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Any contract for this age group, involving as it does wide uncertainties with respect to the predictability of utilization, might well contemplate that if cost varies by more than 10% from the estimate used in the contract, at the end of any 3 month period, when computed cumulatively over the life of the contract to date, shall be the occasion for such modification in either premiums or benefits or both, as may be mutually agreed between the parties. Such a renegotiation clause may be needed for a period of time long enough to also establish predictability in cost estimates.

WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE REPORT ON THE SENIOR CITIZEN AND OPTOMETRY Prepared by The American Optometric Association Committee on Vision Care of the Aging


Not many years ago, a pair of spectacles was symbolic of old age, and old age was a vague period of life that most individuals sought to escape. In doing so, they often refused to admit their vision was becoming defective, that what they read easily before, now became a blurred challenge, that, where in most cases, they now had more time for leisure activities, they could no longer fully enjoy them. But pride said, "Don't submit to old age. . . . don't give in to father time. . . . don't show everyone you're getting old. . . . by wearing glasses." Today, we realize that reduced visual efficiency is nothing to be ashamed of. It occurs in both old and young alike. In the aging person, it is a natural physiological change that takes place. When properly corrected, vision offers the senior citizen the facilities to indulge in all his regular activities with interest, vigor, and visual efficiency.

A. greatly increased life span (from 20 to 30 years of age during the Roman Empire, to 40 years of age by 1850, to 50 years of age at the turn of the century, to almost 70 years of age today, and even more tomorrow) has created many problems for the human being. Much the same, it has created new areas of research for the ophthalmic professions. Increased longevity has changed our pattern of life, and our modern environment makes more and more demands on vision that optometry must cope with and conquer.

From a clinical viewpoint in optometry, a demarkation had to be made to indicate where youth ends and aging begins. Through studies, the age of 40 was found to be the place in life where presbyopia (a clinical classification for "old age" vision deficiencies) begins. The actual age depends on the individual, but by the age of 50 to 55, the process has taken place in nearly all persons, and some type of visual correction is necessary.

Since presbyopia appears around the age of 40 . . . . (long before most companies even consider retiring their employees . . . . at least 30 years prior to the end of today's life expectancy), it becomes apparent that vision is no longer a problem of the aged, but rather the aging.

Optomery gives special attention to the vision problems of our senior generation. Recognizing the physiological and psychological changes that accompany normal aging, optometry is concerned with visual acuity, refraction, accommodation, and the visual neuromuscular system. Optical aids and clinical techniques used offer every American a more productive, comfortable, self-sufficient life, even in the late years, through good vision care.

Old age can well be the golden years of human life. The optometric profession can help to make it that, by the proper care of the most vital of senses—vision!


Aging, in its broadest sense, is a biological phenomenon that occurs in every living organism. Although it is difficult to narrow down to an exact definition, it might be best described as "the period when growth or proliferation has ended but the powers of regeneration still remain (Mazow, 1958)". It does not occur in all human beings at the same age, because it is controlled by such factors as heredity and environment, both variables.

When "senescene" or aging takes place, changes in tissue occur to cause visual as well as other disorders. Not all tissues and organs are effected at the same time, because not all of them reach their optimum performance at the same time.

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In addition, general systemic changes occur universally in almost everyone over the age of 40, taking into consideration the considerable variations and differences of physiological and chronological ages in individuals. Few people, if any, reach old age without some complications caused by disease, particularly of a degenerative nature. The most common are heart and vessel trouble, cancer, arthritis, rheumatism, and nervous disorders.

To offer maximum benefit to the aging person, the optometrist must take these systemic disorders into consideration, and coordinate his efforts with those of the other practitioners in the health field.

Like the other organs, the eye participates in the aging changes which take place in the human body. It is subject directly to all the degenerative conditions that prevail, and likewise is often affected by disorders occurring in other organs. From a psychological aspect, optometrists are deeply concerned with understanding the older years, for they are not only involved in correcting certain anomalies and complaints, but also in the practice of training people in the development of certain practical visual skills.

Many studies show some loss of visual acuity (the ability to see clearly) with age. There are many other questions that can be asked when considering the physiological and pathological changes of age on vision. To corect these, accurate measurement is of extreme importance. This has been the basis for the development of numerous physical and statistical methods for accurately measuring acuity, visual capacity and perception.

