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885. At meal formations midshipmen on the sick list, but not in sick quarters, and those excused from formations, shall form in a squad at such place as the commandant of midshipmen may designate, and shall be marched into the mess hall before the battalions. They shall be in charge of the midshipman in charge of first floor, southwest wing.

886. Midshipmen detained at the sick quarters after the call to sections shall, upon being dismissed by the medical officer, report in person to the officer in charge.

887. A midshipman having a recitation during the first hour of a period, who may be detained by the medical officer more than 15 minutes of that hour, shall be sent to recitation at the second hour of the period. He must report his return from sick quarters to the officer in charge.

888. Midshipmen whose names are removed from the sick list at morning sick call shall report to the officer in charge, and shall be excused from attending recitations or examinations during the first period. (But not from practical work during the first period on Saturday mornings; for which, however, under the circumstances mentioned, they shall not be marked.) They shall attend recitations and be prepared to recite during the second period. They shall also be subject to examination during the second period unless their absence on the sick list or on sick leave has been for a continuous period exceeding one week. In the latter event, when a regular monthly examination is scheduled to occur within four days after the date of their return to duty, they shall report for special instructions to the head of the department concerned, who is authorized to delay the examination in their case for a period of not less than two days beyond the scheduled date, but not beyond the end of the academic month succeeding that affected by the examination in question.


889. All midshipmen on the sick list shall, as far as possible, be quartered in sick quarters.

890. No patient in the sick quarters shall exercise any authority over the pharmacists, hospital stewards, or attendants; but all cases of neglect on the part of employees shall be reported to the medical officer.

891. No midshipman or any other person shall visit a patient in the sick quarters without permission of the medical officer. Midshipmen and other visitors shall conform to all police regulations of the sick quarters.

892. The patients in the sick quarters shall conform to the directions of the medical officer and to all police regulations of the sick quarters.


893. The conduct report of each day shall be published at the morning roll call following, and shall be posted from the time of publication until 8 a. m. of following day, by which hour all statements shall be deposited in the boxes provided for that purpose.

894. No statement shall be received after that hour unless sickness or some other unavoidable cause shall have prevented, in which case it shall be sent in without delay.

895. Statements must not be made the medium of complaint or criticism or of irrelevant remark, but must contain only such statements of fact and of the conduct or intentions of the midshipman as may be necessary to a full correct understanding of the case.

896. All reports of absence from recitations, drills, or any other duty, or of absence from quarters, night or day, must be explained by a written statement.

897. Requests for reconsideration of reports for offenses must, when practicable, be made within 24 hours after the conduct report, as approved by the superintendent, shall have been posted.

898. All statements, reports, requests, and other routine papers shall be written on forms provided. All other written communications whatsoever must be written in a legible hand, in concise terms, without erasures or interlineations, on one side only of each half sheet of ruled letter paper of the kind furnished by the storekeeper.

899. If the subject matter can be completed on one page a half sheet only shall be used.

900. The paper shall be folded twice parallel with the writing. The upper fold (which is the back of its heading) shall

be endorsed as follows, leaving a space of 1 inch above the endorsement:

1. Room number and division.

901. Form of endorsement.


902. The signature must be distinctly legible.

903. The midshipman's name and class, preceded by the wordsFrom: Midshipman," or rank, if any, shall be placed at the beginning of the communication on the left side of the page, about three-fourths of an inch from the edge, and immediately below shall be placed the official designation of the officer or other person addressed, preceded by the word To." Thus:




ANNAPOLIS, MD., December 9, 1910.

"From: Midshipman (or rank) John Doe, second class, "To: Commandant of Midshipmen.

[blocks in formation]

"1. At dinner with mother at Carvel Hall, Sunday, December 25, 1910.

"2. I am on the

conduct grade.


904. Form of statement.

Date of conduct report,



"ANNAPOLIS, MD., December 9, 1910.

From: Midshipman (or rank) John Doe, second class, "To: The Commandant of Midshipmen.

"SUBJECT: Statement in regard to report for Absent from


"Being detained at recitation by the instructor, I was unable to get to the place of muster in time to answer my name. "JOHN DOE."

905. All statements shall be submitted to the commandant of midshipmen through the officers in charge of divisions, and if any statement is not satisfactory the commandant may, at his discretion, refer it to the reporting officer for remark, who shall indorse thereon such remarks as may be pertinent, and return the statement to the commandant. The commandant will forward the statements and indorsements with the conduct report to the superintendent for his action, having first assigned in each case, where such action is necessary, the number of demerits specified in Chapter XI.

906. No midshipman shall sign another midshipman's name to a statement. All statements must be written by the midshipman concerned.

907. Reports of injury to Government property shall not be characterized as "careless," "negligent," or "accidental," but in case of malicious or willful injury, the fact shall be stated. Midshipmen reported for injuring property shall, in all cases, make explanatory statements in writing.


908. Midshipmen in need of such articles as the storekeeper may be authorized to furnish may send in requisitions once a month, at such times as the commandant of midshipmen may direct. Such requisitions shall be neatly entered in the requisition books, the exact quantity of each article required being noted, but one article being placed on each line, the money column being left blank.

909. Requisitions for clothing to be made shall be made out on separate blanks and sent in at the same time as the books; such requisitions shall contain no other articles. See articles 961 and 968.

910. Requisitions for photographs and athletic goods shall also be made on separate blanks and shall be submitted at the same time as other requisitions. Requisitions for photographs shall state the name of the local photographer selected.

911. The amount available shall be entered on the stub of the requisition book below the list of articles required, and on the face of all special requisitions.

912. Special requisitions shall only be made in cases where it is not possible to wait for the regular issue of the books. Requisitions for clothing to be made must not contain other articles.

913. Requisition books shall be placed in the proper class boxes, near the door of the office of the officers in charge of divisions, by 8 a. m. of the day following that on which they are issued. Upon their approval they will be sent to the storekeeper, who shall furnish the articles required and approved, at such times as the midshipmen may be sent to the store. No article shall be issued after the 25th day of the month.

914. No midshipman shall exchange or sell any articles belonging to him while at the Naval Academy or give away or otherwise dispose of any textbooks, note or reference books used during his course at the academy. Every midshipman must draw from the store the textbooks ordered for his class.

915. After the requisitions are served, they shall be entered, with the prices extended in the pass books of the midshipmen, by the storekeeper, and the pass books shall be sent to the office of the commandant of midshipmen, from which they will be issued to the midshipmen for inspection. If found correct, upon examination, they shall be certified and signed by the owners, and placed in the proper boxes, outside of the office of the commandant of midshipmen, by 9 a. m. on the day following their issue. If incorrect, the midshipmen shall make a report accordingly, in writing, and inclose it in the book, which shall be handed in to the office of the commandant of midshipmen separately.

916. No disorderly conduct or going behind the counter shall be allowed at the store.

917. There shall be an issuing window for each class, and no midshipmen shall draw from any window other than the one designated for his class.

918. Midshipmen shall go to and return from the store, tailor shop, or dentist's office through the basement. For this purpose they shall use the stairway in the wing nearest the store, or dentist's office, as the case may be, and they shall not enter that part of the basement between those stairways at any time except on duty.

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