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Table 15.-Status of the old-age and survivors insurance trust fund, by specified period, 1937-47

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The net effect of these procedures is that the summary national income and related tables, such as those shown here, are the same as they would be if life insurance companies

were classified in the personal ac-
count. The principal point to be
noted is that personal saving includes
Increases in reserves of life insurance
companies. Private life insurance is

treated in the summary tables just as private pension funds are, but not, of course, as is U. S. Government life insurance which is considered social insurance.

Recent Publications in the Field of
Social Security

Social Security Administration
Annual Report of the Federal Secu-
rity Agency; Section 1, Social Secu-
rity Administration, 1947. Wash-
ington: U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947,
pp. 1-167.

The annual report of the Social Security Administration for the fiscal year 1946-47 covers for the first time all programs now operating under the Social Security Act as well as the research and reporting functions of the Children's Bureau under the act creating that Bureau. The report reviews briefly the operations of all programs during the fiscal year and outlines specific recommendations for improving each program. It also presents the recommendations of the Social Security Administration for attaining the objectives of social security through a comprehensive system of contributory social insurance; a comprehensive program of public welfare, including public assistance and family and child welfare services; and a comprehensive program of health and welfare services for children and research in child life. A summary of the recommendations appears on pages 2-7 of this issue.


Grants-in-aid and Other Federal
Expenditures Within the States.
Rev. ed.

Chicago: The Council,

May 1947. 27 pp. $1. Contains Federal grants-in-aid figures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1946, and descriptions of new

The inclusion of prices of publications in this list is intended as a service to the reader, but any orders must be directed to publishers or booksellers and not to the Social Security Administration or the Federal Security Agency. Federal publications for which prices are listed should be ordered from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.

grant programs enacted by the
Seventy-ninth Congress.

lems of Social Security. New Delhi:
The Office, 1947. 123 pp. (Pre-
paratory Asiatic Regional Confer-
ence of the ILO, New Delhi, 1947.
Report I.) 75 cents.

Considers the problem of social se-
curity for agricultural workers; ex-
amines the alternatives of social in-
surance and social assistance; and
makes recommendations for the
adoption of a social insurance pro-
gram for wage earners, especially in
urban areas, and also of a medical
care program. Includes a report on
social security provisions in certain
Asiatic countries.

gramme of Action for the Enforce-
ment of Social Standards Embodied
in Conventions and Recommenda-
tions Not Yet Ratified or Accepted.
New Delhi: The Office, 1947. 106
pp. (Preparatory Asiatic Regional
Conference of the ILO, New Delhi,
1947. Report III.) 75 cents.

A report prepared to provide the
Conference with a basis of discussion;
includes discussions of employment
and unemployment, conditions of
work, and employment of children
and women.

KRAUS, FRANTISEK. "International So-
cial Policy." United Nations Weekly
Bulletin, Lake Success, N. Y., Vol. 3,
Oct. 14, 1947, pp. 488-489. 15 cents.
A survey by the Chairman of the
United Nations Social Commission.
RIGHTS. To Secure These Rights.
Washington: U. S. Govt. Print. Off.,
1947. 178 pp. $1.

After a report on "serious civil
rights violations in all parts of the
country," the Committee considers
what Government's appropriate role
should be in securing these rights and
makes recommendations for a "pro-
gram of action."

RAUBE, S. AVERY. "Youth vs. Age."
Conference Board Management
Record, New York, Vol. 9, Oct. 1947,
pp. 297-302.

Compares older and younger workers with respect to quantity and quality of production, cooperation, and dependability.

People in Motion; the Postwar Ad-
justment of the Evacuated Japanese
Americans. Washington: U. S.
Govt. Print. Off., 1947 (?). 270 pp. $1.

Maternal and Child Welfare BROMBACHER, NANCY J. “Births, Infant Mortality and Maternal Mortality in the United States-1944." Public Health Reports, Washington, Vol. 62, Oct. 31, 1947, pp. 1555-1574. 10 cents.

HOJER, KARL J. Sämhallet Och Barnen. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & Söner, 1946. 296 pp. $3.50.

A study of society and the child with special emphasis on Sweden's legislation for the care and support of children.

PATE, MAURICE. "Sixty Million Hungry Children." United Nations Weekly Bulletin, Lake Success, N. Y., Vol. 3, Oct. 21, 1947, pp. 528–530. 15 cents. The Executive Director of the International Children's Emergency Fund describes the work being done to save the children in war-torn areas.

U. S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. The International Children's Emergency Fund. Washington: U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947. 6 pp. (United Nations Information Series 15.) 5 cents.

Discusses the creation of the International Children's Emergency Fund by the United Nations.

Retirement and Old Age BLEIBERG, ROBERT M. "Social Security Fund Going Broke as It Rises." Barron's, New York, Vol. 27, Nov. 3, 1947, pp. 7-8. 25 cents.

Presents arguments against freezing the tax for old-age and survivors insurance and urges sufficient increase to meet future obligations.


WILLIAMSON, W. R. "Social Insurance." Journal of the American Association of University Teachers of Insurance, Philadelphia, Vol. 14, Mar. 1947, pp. 84–93.

