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§ 675.3 Application.

(a) To participate in the CWS program, an institution shall file an application with the Secretary before an annually established closing date.

(b) The application must be on a form approved by the Secretary and contain the information needed by the Secretary to determine the institution's allocation or reallocation of the CWS program funds under section 442 of the HEA.

(Authority: 42 U.S.C. 2752)

§ 675.4 Allocation and reallocation.

(a) The Secretary allocates and reallocates funds to institutions participating in the College Work-Study program in accordance with section 442 of the HEA.

(b) As used in section 442 of the HEA, "Eligible institutions offering comparable programs of instruction" means institutions that are being compared with the applicant institution and that fall within one of the following six categories:

(1) Cosmetology. (2) Business.

(3) Trade/Technical. (4) Art Schools.

(5) Other Proprietary Institutions. (6) Non-Proprietary Institutions. (c) Payment to institutions. The Secretary allocates funds for a specific period of time. The Secretary pays an institution its allocation in periodic installments and may make these payments in advance or by way of reimbursement. The Secretary bases the amounts of these installments on periodic fiscal reports.

(d) Authority to expend funds. Except as specifically provided in $675.18 (c) and (d), an institution shall not use funds allocated or reallocated for an award year

(1) To meet CWS wage obligations incurred with regard to an award of CWS employment made in any other award year; or

(2) To satisfy any other obligation incurred after the end of the designated award year.

(Authority: 42 U.S.C. 2752)

88 675.5-675.7 [Reserved]

§ 675.8 Program participation agreement.

To participate in the CWS program, an institution of higher education shall enter into a participation agreement with the Secretary. The agreement provides that, among other things, the institution shall

(a) Use the funds it receives solely for the purposes specified in this part; (b) Administer the CWS program in accordance with the HEA, the provisions of this part, and the Student Assistance General Provisions regulations, 34 CFR Part 668;

(c) Make employment under the CWS program reasonably available, to the extent of available funds, to all eligible students;

(d) Make equivalent employment offered or arranged by the institution reasonably available, to the extent of available funds, to all students in the institution who want to work; and

(e) Award CWS employment, to the maximum extent practicable, that will complement and reinforce each recipient's educational program or career goals.

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1094, 42 U.S.C. 2753) § 675.9 Student eligibility.

A student at an institution of higher education is eligible to receive parttime employment under the CWS program for an award year if the student

(a) Meets the relevant eligibility requirements contained in 34 CFR 668.7;

(b) is enrolled or accepted for enrollment as an undergraduate, graduate or professional student at the institution; and

(c) Has financial need as determined in accordance with Part F of Title IV of the HEA. A member of a religious order (an order, community, society, agency, or organization) who is pursuing a course of study at an institution of higher education is considered to have no financial need if that religious order

(1) Has as its primary objective the promotion of ideals and beliefs regarding a Supreme Being;

(2) Requires its members to forego monetary or other support substan

tially beyond the support it provides; and

(3) Directs the member to pursue the course of study or provides subsistence support to its members.

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1091; 42 U.S.C. 27522753)

§ 675.10 Selection of students for CWS employment.

(a) An institution shall make employment under CWS reasonably available, to the extent of available funds, to all eligible students.

(b) An institution shall establish selection procedures and those procedures must be

(1) Uniformly applied;

(2) In writing; and

(3) Maintained in the institution's files.

(c) If an institution's allocation of CWS funds is directly or indirectly based in part on the financial need demonstrated by students attending the institution as less than full-time students, the institution shall award a reasonable proportion of its allocation of CWS funds to those students.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 18400535)

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1091, 42 U.S.C. 27522753)

[52 FR 45770, Dec. 1, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 49147, Dec. 6, 1988]

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including the prospective CWS wages exceed the student's need, the overaward is the amount that exceeds need.

*(b) Resources. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the Secretary considers that "resources" include but are not limited to any

(i) Funds a student is entitled to receive from a Pell Grant, regardless of whether the student applies for the Pell Grant;

(ii) Guaranteed Student Loans; (iii) Waiver of tuition and fees; (iv) Grants, including SEOGS and ROTC subsistence allowances;

(v) Scholarships, including athletic scholarships and ROTC scholarships; (vi) Fellowships or assistantships; (vii) Insurance programs for the student's education;

(viii) Veterans benefits;

(ix) Net earnings from need-based employment; and

(x) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, long-term loans, including Perkins and Direct Loans and need-based ICLS, made by the institution.

(2) The Secretary does not consider as a resource

(i) Any portion of the resources described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section that are included in the student's expected family contribution (EFC); and

(ii) Earnings from non-need-based employment.