Although there are definite refractive changes that come with age, a complete understanding is made difficult by the lack of accurate measurability of some of the structures of the eye. The greatest obstacle is the crystalline lens, which unlike most other body structures continues to grow in size throughout life.

Stenstrom, in 1948, established that the refractive state among young adults is more closely correlated with axial length than any other variable or combination of variables. Studies also show that refractive changes are more marked during major growth spurts. Most experts agree that changes in refraction are rare between the ages of 25 and 40. The concern felt by a patient over forty relative to his "failing eyes" might well be the result of his having gone through 20 years or more of vision in which his refractive state has changed very little. A regular periodic examination is still necessary at any age to properly assess individual refractive changes.

The most dramatic change which occurs in aging is in "accommodation", the ability to change focus from far to near and back. The rate of decrease in ability is fairly gradual and remarkably uniform. There have been, however, some variations leading to proposals that the rate of decrease be used as an aid in predicting the life span of any given individual (Bernstein & Bernstein, 1945).

However, this as yet, has not been proven by longitudinal studies. As the inability to "accommodate" progresses, it eventually becomes necessary to supplement natural accommodation with a convex lens known as an "add". When this occurs, the condition is termed, "presbyopia" or "old age sight". When most people become aware of their loss of focusing ability for near work, their reaction is that they feel their "arms are too short" for ordinary reading. The supplementary lenses prescribed for older persons to do near work depend on the amount of accommodation still available, plus the distance of the usual work from the eyes and the size of detail involved.

In addition to the inability to change focus, among aging individuals there is often a change toward lack of binocular control of the eyes. Normal binocular vision requires the intraocular and extraocular neuromuscular mechanisms to operate in a coordinated manner, so that a sharp image can be maintained on both foveas at the same time, without undue effort. As one grows older, the possibility of a pathological involvement of the neuromuscular system greatly increases. Examination of the neuromuscular mechanism involves the investigation of fixation (ability to move an eye in order to place and maintain the image upon the fovea), the versions (ability to move the eyes in the same direction), and vergences (ability to move the eyes in opposite directions).

Some of the changes occurring in the ability to control the eyes that accompany aging are generally agreed to be the result of lack of proper care during the formative years. It is in the area of the visual neuromuscular system more than any other that the value of periodic vision examinations is evident. Many of the physical changes affecting the visual neuromuscular system are indications of serious general pathological problems. It is here that the optometrist as a member of the health team often has an opportunity to aid and correct an aging

person's condition. The most important consideration in correcting improper motor coordination of the eyes is the patient himself, his symptoms, his requirements, and his ability to adjust.


As the average life span of the American increases, the number of senior citizens also increases. This means that the percentage of patients past the age of 40 will continue to rise. These people require a different approach in many phases of eye care and the diagnostic significance of tests varies considerably. Final prescriptions and recommendations to the senior citizen are based on the physical and mental changes that come with age, as well as the need.

The importance of the physical and visual history of a patient becomes greater with age, for the deficiency of the current visual mechanism often is a result of earlier injury, disease and general physical being. In dealing with aging individuals it has been learned that members of the patient's family can throw a great deal of light on the patient's history, especially in supplying needed details that are lost in the haze of the older individual's memory.

A patient's occupation, hobbies and activities, although perhaps more restricted, take on increased importance after 40. In examining the aging person, details such as location and position of his work, distances and eye levels while engaged in the task are considered. In some cases, actual measurements of working distances are taken. In addition, lighting and general conditions are noted. The amount of fixed attention and prolonged eye use under various conditions are also considered, and often different types of lenses are prescribed for different kinds of visual tasks. It is not unusual for the aging person to require several different types of lenses in order to see more efficiently and comfortably in his varied occupations.

There are a variety of tests used to determine all aspects of the individual's visual acuity and general eye health. Included are external examinations, opthalmoscopic examinations for detailed inspection of the interior of the eye including particularly the lens, retina, nerve head, macular area and vessels; retinoscopy and subjective tests, in order to determine exactly what lenses are needed; phorias and ductions, which are prismatic calculations for correction of neuromuscular disabilities; and, specific near-point tests, which assume increased importance for the patient past 40.

