 6, 1960)





Every statement that appears in A.M.A.
publication ads must be backed by
substantiated facts... or we won't run it!

This is why you can rely on what you
read about the products that are advertised
in the pages of A.M.A. scientific journals.

here is a typical section of the A.M.A. Principles Governing Advertising in A.M.A. Publications that protects their readers against superlative, misleading or inaccurate claims

Suitability of Advertising Copy

After a product or service has been declared eligible to be advertised in the scientific publications of A.M.A., each specific ad must be approved. As in the case of eligibility, the A.M.A. makes the final decision regarding the suitability of copy, layout, and art work, guided in all cases by the following principles:


The advertisement should clearly identify the
advertiser and the product or service being
offered. In the case of drug advertisements, the
full generic name, including salt and ester
designation, of each active ingredient must be
shown in appropriate type size. If the generic
name of a drug appears in close juxtaposition to
the trade name, it should not be unduly
subordinated and under no circumstances appear
in less than 8 point type. If the generic name
does not appear in close juxtaposition to the
trade name, it should not be unduly subordinated
and under no circumstances appear in less
than 10 point type.


Advertisements should not be deceptive or misleading. Layout, art work and format should be such as to avoid confusion with the editorial content of the publication.


Unfair comparisons or the blatant and unwarranted disparagement of a competitor's products or services will not be allowed.


Sweeping superlatives or extravagantly worded copy will not be allowed. Any claims for superiority must be supported by evidence acceptable to the Association.


Quotations or excerpts from a published paper are acceptable only if they do not distort the meaning intended by the author. Claims made within quotations must conform to the same standards as unquoted claims.


Advertisements will not be accepted if they appear to conflict with the principles of medical ethics.


American Medical Association

535 North Dearborn Street

Chicago 10, Illinois

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Only data of the highest quality is acceptable as proof of claims for advertisements appearing in your A.M.A. scientific publications.

This is how A.M.A. advertising policies help to confirm for you the authenticity of statements made in A.M.A. publication ads. You can rely on what you read about the products that are advertised in the pages of A.M.A. scientific journals.

This section quoted from the "Principles Governing Advertising in A.M.A. Publications" shows you why...

The A.M.A. is responsible for applying principles and standards to advertising copy submitted for publication in A.M.A. scientific journals. It will do so in accordance with the following procedures:

1. Submission of Data-The A.M.A. requires that scientific data be submitted to substantiate claims made for new products (such as drugs, devices, or foods) or new claims for products which have previously appeared in A.M.A. scientific journals.

2. Type of Data Needed-Data should irclude pertinent reports, published and unpublished, favorable and unfavorable, of laboratory and clinical investigations covering

the efficacy and relative safety of the product (drug, device, or food) under consideration. These data should be based upon sound studies and should be sufficiently comprehensive to permit a critical evaluation of the subject matter.

While the quantity of the scientific data required will depend on the type of product, the nature of the medical problem involved, and the claims made in the advertising copy, the quality of the evidence is regarded as highly important; in this respect, the importance of suitable controls is emphasized. Compilations of individual case reports are ordinarily not considered acceptable evidence.

You may wish to request a copy of the complete Principles of Advertising. Write Advertising Director,

American Medical Association.

American Medical Association

535 North Dearborn Street

Chicago 10, Illinois

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