(3) The institution may treat a Supplemental Loan for Students (SLS), State-sponsored or private loan, PLUS loan, or non-need-based ICL as a substitute for a student's EFC. However, if the sum of the loan amounts received exceeds the student's EFC, the excess is a resource.

(c) Treatment of resources in excess of need. An institution shall take the following steps if it learns that a student has received additional resources not included in the calculation of CWS eligibility that would result in the student's total resources exceeding his or her financial need by more than $200:

(1) The institution shall decide whether the student has increased financial need that was unanticipated when it awarded financial aid to the

student. If the student demonstrates increased financial need and the total resources do not exceed this increased need by more than $200, no further action is necessary.

(2) If no increased need is demonstrated, or the student's total resources still exceed his or her need by more than $200, as recalculated pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the institution shall cancel any undisbursed loan or grant (other than a Pell Grant).

(d)(1) An institution may fund a student's CWS employment with CWS funds only until the amount of the CWS award has been earned or until the student's financial need, as recalculated under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, is met.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (d)(1) of this section, an institution may provide additional CWS funding to a student whose need has been met until that student's cumulative earnings from all employment occurring subsequent to the time his or her financial need has been met exceed $200.

(Authority: 42 U.S.C. 2753(b)(3))

[53 FR 52581, Dec. 28, 1988]

**§ 675.15 Coordination with BIA grants.

(a) To determine the amount of CWS compensation for a student who is also eligible for a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) education grant, an institution shall prepare a package of student aid

(1) From resources other than the BIA education grant the student has received or is expected to receive; and (2) That is consistent in type and amount with packages prepared for students in similar circumstances who are not eligible for a BIA education grant.

(b)(1) The BIA education grant, whether received by the student before or after the preparation of the student aid package, supplements that package.

(2) No adjustment may be made to the student aid package as long as the total or the package and the BIA education grant is less than the institution's determination of that student's financial need.

(c)(1) If the BIA education grant, when combined with other aid in the package, exceeds the student's need, the excess must be deducted and may be deducted only from the other assistance, not the BIA education grant.

(2) The institution shall deduct the excess in the following sequence: Loans, work-study awards, and grants other than Pell Grants. However, the institution may change the sequence if requested by a student and the institution believes the change benefits the student.

(d) To determine the financial need of a BIA-eligible student, a financial aid administrator is encouraged to consult with area officials in charge of BIA postsecondary financial aid. (Authority: 42 U.S.C. 2753)

§ 675.16 Payments to students.

(a)(1)(i) An institution shall pay a student at least once a month. The Federal share of each payment must be paid to the student by check or similar instrument that the student can cash on his or her own endorsement.

(ii) The institution may not directly transfer the Federal share of any payment to the student's account at the institution or elsewhere.

(2) Regardless of who employs the student, the institution is responsible for ensuring that the student is paid for work performed.

(3) A student's CWS wages are earned when the student performs the work.

(4) An institution may pay a student after the student's last day of attendance for CWS wages earned while he or she was in attendance at the institution.

(b)(1) If an institution pays a student its share or his or her CWS wages by check, it shall pay the student at the same time it pays the Federal share.

(2) If an institution pays a student its CWS share for an award period in the form of tuition, fees, services, or equipment, it shall pay that share before the student's final payroll period.

(3) If an institution pays its CWS share in the form or prepaid tuition,

fees, services, or equipment for a forthcoming academic period, it shall give the student a statement before the close of his or her final payroll period listing the amount of tuition, fees, services, or equipment earned.

(c) A correspondence student shall submit his or her first completed lesson before receiving a payment.

(d) The institution may not obtain a student's power of attorney to authorize any disbursement of funds without prior approval from the Secretary.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 18400535)

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1091, 42 U.S.C. 2753)

[52 FR 45770, Dec. 1, 1987, as amended at 53 FR 49147, Dec. 6, 1988]

*8 675.17 Federal interest in allocated funds.

Except for funds received for the administrative cost allowance (see § 675.18(b)) and for certain activities under the Job Location and Development Programs, funds received by an institution under the CWS program are held in trust for the intended student beneficiaries and the Secretary. Funds may not be used or hypothecated (i.e. serve as collateral) for any other purpose.

(Authority: 42 U.S.C. 2751-56)

§ 675.18 Use of funds.

(a) General. An institution may use its CWS allocation only for

(1) Paying the Federal share of CWS wages;

(2) Carrying out the administrative activities described in paragraph (b)(4) of this section;

(3) Meeting the cost of a Job Location and Development program under Subpart B; and

(4) Transferring a portion of its CWS allocation to its SEOG allocation as described in paragraph (f) of this section.