Many optometrists, in taking histories of patients, are surprised to learn that some patients have never had a physical examination, or perhaps haven't had one in several years. It is important to understand that the body is under constant duress and change. A person reaching 40 is at a turning point physically. By working with physicians and geriatric specialists, the optometrist has the opportunity to assist in preventive care. The optometrist is often consulted professionally before other symptoms of aging have appeared. Diseases of the heart and arteries, cancer, nephritis, diabetes and others are best controlled if discovered early.

Decreased vision is found more commonly in the older age groups, and according to Wick, (1960), "Optometry's forte for the older age group lies in helping to make this period of life more worth living. With the reduction of physical stamina, so common to this period, increased use of the eyes is the general rule. Much careless advice has been given to patients with regard to saving their eyesight. There are no statistical data to substantiate any theory to the effect that use of the eyes wears them out. This advice only serves to make visual hypochondriacs of otherwise normal patients”.


Because of a deficiency in both near-point and far-point vision, often the result of natural changes in aging, the senior citizen may require bi-focal or tri-focal glasses. In order to make the adjustment as quickly and conveniently as possible, optometrists will often make a series of simple suggestions:

1. Try not to look at your feet when walking.

2. When reading a newspaper, fold it into half or quarter size, move it, rather than tilt your head upward, until you can read comfortably.

3. Be certain that the lenses are in the right position by making sure the frames are properly adjusted.

4. Wear your bifocals continuously for the first week or two, even though you may not require them for all tasks.


In considering the problem of aging as related to vision, two pathologies of clinical importance should be noted. They are senile cataract and glaucoma.

The cataract is defined as "any opacity of the crystalline lens". Although there are other manifestations which occur in individuals of all ages, the "cataract" as we generally know it is primarily associated with senility.

The complaint found most frequently among patients suffering cataracts is "my vision blurs" . . . . "I can't see as well". The degree of loss depends on the nature, extent, and position of the cataract. In addition, there are other symptoms which include distortion of images, and a change in color values and hues. Another symptom quite common is the development of "second-sight". This is a characteristic that the uninformed individual becomes quite proud of, because of a newly acquired ability to read or see at certain distances without his glasses. With the senile cataract, this is often the result of a change in the crystalline lens, which causes the eye to become more myopic or less hyperopic. In such cases, the loss of vision at other distances is often overlooked because of the "improvement" in reading.

Fundamentally the exact causes of the senile cataract are unknown. There are a number of suggested causes, including changes in permeability of the lens capsule, changes in the lens proteins, excessive efforts to accommodate, effect of radiant energy on the lens, inadequate nutrition, and systemic disorders such as Diabetes. Surgery at present is the only effective treatment for cataract.

Glaucoma is defined by Duke-Elder (1941) as "that pressure which the tissues of the particular eye in question are unable to withstand without damage to their structure or impairment of their function." Of all ocular pathologies, glaucoma is most important to both the optometrist and ophthalmologist, because it is hardest to detect in early stages, and may eventually result in total blindness. It is estimated that 1 percent to 2 percent of patients over the age of 40 have glaucoma, that there is three times as much simple glaucoma as acute, that the greatest incidence of adult primary glaucoma occurs in the 60-70 group (although it should be investigated in persons over 40), that males are somewhat more prone to simple glaucoma than females, but females show a definitely higher incidence of acute glaucoma.

Acute glaucoma is seldom found in myopic patients, but chronic simple glaucoma has an incidence which is unrelated to refractive error.

It is generally agreed that heredity may play a role in glaucoma. In a report by Posner and Schossman (1949) of 373 patients with primary glaucoma, 51 had one or more relatives afflicted with the same disease.

Unfortunately, symptoms are not easily detected clinically, except in acute glaucoma where the patient may complain of such symptoms as pain or headache over the eye, visual disturbances or haziness, the seeing of halos around lights, and the seeing of flashes of light.

Other than from diseases, many studies show that loss of visual acuity occurs naturally with age. In the healthy normal adult this loss is very slight, but nevertheless a very real one that often interferes with the aging person's regular activities.

Along with age usually comes a steady decline in the ability of the eyes to resist glare. This creates a problem especially in night driving for a person over the age of 60.