Outlines the history of old-age protection during the past 10 years and points out five specific limitations of the present old-age and survivors insurance program. This entire issue of the Journal is devoted to the Proceedings of the Association's eleventh annual meeting.

WILSON, ELIZABETH W. "Pensions or Jobs for the Aged?" American Economic Security (Chamber of Commerce of the U. S. A.), Washington, Vol. 4, Oct. 1947, pp. 16-20. 15 cents.

Emphasizes the importance of keeping able older workers in the labor market.

Employment Security

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC POLICY. A Program for Sustaining Employment. 2d ed. Washington: The Chamber, 1947. 32 pp. 10 cents.

Outlines means by which an adequate supply of job opportunities may be secured. Discusses in some detail experience rating in unemployment insurance and also all types of unemployment, with special emphasis on cyclical unemployment. Year INTERNATIONAL LABOR OFFICE. Book of Labour Statistics, 19451946. Montreal: The Office, 1947. 284 pp. $3.75.

A summary of the principal labor statistics of 60 countries covering a 2-year period. Adds three new tables: (1) distribution of employed persons according to industries, (2) estimated per capita consumption of certain foods, and (3) number of strikes and lock-outs, workers involved, and time lost in industrial disputes, classified by industries. Includes figures previously unavailable because of the wartime statistical black-out. PAGE, ERIC W. "The Employment of the Blind in Unsheltered Occupations." Outlook for the Blind and the Teachers Forum, Richmond, Va., Vol. 41, Oct. 1947, pp. 211-224. 15 cents.

The development of unsheltered employment of the blind in England. PETERSON, FLORENCE. Survey of Labor Economics. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1947. 843 pp. $4.

A text for a college survey course. Part four, on social security, discusses

[blocks in formation]

Public Welfare and Relief

BARNETT, JOHN V. "Public Nursing Homes: A Logical Development in Public Assistance." American Economic Security (Chamber of Commerce of the U. S. A.), Washington, Vol. 4, Oct. 1947, pp. 12-16. 15 cents. Considers the desirability of amending existing Federal legislation to allow recipients of public assistance to reside in public and private institutions that provide nursing care. BURNS, EVELINE M. "The Opportunity of the Private Agency in a Changing World." Canadian Welfare, Ottawa, Vol. 23, Oct. 15, 1947, pp. 3-10. 25 cents.

Discusses several important developments in the private welfare field and their implications.

CASSIDY, HARRY M. "The Canadian Social Service." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, Vol. 253, Sept. 1947, pp. 190–199. $2. Sketches the present pattern of Canadian social services, both public and private, and discusses the outstanding issues in this field.

CAGO. Social Service Year Book,
Chicago, 1945-46. Chicago: The
Council, 1947. 92 pp. $2.
Growth on the Job; a Guide for the
Public Assistance Worker. New
York: Family Service Association
of America, 1947. 62 pp. 60 cents.
SILLS, DOROTHY H. Volunteers in So-
cial Service. New York: National
Travelers Aid Association, 1947. 51


A guide to voluntary agencies that

are concerned with improving their service.

U. S. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY. Final Report of the WPA Program 193543. Washington: U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947. 145 pp. 50 cents. Reviews the problems encountered during the existence of the WPA program and the manner in which they were solved; concludes that public work and relief should never be combined. WISCONSIN.

STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. County and City Homes in Wisconsin; a Study of Public Institutions Caring for the Aged and the Chronically Ill. Madison (?): The Department, Aug. 1947. 12 pp. Processed.

A report prepared for the Advisory Committee of the Wisconsin State Department of Public Welfare.

Health and Medical Care BUBEN, ZDENKA. "The Role of the Medical Social Worker in Securing Provisions for Medical Care." Bulletin (American Association of Medical Social Workers), Chicago, Vol. 20, Nov. 1947, pp. 50-59. 25 cents. NEW JERSEY. DEPARTMENT OF INSTITUTIONS AND AGENCIES. Hospital and Public Health Resources in New Jersey. Part 1 of Report of New Jersey Survey of Hospital and Health Center Facilities under Federal Hospital Survey and Construction Act. Trenton: The Department, 1947. 114 pp.

"Report of the Surgical Insurance Plan Study Committee of the Rhode Island Medical Society to the House of Delegates (as Adopted by the House of Delegates, Sept. 15, 1947).” Rhode Island Medical Journal, Providence, Vol. 30, Oct. 1947, pp. 737-752. 25 cents.

Discusses not only the report but also the Rhode Island Medical Society's program for voluntary prepaid nonoccupational surgical and obstetrical insurance.

WILSON, ELIZABETH W. Compulsory Health Insurance. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1947. 138 pp. (Studies in Individual and Collective Security No. 3.) $1.

Explores in detail the cost and feasibility of compulsory health insurance. Analyzes and compares the Wagner-Murray-Dingell bills of 1945 and the proposed National Health Insurance and Public Health Act of 1947, and presents the pros and cons of compulsory health insurance.


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