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837. On Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday afternoons midshipmen on the first-conduct grade may go on cross-country walks without request; but they shall report going and return to the officer in charge, and sign the time, opposite their names, in the book provided for the purpose. Those availing themselves of this privilege are to be in the prescribed uniform, and will leave and enter the academic limits via bridge over Dorsey Creek. The privilege is not to be construed as permitting visiting in the city of Annapolis or elsewhere, and is to be confined strictly to the purpose for which it is granted. Midshipmen will not be accompanied on these walks by other companions than midshipmen.

838. For the purpose of encouraging athletics midshipmen, without regard to conduct grade, are permitted to cross the county road for the purpose of following the golf links, when actually engaged in playing the game. This privilege is conditional upon the extension to the brigade, by the Naval Academy Golf Club, of the use of the links. They shall sign their names opposite the time of going and return, in the book provided for the purpose in the office of the officer in charge.


839. Prayers shall be said by the chaplain daily, except on Sunday, immediately after breakfast.

840. Divine service shall be held on Sunday morning in the chapel, at which the attendance of midshipmen is required.

841. Midshipmen shall occupy the seats assigned them and shall comply with the forms of divine service.

842. Midshipmen may attend afternoon service in the chapel. They shall not be required to march there or to sit in their regular seats.

843. Midshipmen shall not be excused from religious service at the chapel on Sunday, except upon their declaration in writing, with the written approval of their parents or guardians when minors, that they can not conscientiously attend, or that as a matter of conscience they feel under obligation to attend service elsewhere. This privilege must be renewed in a similar manner each year.


844. Reports of delinquencies of midshipmen must be made in writing to the commandant of midshipmen and must be signed by the officer or midshipman making the report and must state class and division, using separate sheets for separate divisions. Cadet officers shall be reported on separate delinquency blanks.

845. Blanks for reports will be found in the office of the officer in charge.

846. Reports against midshipmen for the offense known as "gouging" must be made as special reports and must contain all the details of the offense.

847. Unless public notice of misbehavior at the moment be deemed inexpedient, an officer observing any impropriety of conduct on the part of a midshipman shall call his attention to the fact at the time.

848. Cadet officers, cadet petty officers, and midshipmen on duty are required to report all delinquencies and violations of regulations that may come under their observation. No discretion in regard to reports is allowed to such midshipmen.

849. Reports against midshipmen involving their honor or grave military offenses must be made as special reports, giving all the details of the offense. They shall not be entered on the conduct report until after investigation by the commandant of midshipmen and only by his direction.

850. All reports against cadet officers shall be referred to the commandant of midshipmen.

851. All reports made by midshipmen against other midshipmen shall be investigated by the officer in charge before being entered on the conduct report.

852. Cadet officers and cadet petty officers shall forward daily to the cadet lieutenants of their respective companies an abstract of all offenses occurring in their respective commands during the day. Cadet lieutenants shall prepare their company abstracts and deliver them to the cadet lieutenant-commanders by 7.30 p. m., who shall immediately examine and deliver them to the officer in charge.


853. Section leaders will be detailed semimonthly by the commandant of midshipmen.

854. The section leader shall be responsible for and report all irregularities.

855. Section leaders, while in charge of sections, shall preserve strict military discipline and silence at all times.

856. The section leader and the second leader shall bring to all formations and recitations of their section a list of the names in the order of the published section arrangement.

857. In the absence of the leader the second leader shall take charge, and so on, the next on the list acting as second leader. 858. Section leaders shall march their sections in double time to prevent tardiness at a subsequent formation and in stormy weather for which midshipmen are not prepared.

859. In case the instructor is absent when a section enters, the section shall be seated and the door kept open. The leader shall preserve order, and at the end of five minutes, if the instructor does not arrive, he shall send the second leader to report to the senior officer of the department present.

860. Having reached the proper point in the corridor, the section leader shall command (if necessary): (1) "Section," (2) "Halt," (3) "Fall out."