The development of the micro-corneal (small) lens has inspired a great popularity in the wearing of contact lenses. Today, approximately 4 million persons are wearing them, as compared to less than 200,000 just six years ago. The majority of today's wearers are females, estimated to be about 60 percent of the total. The great majority are also younger persons, and most are first attracted to contact lenses for cosmetic reasons. In males, it has been found that because of the wide field of vision and the safety and convenience values with contact lenses, they are used a great deal to advantage for sports. Aside from sports and cosmetic uses, there are also benefits in wearing contact lenses for certain vision conditions. Those suffering from keratoconus, irregular astigmatism, corneal scarring, aniridia and monocular aphakia are offered an opportunity through contact lenses to find dramatic improvement not possible with ordinary glasses.

Of the patients coming to contact lens specialists, 47 percent are under 25 years old, 45 percent are between 25 and 40 years old and only 8 percent are over 40 years old. The lack of cosmetic incentive to improve one's appearance, a failure to appreciate the optical and physical advantages, and an unwillingness to be inconvenienced during the adaptation period, are no doubt prime reasons for the lack of popularity of contact lenses with older people. Another strong deterrent is the fact that many of these people are presbyopic, which requires glasses in addition to their contact lenses for near-point or reading vision. There are a number of types of bi-focal contact lenses now on the market, and others are in the process of being developed. It is hoped that eventually the advantages of bi-focal correction will be available in a generally acceptable contact lens. The most spectacular use of contact lenses in later maturity occurs after cataract operations. They are generally superior to spectacle corrections for aphakic patients. Their greatest advantage lies in the fact that they practically eliminate all aberrations found with regular glasses, mainly because they move with the eye, rather than the eye moving behind the lens. From a cosmetic viewpoint, the contact lenses do not give the highly magnified eye appearance that the heavy-plus spectacles do, because of the latter's thick convex lenses. The thickness and weight of aphakic spectacle corrections often cause discomfort to older patients, especially during warm weather. Contact lenses for these same people are light in weight, and found to be comfortable once the patient has become adapted to them. Generally, the older aphakic patient becomes adapted to contact lenses faster than the young person, probably because of reduced corneal sensitivity from the incidental severing of some of the corneal nerve fibers during the cataract operation.

The future of vision correction through the use of contact lenses opens vast new areas of progress for the aging as well as for the young.


The degree of visual acuity in the past was the basis of the three classifications of sight. In the normal range was anyone whose vision checked out at 20/70 or better (the first figure represents the distance in feet at which a line of letters on an eye chart is read, while the second figure represents the distance at which it should be read by a person with "normal" vision). In the second group, called "sub-normal", were those with vision 20/200 or better and less than 20/70. The third was composed of those with vision less than 20/200, and this was called "blindness".

Although this arbitrary classification served a useful purpose in problems relative to vision, a more reasonable approach is one based on the positive aspects of vision. This indicates how much a patient can see in contrast to his loss, rather than vice versa. It is acknowledged and agreed that from "above normal vision" to "blindness", there is an entire range of vision possibilities. Any vision, no matter how much below normal, is an advantage, especially if it can be corrected to provide more useful sight. The preferred term of classification of deficient visual acuity might be "partial vision", rather than "sub-normal vision" or "blindness".

Practically everyone with vision desires to use the eyes in perception. And with modern techniques, it is the rule, rather than the exception, that partial vision can be improved with optical aids. This is a great boon to the senior citizen, for as he gets older, more and more of his self sufficiency is dependent on vision. Most of the ability to use the knowledge and adeptness gained from a lifetime of experience is controlled by the eyes. . . . even though in their uncorrected state they might offer only partial vision.

From a legal standpoint, the difference between "blindness" and "vision" is strictly an arbitrary one based on the presence or absence of useful vision. The fallacy of identifying limited vision as "blindness" becomes more evident when the following fact is considered. Only 25 per cent of the "total blind" people have no perception to light, while the remaining 75 per cent have varying degrees of useful vision, from the bare minimum capable only of giving guidance, to sufficient amounts to allow reading. Many of the senior individuals heretofore classified as "blind" have found that what vision they do have can often be mobilized and made more efficient through the use of various optical aids developed by research in optometry. It is for this reason that the diseases and anomalies that cause impaired vision are of deep concern to the modern optometrist.

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