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been delivered. In case of loss of or injury to the mail he shall report the fact at once to the officer in charge.

500. He shall keep a correct room list of Bancroft Hall; also lists corrected daily of midshipmen in sick quarters, in the naval hospital, and on leave.

501. He shall keep a registered mail book and enter therein a record of all registered mail, and obtain the signatures therein of the addressee of all registered mail before allowing it to be taken from the mail room.

502. He shall report for duty to the officer in charge immediately after breakfast, and he shall not be required to attend the muster at reveille. When not needed for his duties he may, with the permission of the officer in charge, go to his room.

503. He shall, however, acquaint himself with the hours of the arrival of mail and be on hand ready to receive it.


504. Every midshipman shall familiarize himself with and observe in spirit and letter the Regulations of the Naval Academy.

505. The Articles and Regulations for the Government of the Navy shall be observed, as far as practicable, by all persons attached to the Naval Academy.

506. The following is an act of Congress in relation to hazing and other violations of the Regulations of the Naval Academy:

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy, whenever he shall believe the continued presence of any midshipman at the said academy to be contrary to the best interests of the service, to report in writing such fact, with a full statement of the facts upon which are based his reasons for such belief, to the Secretary of the Navy, who, if after due consideration of the said report he shall deem the superintendent's said belief reasonable and well founded, shall cause a copy of the said report to be served upon the said midshipman and require the said midshipman to show cause, in writing and within such time as the said Secretary shall deem reasonable, why he should not be dismissed from the said academy; and after due consideration of any cause so shown the said Secretary may, in his discretion, but with the written approval of the President, dismiss such midshipman from the said academy. And the truth of any issue of fact so raised, except upon the record of demerit, shall be determined by a board of inquiry

convened by the Secretary of the Navy under the rules and regulations for the government of the Navy.

SEC. 2. That so much of the acts approved June twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and March third, nineteen hundred and three, as requires the Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy to convene a court-martial in all cases when it shall come to the knowledge of the said superintendent that any midshipman has been guilty of the offense commonly known as "hazing," and declares the finding of a court-martial so convened, when approved by the said superintendent, final, and directs that any midshipman found guilty by such court-martial shall be summarily dismissed from the said academy, and also all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the present act are hereby repealed, and that the offense known as "hazing " may hereafter be proceeded against, dealt with, and punished as offenses against good order and discipline and for violation and breaches of the rules of said academy. But no midshipman shall be dismissed for a single act of hazing except under the provisions of section three of this act.

SEC. 3. That the Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy may, in his discretion and with the approval of the Secretary of the Navy, cause any midshipman in the said academy to be tried by court-martial for the offense of hazing, as provided by the act approved June twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and such courtmartial, upon conviction, may sentence such midshipman to any punishment authorized by the said act or by the act approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, or authorized for any violation or breach of the rules of the said academy by the said rules, or, in cases of brutal or cruel hazing may, in addition to dismissal, sentence such midshipman to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year: Provided, That such midshipman shall not be confined in a military or naval prison or elsewhere with men who have been convicted of crimes or misdemeanors; and such finding and sentence shall be subject to review by the convening authority and by the Secretary of the Navy, as in the cases of other courts-martial.

SEC. 4. That the offense of "hazing," as mentioned in this act, shall consist of any unauthorized assumption of authority by one midshipman over another midshipman whereby the last-mentioned midshipman shall or may suffer or be exposed to suffer any cruelty, indignity, humiliation, hardship, or oppression, or the deprivation or abridgment of any right, privilege, or advantage to which he shall be legally entitled. SEC. 5. That it shall be the duty of every professor, assistant professor, academic officer, or any cadet officer or cadet petty officer, or instructor, as well as every other officer stationed at the United States Naval Academy, to promptly report to the superintendent thereof any fact which comes to his attention tending to indicate any violation by a midshipman or midshipmen of any of the provisions of this act or any violation of the regulations of the said academy. Any naval officer attached to the academy who shall fail to make such report as provided in this section shall be tried by court-martial for neglect of duty and if convicted he shall be dismissed from the service. Any civilian

instructor attached to the academy who shall fail to make such report as provided in this section shall be dismissed by the superintendent of the academy upon the approval of the Secretary of the Navy.