861. At this order, midshipmen shall promptly remove reefers, or mackintoshes and caps, and enter the room. The second leader shall take the seat in the front row farthest from the door. The section leader shall take the seat in the front row nearest the door. If neither reefers nor mackintoshes are worn, midshipmen shall march into the room without halting, taking their caps with them and placing them under the chairs.

862. Midshipmen having reached their seats and standing in front of them in the position of attention, the section leader shall report to the instructor, and then command: (1) "Section," (2) Seats."


863. When a section arrives at the door of a recitation room already occupied, the section leader shall halt his section and keep it at attention until the room is vacated. He shall immediately report the presence of the section to the instructor.

864. When the section is dismissed by the instructor, the section leader shall take charge and command: (1) "Rise;" (2) "March out."

865. The midshipman who reaches the door first shall open it. 866. Midshipmen shall get their reefers or mackintoshes without delay. They shall then fall in, count off, and march off. No section shall pass another section in the corridor.

867. Midshipmen when reciting shall stand at blackboard, or by their seats, at attention. If a midshipman's work requires the use of a pointer, he shall, when called upon to recite, take one in his right hand, come to attention, and so stand while it is necessary to use the pointer.

868. When a midshipman has finished his work at the board, he shall face the instructor and stand at parade rest until directed to take his seat.

869. When the superintendent or the commandant of midshipmen enters the room, the instructor shall give the order "Rise," or "Attention," in case the midshipmen are standing at the blackboard.

870. No midshipman shall go to his quarters during the recitation of his section unless ordered to his room by the instructor, or by some other competent officer, or unless compelled by sickness, in which case he shall report immediately to the officer in charge.

871. No midshipman shall leave the section room without the permission of the instructor, nor shall he ask for permission except in a case of necessity.

872. Midshipmen permitted to leave the section room shall return as soon as possible, and a longer absence than 10 minutes shall be reported by the instructor to the commandant of midshipmen.

873. Midshipmen are forbidden to write upon or to deface in any way the chairs, desks, or tables used by them.


874. Lists of midshipmen unfitted for duty by illness shall be sent daily from the sick quarters to the commandant of midshipmen, senior assistant to the commandant of midshipmen, and to the officer in charge.

875. The sick list shall contain the names of midshipmen excused from all recitations, drills, and formations. No midshipman on the sick list shall attend any recitation or examination except by special permission from the superintendent.

876. The excused list shall contain the names of midshipmen excused only from drills or formations. It shall state the duties from which the patient is excused.

877. No midshipman shall be excused from duty on the plea of sickness unless his name is put on the list by the medical officer.

878. When a midshipman presents himself for treatment he shall be distinctly informed of the action of the medical officer in his case.

879. All the sick who are able to attend shall report to the medical officer at sick call, and those already on the sick list shall report daily until discharged by him.

880. At morning sick call midshipmen belonging to the battalion that recites during the first hour of the first period shall receive treatment first, in accordance with such procedure as the medical officer may prescribe.

881. The sick call shall be at 7.30 a. m. and 5 p. m. No midshipman shall go to sick quarters at other times without permission of the officer in charge.

882. Midshipmen whose names are on the sick list or excused list must report at sick quarters at 7.30 a. m., and at such other times as the medical officer directs.

883. Midshipmen on the excused list shall be excused from such duties as recommended by the medical officer. At section formations they will report going to recitations to the officer of the day, who will see that they proceed to recitation in a body, one of them being detailed as leader; at meal formations they shall fall in in charge of the midshipman in charge of the first floor, southwest wing; at drill formations they shall fall in on the terrace and exercise on the terrace during the drill period, unless excused in writing by the medical officer.

884. Midshipmen on the sick or excused list shall not leave their rooms except for necessary purposes, without previously obtaining permission of the medical officer, who shall so inform the commandant of midshipmen through the officer in charge.

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