(b) Administrative cost allowance. (1) An institution participating in the CWS program is entitled to an administrative cost allowance if it provides CWS employment to its students in that award year.

(2) For any award year the amount of the allowance equals

(i) Five (5) percent of the first $2,750,000 of the institution's expenditures in that award year under the CWS, SEOG, and Perkins Loan programs; plus

(ii) Four (4) percent of its expenditures which are greater than $2,750,000 but less than $5,500,000; plus

(iii) Three (3) percent of its expenditures which are in excess of $5,500,000.

(3) However, the institution shall not include, when calculating the allowance in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the institution's CWS expenditures under the community service learning program (§ 675.25), and the amount of loans made under the Perkins Loan program it assigns to the Secretary under section 463(a)(6) of the HEA.

(4) An institution shall use its administrative cost allowance to offset its costs of administering the Pell Grant, CWS, SEOG, and Perkins Loan programs. Administrative costs also include the expenses incurred for carrying out the student consumer information services requirements of Subpart D of the Student Assistance General Provisions regulations, 34 CFR Part 668.

(5)(i) In addition to the amount calculated in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, an institution's administrative cost allowance includes ten (10) percent of its expenditures under the community service learning program set forth in § 675.25.

(ii) This portion of its administrative cost allowance must be taken from the institution's CWS allocation.

(iii) The institution may use this portion of its administrative cost allowance to offset the costs of administering the Pell Grant, CWS, SEOG, and Perkins Loan programs and to pay the administrative costs of conducting its community service learning program. These latter costs may include the costs of

(A) Developing mechanisms to assure the academic quality of a student's experience;

(B) Assuring student access to educational resources, expertise, and supervision necessary to achieve community service objectives; and

(C) Collaborating with public and private nonprofit agencies in the planning and administering of these programs.

(c) Carry forward funds. (1) An institution may carry forward and expend in the next award year up to 10 perI cent of the sum of its initial and supplemental CWS allocations for the current award year.

(2) Before an institution may spend its current year CWS allocation, it shall spend any funds carried forward from the previous year.

(d) Carry back funds. An institution may carry back and expend in the previous award year up to 10 percent of the sum of its initial and supplemental CWS allocations for the current award year. The institution's official allocation letter represents the Secretary's approval to carry back funds.

(e) The institution may use the funds carried forward or carried back under paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, respectively, for activities described in paragraph (a) of this section.

(f) Transfer funds to SEOG. (1) An institution may transfer up to 10 percent of the sum of its initial and supplemental CWS allocations for an award year to its SEOG program.

(2) An institution shall use transferred funds according to the requirements of the program to which they are transferred.

(3) An institution shall report any transferred funds on the Fiscal Operations Report required under


(4) An institution shall transfer back to the SEOG program any funds unexpended at the end of the award year that it transferred to the CWS program from the SEOG program.

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1095, 1096; 42 U.S.C. 2753, 2756, 2756b)

§ 675.19 Fiscal procedures and records. (a) Fiscal procedures. (1) In administering its CWS program, an institution shall establish and maintain an internal control system of checks and balances that insures that no office can both authorize payments and disburse funds to students.

(2) If an institution uses a fiscal agent, that agent may perform only ministerial acts.

(3)(i) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, a separate bank account for CWS funds is not required. However, an institution shall notify any bank in which it deposits Federal funds of the account in which those funds are deposited by

(A) Including in the name of the account the fact that Federal funds are deposited; or

(B) Notifying the bank in writing of the accounts in which it deposits Federal funds. The institution shall retain a copy of this notice in its files.

(ii) If the Secretary determines that adequate accounting records are not maintained, the institution shall keep CWS funds in a separate bank account.

(b) Records and reporting. (1) An institution shall establish and maintain on a current basis financial records that reflect all program transactions. The institution shall establish and maintain general ledger control accounts and related subsidiary accounts that identify each program transaction and separate those transactions from all other institutional financial activity.

(2) The institution shall also establish and maintain program and fiscal records that—

(i) Include a certification that each student has worked and earned the amount being paid. The student's supervisor, an official of the institution or off-campus agency, shall sign the certification. The certification shall include or be supported by, for students paid on an hourly basis, a time record showing the hours each student worked in clock time sequence, or the total hours worked per day;

(ii) Include a payroll voucher containing sufficient information to support all payroll disbursements;

(iii) Include a noncash contribution record to document any payment of the institution's share of the student's earnings in the form of services and equipment (see § 675.25(a));

(iv) Are reconciled at least monthly; (v) Identify each student's account and status;

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