SEC. 6. That this act shall take effect from the date of its approval, but no midshipman now connected with the United States Naval Academy shall, by reason of its enactment, be punished for any offense heretofore committed otherwise than in pursuance of the sentence of a court-martial (if, by existing law, such sentence would be now necessary for such punishment) or punished more severely than is now by law allowed for any offense heretofore committed: Provided, That any midshipman now in said Naval Academy may waive his right to trial by court-martial under existing law for any offense of hazing heretofore committed and may accept punishment under the provisions of section two of this act.

Approved, April 9, 1906.

507. Offenses committed by midshipmen at the Naval Academy shall be classified and assigned demerits as follows:

CLASS I. (Reports to be submitted to the superintendent for special consideration.)

Absence from academic limits without authority (second offense).

All serious offenses on the part of cadet officers or petty offi


Answering for another at muster or otherwise.

Any criminal offense.

Assaulting another person in the Navy.

Assaulting a civilian or employee.

Breach of arrest.

Combining or concerting with others in expressing approbation, disapprobation, or censure of the conduct of another person in the Navy, or an instructor, or being the medium of conveying any mark of approbation, disapprobation, or censure. Deliberate disobedience of orders.







Intoxicating liquors in possession.

Intoxication or using intoxicating liquors.

Introducing intoxicating liquors within academic limits.
Irreverent conduct at divine service.

Knowingly making a false report of a muster or other duty.

Leaving the limits of the city of Annapolis by trolley, steam car, or other conveyance without special permission.


Obscenity or gross profanity.

Refusing to give evidence before any board of investigation. Scandalous conduct.

Sending or accepting a challenge to or participating in arrangements for a personal combat.

Smoking (fourth offense).


Wearing or having nonregulation or civilian clothing in possession (second offense).

CLASS II. (Seventy-five demerits.)

Calling to personal account another midshipman for having corrected or reported him.

Endeavoring to incite another midshipman to personal combat. Entering into any combination for violating or evading any regulation.

Fomenting quarrel between other persons in the naval service. Slander.

Upbraiding, abusing, or in any manner condemning or maltreating another midshipman for refusing personal combat. Using insulting or threatening language, gesture, or menaces toward another midshipman.

CLASS III. (Fifty demerits.)

Absence from academic limits without authority (first offense), including unauthorized absence from quarters unaccounted for.

Absence from quarters after taps.

Asleep on duty.

Assisting another midshipman at recitation or examination. Contracting debts without permission.

Deliberate neglect of duty.


Failing to answer any question whatever on examination.
Gross disrespect to any person in authority.

Having in possession or discharging any firearms or fireworks, except in line of duty.

Indecorous or ungentlemanly conduct.

Joining any association or calling any meeting without permission, or, having such permission, discussing subjects not authorized by such permission.

Maliciously injuring or endangering Government property. Publishing without permission anything relating to the Naval Academy or the Navy.

Using or giving evidence of using or having in possession tobacco (third offense).

Visiting a drinking saloon, billiard room, or any improper place.

Wearing or having in possession nonregulation or civilian clothing (first offense).

CLASS IV. (Thirty-five demerits.)

Using or giving evidence of using or having in possession tobacco (second offense).

CLASS V. (Twenty-five demerits.)

Absence from room or hammock, except on duty, between tattoo and reveille for over one-half hour.

Abuse of smoking privilege (first offense).

Allowing a midshipman to smoke in his room.

As senior officer present, failing to prevent or suppress disorder.

Card playing.

Carrying package through grounds.

Deliberately attempting to shirk drill.

Disobedience of orders.

Disrespect to a superior, sentry, watchman, or other person on


Disrespectful conduct to any person in authority.

Going to the house or office of any officer or instructor to make a complaint or request, other than singly, without permission.

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